Tuesday, December 20, 2005

MCQ anyone?

Have you ever made a hard decision?

What are the processes you go through to make that decision? How do you go about making that decision?

Some draw up a list. Pros and Cons. + and - and what have you.
Some go by gut feeling. Which ever is the safest route.
Some just wants to be different. Taking the route less travelled whether they like it anot.
Some play the elimination game. You know, something like MCQ.

You dont know what's right, so u simpy cancel out the wrong answers first, narrowing your choices.

A few days ago, while at this eating house called "Big Pa Pa", i came to realize, how i have been using that technique subconciously over the years.

A colleague asked me what i want in a dream job. I dont have a specific answer as to what i WANT, but somehow, I knew clearly what i DONT WANT.

You might ask me what i like to eat, i cant give u a straight answer, but i can tell you what food i hate/dislike. Anyway, for those interested, i dont like Lady's fingers, i dont like that purple thingy vegetable plant, I dont like Squid, ( calamari exception), i dont like mussels. I dont like weird looking food. Full Stop.

It's easy to point out what i dont like, but hard to pin-point what i want. Is it me? Am i the only one who feels that way? I dont know what i want in life, but clearly i know what i dont.

We have been taught to identify what's wrong in our early stages in life. We were taught from young that SMoking is wrong.. and then it evolves to SMOKING is BAD, not wrong. Black and white seeminlgy blended to a sea of gray as we grow older. Nothing is totally wrong, nothing is exactly right.

I think there's a form of mechanism in me. I know what's not suitable for me, what's not cut- out for me and what's not good for me. Yes, i have that mechanism in-built somewhere. And it has served me well i must say. I haven made much, (note ) wrong choices.. nothing to the extent that makes me want to kill myself and me constantly asking myself "WHAT IF... IF ONLY...".
Yes, here and there i might lament on some decisions. Engineering is one.*laughs*. Nah, it's not really.. goodness know where and how i will be like if i have chosen another course.

Elimination is a form of decision making, but not the most ideal. You're merely removing options, and not defining what u really want. What is really right for you.

Granted that you're only given these options, and u just restrict yourself to these few becos u dont think about what goes beyond these options. U will ultimately be stuck with an option that is "least dislikable" to you and not what u truely desire.

I'm in that stage. I want to explore other options. I want to see beyond the four fingers. Eh?
haha, see if u know what i'm talking about.

Options beyond the Options given. That's what i should aim.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Free day with "friends" in "NO MAN LAND"

Flintstone feel.

it's a sunday evening, and i sure have mixed feelings. Back in singapore, it will be becos, i dont look foward to monday blues, but here, it's different.

Mixed feelings, cos, i'm alit glad that i'm having this little rest. As u can see from my previous post, i had a gd time just snapping some shots. And i must say, i feel liberated seeing those photos. And now, i spent today watching "Friends". Great way to spend the hours, but the moment i finished, i felt so empty. This place can be abit hard to bear, especially when u got free time. So, in a way, i'm glad that monday's coming, cos i'm able to do my work, and this means i'm one day closer to home.

Oh, before i forget, i actually hopped over to Malaysia today. yup u heard it right, had to hop over becos i'm allowed to stay here for only 14 days. So, in order to extend, i need to technically get out of the country and back in. So, yup, took an hour drive(jam) to the customs and back. Haha, for 3 mins , i was in NO-MAN land. The border between brunei and malayisa. kinda interesting experience... could have stayed and explored, but it was raining and i was looking forward to just spending some time alone in my hotel with "friends" hiaks.

So there, my day, my first free day in 14 days. It's good, and now, besides hoping that there's something good on TV, i can read my good book. Have i mentioned how i love "Friends", so hilarious, sarcastically funny, so awfully heart-warming too.

Is there really a Central Perk? if there is, it'll be good place to check out. My FYP partner is one girl whom i watched Friends with after the exams ended. I got reminded when we were all aobut to shift out of hostel, and yup, i went over to her hostel after some FYP thingy where we both just watched episode after episode of "friends" ( in her Cluttered, and yet strangely organized room). Having our dinner and a fantastic good laugh. Sharing those moments had indeed made my final year a memorable one. Amy dear, You're the greatest, funniest partner i can have. Haha, i was reminded of you, when a business partner was out with us and he commented "EAT ME EAT ME". hahaha... i'm sure you know what i'm talking about.

2005 is coming to an end, and i think i will spend some time just reliving this year, recalling what happened. It's been an eventful year.

Right ruffy?

Buying Blades, FYP, labs session, Hours studying, mugging, walking to and fro from hostels to tutorials rooms, trips, blading, cook-outs (correction: one cook-out with giles and pals), or was it two?haha. Reading story books. S for me. Hiaks. Shows. Plays. S for him. Cafe hang-outs. Failed Wala Wala night. Zouk. Photos. Graduation. Finding Jobs. More photos taking. Ups and DOwns. He flying, Me flying, We flying to different destinations. Me with dengue, Me hospitalized for the first time. (GOSH). Wait, hospitalized with my brother.

There's probably more...but some randomized events in my head.

I adore this shot. This' for ruffy. Little plant standing tall, even with the waves crushing in. In foreign lands, in a different environment, Unaffected, and ever steady. Magnificent and yet simplicity with its little presence. Oxymoron i know. i'm amazed. I got wet taking this shot. Lucky my camera was safe.=)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

3 beaches 2 mosques 1 day

Enid blyton fairy ring? Harry potter Porkey's hangout? Message: Save the trees!!!

Waves crushing in, surfing anyone?... no, this is not a tsunami.

"When i was just a little girl... i asked my mother what will i be"
Hey sarah sarah, whatever will be, will be..

footprints on a saturday afternoon
Log, brook, stream, rocks -- sepia mode

Something i have been wanting to do for ages. a good book, a companion, a towel , sand and waves. FYI, book title: "The time traveller's wife" which von w lent me and moose as my faithful companion of cos.

Night shots, real versus reel. check out the reflections!=) Pretty!

i love this.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

9 days to xmas

well, guess i really did sound a tad frustrated in the previous post.

I'm doing documentation and compilation now. It's not an easy job as most think. in fact, it sucks.

i wish i can write something interesting about my life. Something astonishing, like seeing an asteroid or something. Okay, perhaps i'm high on caffeine.

but nope, nothing like an asteriod. perhaps the most interesting scene i saw tonight was this lady sitting at the corridor outside her hotel room with her lappie, guess she was trying to get the best reception or something.

Poo, heard the plane flying in to brunei airport. My sole motivation comes from the fact that i'm a plane out of BN on the 23rd. Yes, count down with me wil ya. it's erm 9 days to xmas.
People always say special things, magical things happen on xmas. *cross my fingers* come'on. show me some magic.

*Open eyes* Hmm.. right, still in the hotel bedroom. Still on bed with lappie in front of me. So much for magic. Anyone ever had a white xmas?

okay... think hooey is in her blabbering, concussing mood already.. better stop and head back to those files...grrz

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Look what you have done

You've made a fool of everyone.

BLEAH. It's one of those days when u walk around with a vengence. When ur clammed up, when u refused to talk, refused to be friendly and Simply wishing it's the end of the day.

Only.. the end of the day marks the deadline and this is not something i'm looking forward to.

i'll give it DOUBLE BLEAH !!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

everyone's somewhere

singapore's beach...

Sunday Morning 9.11 am

It's a Sunday, and i'm preparing to go to work. Yes, work cos we have testing on Monday. Gosh, my first professional UAT ( user acceptance testing) for those who arent aware. Wish me luck.

Do you think people can sense fear? Watching Mona Lisa Smile on HBO now, and first lecture scene, Ms Catherine Watson (Julia Roberts) was shocked that the class was so well-prepared. They read up the entire text and supplements way before the first lesson. It made me wonder, if that's how the education system is like in some cultures. How many of us actualy took a glance of our textbooks, notes before we attend class? *a show of hand*? i doubt i see many.

As the slides were played, and students cutting her short with their knowledge of what she 's supposed to impart; i felt her fear along with her. It was somewhat, as tho i was in the picture somehow. Perhaps subconciously, i was thinking about monday's UAT. Wondering if the same thing were to happen. Will the panel sense my fear? Will i be able to bounce back and prepare?
Mona Lisa Smile. Catherine Watson has bounced back.

Well enough of texts.. here' some pictures from the week...

My typical breakfast for the week. Yummmy? try it for a week.

Did i mention i went shopping recently?

xmas spirit at its best. Me doing my normal grocery shopping. Hmm, compared to ruffy's xmas tree in bkk, i guess i just have to settle dor something small.

My First Chilled Sake in KL with mr A, wong and his gf. Nice meeting up with u all!

okies i think it's time to go.. have a nice sunday !

Thursday, December 08, 2005

xmassy mood

i went for foot- massage today. Tried the services at the hotel. $20 for an hour. Well, it's pretty good, tho i think the lady can sense my low threshold for pain and was pretty gentle with me compare to my other colleagues (guys). Felt highly pampered and at the same time, alit bad(guilty) that someone is massaging my feet. Hehe, anyway the lady is really nice and she's from thailand.

Well, after that we had dinner and then i came back to the hotel before walking out to the supermart alone to get some groceries. NIce nice feeling of heading out alone ( it was 9 plus) and xmas season is spreading as i walked into the mart. walking down the isle while listening to xmas songs. Looking atxmas tree deco, i was suddenly tempted to buy xmas cards... and u know what? they dont sell xmas cards in boxes. Darn.. really in a xmas-y mood.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Never saw blue like that


with 20 mins to spare before i start working on some documentation, the time is too short for me to take a snooze and pack, too long for me to stare into anything. So what better thing to do than pause to reflect what's been happening around.

Song on my winamp: "Never saw blue like that"-Shawn Colvin.

nice Song to listen to while typing.. just typing along with the music. Strangely, i have been travelling around for slightly more than 2 months already. This is also about the amount of time i spent working. Last night (rather, this morning at 4 am), in the middle of nowhere, a thought suddenly jolted me just as i was about to turn in to bed.

"How did i end up here, in a hotel,in Brunei? Staying alone, working in foreign lands, in a field different from my specialisation, in a world, where i seeminlyg stick out like a sore thumb?"

Dont misunderstand, everyone has been very nice to me. But somehow, for the first time in many years, i feel like i'm abit "out". It seems people around me have found their spot in this circle, while i, am hanging at the edge of the circle. balancing on the line.. any moment and i can just fall out.

"How did a girl like me, end up with the courage to work away from home?"

At that instance, i missed home.
I missed my family.
I missed staying with the people i loved, quarrelled over the remote, or looking for misplaced things at home.
I missed the cat.
I missed hearing those familiar voices.

Looking around, i'm enclosed by clean walls, carpetted floor, a huge bed and my own little world. Privacy. Sometimes, i sit back ( like now), wishin i can give myself a pat on the back. "Go girl, you've done it."

Sometimes, i sit back and wonder when will i stop travelling. When i can settle down. For anything, shuttling to places does not give u that luxury. Every place u go to, u unpack knowing fullly that it's only temporary. You adjust to the changed environment, but not allowing urself to fully settle or grown attached to it for it will be difficult (emotionally and physically)when you shift again.

This is the life of a nomad. The life of working people who travel. Board the plane and you see so many of them. I always wondered how long they've been in this line and will continue to be.

And yet, having said these, i am glad i took the path "less travelled" (haha pun so totally intended) from some of my pals. A girl, an engineering field, backpacks, a job that requires travelling, a homely girl shuttling to places.

Can anyone fully say that their life is brillant? Have we all consumed ourselves with work, with meaningless things that the only brillant thing u possibly own in your life is that diamond ring you're working towards to get either for yourself or that special one in your life.

Yes, i might be blabbering. To many, i might still be pursuing the dream that many wanted and gave up along the way. To many, these thoughts are only meant for the dreamers, the unrealistic romantics, those who only dream, think and lack the courage to go about being different.

Yes, i might just be blabbering, but i'm glad, i have not conformed. Many possibly just resign to work and then take things as it comes. Along with being that, i still have a small little dream. A simple dream, which seemingly is becoming complicated with today's world.

but still, a dream is better. A fantasy keeps a soul alive. Being nonsensical is better. It makes me feel young.

May i never lose sight of a dream.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

So, what's in your bag?

Remember how you read articles about what people find in their bags?

How, some people can judge, have an idea of who you are by just looking at the contents?

Well, here's what you get in my everyday bag. i'll leave u to decide if the contents does me justice. Haha.

1. Laptop, coupled with the power adaptor of cos.
2. Organizer, stuffed with Cds in their Cd sleeves, name cards, Receipts, Rubbish Rough papers, Tickets all cluttered inside. Yes.. so much for being organized
3. Two mobile phones ( 3 sim cards), phone charger of cos
4. bluetooth (that's perpetually not functioning when i need it becos it's accidentally on most of the time, unknowingly)
5. Earphones
7.entry pass, on my hyper striking MGM lanyard
8. Plastic bags for me to throw up. ( i was kidding). I always carry plastic bags for me to contain my sea shells. (yar... actually i cant quite explain their existance)
9. waterbottle (dehydrating environment)
10. passport and wallet in another small bag in the bag
11. alot of little bits of rubbish, like rubber bands, pens
12. digicam

so, what's in ur bag today?

So, what's in your bag?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

someone from somewhere

Ever feel that nothing you do seem to make yourself feel better? That the more you want something good to happen, the greater your expectations the worst you feel? Like, somehow, it's so much easier to lower your expectations, to feel a tad at peace with yourself and others?

Sometimes, when things are beyond your control, when your're not too sure what went wrong, when you had to come up with reasons to explain the situations.. it gets to a point that you're just exhausted of repeating. Exhausted in figuring out the meaning.

I wish sometimes, someone from nowhere can enlighten me. Yes, nowhere, cos you will be surprised to know how in certain occassions, its' easier to relate to a stranger than someone you know. Give it to me in a pure-simple, "out of the box" solution. A definite answer. A closure.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

a delayed entry--meant for last night

It’s interesting to note, how this entry is started. I am writing this on the transit train just as we speak. I just finished my course for today and I’m the only one heading back to the house today. First time traveling around in KL… wanted to call up some KL friends I made over the last Brunei trip. Yes, abit strange that I made KL friends in Brunei but I guess that’s how the world goes now. No one is restricted to their own island, and it’s becoming a global village.

Like I was saying, I called one of them and they weren’t free. My options were very much limited due to the fact that both my mobile battery were running low. I was contemplating if I should go visit my relatives who stay near KL since it was 5 plus and I could do with some sightseeing, since I’m alone to explore. hehe, I could even try out the rollercoaster at Times Square Shopping mall! But sigh, the fact that my mobility is highly constraint by my mobile services resulted in me going back home just in case the battery is empty and I could not reach my colleagues. Never underestimate the power of your mobile phone in a foreign place.

Anyway, I was surprised how my senses sharpen when alone in a foreign environment. True it was not my first time taking the route back home but somehow, when u queued up alone with the rest to purchase your ticket, waited with the rest for the subway to come, observing the people around you, everything seems a tad more “alive”. No longer are they background to you when u and your friends were yakking away on the train. Instead, you seem to be background just observing the sights presented before you. It’s the surreal feeling that “you’re not there, but just observing things from another place”. You somewhat feel you’re in a different realm even tho existing in the same physical dimension. Haha, am I making sense? Just some thoughts in my head. Typing this out as my express transit make its way back home. Whizzing past the greens and lakes, I am at peace.

Well, I should be reaching my stop soon. Think I should start shutting down my lappie before I look like a pathetic sight juggling with my bag, my ticket and the lappie.

Going to meet up with my KL friends tom! =)
Hope they take me to some interesting places!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Night dreamer and day wanderer

Moose in hotel bed. Moose, my companion for 4 years.

you know ur spending a tad too much time online when

1. You check out ur friends' blog on an hourly basis.
2. When u have a desire to just keep jotting down ur tots instantneously aka Blog.
3. When u started friendstering to realize that u have friends who have not been on friendsters on more than 3 weeks.. and those make up the majority.
4. When u have no unread emails in ALL YOUR MAIL accounts.
5. When, you're checking out boliao links.
6. When u actually do a google to find out something like how to make an overseas call.
7. You use ur online calendar to plan ur weekend.
8. When you're able to come up with as many as 8 points on the basis of excessive internet usage.

Hmm... Char, if i do go for the reverse bungee thingy, i'll give u a ring. Dont worry about the screaming. You're not alone!=) let's see who scream her lungs out. It's okay to scream, just dont puke. U know.. the game of gravity?

Hiaks, it's weird, how i'm becoming more of an online IT creature than really out socialising. I like to do things alone now, well, it might have something to do with the fact, i am deprived of some personal time ( even when i was in BN).

I am really looking forward to spending one full day tom. Starting the day darn early, doing eventful stuffs. Like, washing the van!haha, i did that half a month ago.. good work out. Hmm, dont Dont even think about asking me to wash ur car. I'm no slave. * could so forsee some of ur thoughts*

" you know ur approaching civilization.... when u see a dustbin" --tot i had when i was trekking in the forest.

"Richness is only defined and experienced when there is poverty around"-- tot i had when i was cruising on the roads of BN.

"You know your plain lazy"-- tot i had when we drove from the hotel to the supermarket which is technically just across the road. Picture the distance from my hall to the canteen. i timed the journey. The clocked showed the same digits from the moments we started the car and stopped to park the car.
Looking out to the heavens. (my fav pic to date)

many thanks to my partner who brought his camera and took this shot of me (candid and splendid)!!

Drats. See the shore.. i ran across just to discover my phone died on me!of all times, of all days...Sighz...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gibberish! that's what i like--@ Home

The feeling of coming home is so gratifying that i tot i should pen it down. Yesh, it doesn seem quite fascinating to be blogging the moment i land in singapore. But HEY, i feel time is too precious and i'm really happy to be in the company of the most important people to me in my planet.--my Family.

Imagine my shock when they were all there to pick me up at the airport about 2 hours ago. I was so surprised and never more happier to see the lot!=)

Remembered tinkerling brought sand back??? Well, surprisingly, hooey aint that far from her.. geez, dont know if i should be embarrassed or proud of the fact, that our gang do share some common traits!hiaks.

Want to know what i brought back? Actually you dont have a choice cos i'm darn proud of my collection and im' going to to showcase it to the world. Especially ruffy. (doesn this remind u of a particular show?). Ruffy prob wont be able to see this, or even receive this since he's till in bangkok. sighz.. u have to settle for the photos then.

Yes, i handpicked these while combing the shore. Washed them and dryed them with a hair-dryer and then placing them on my floor towel. Hard work eh.

Very lovely lovely beach i went to. Nature's beauty knows no bounds. Takes place everywhere as long as you look around. Undisturbed and purely nature, this is one sight which i like to share.

Taken as it is untouched. Nature's beauty unfolds with the swish-swash of the sea....

A brook near the sea, logs spanned across the stream. Something, you dont really see at home.=) I love the sun streaming in .. down the Stream. hiaks. Times like this when i'm thankful for the oversea exposure.

Geez, the pics above taken with NOKICAM, so sad i din bring my digicam on this trip. Definitely bringing it on the next trip.!=) Took much more, but too lazy to load them right now!hehe

Anyway, i spent last night watching "you've got mail" vcd becos there was nothing fascinating on HBO and Discovery Channel. Murphy's law struck again, the night i'm free when there's no one online to chat, ( possible becos of the fact that it's weekend), and there's nothing good on TV. Bummer.
Well, pretty delighted to recall all the interesting conversations and topics they had via emails.

Hmm.. which brings me to the next point.

What is it with men and " The Godfather "? Yes, i have heard the answers from the movie and personally , i have to admit i have not watched the movie, but it din quite strike me as anything interesting. How can the lines from the movie be used to answer ANY questions in the world?How is it possible. Tell me, give me some quotes if you do know the answers. I'm assuming of cos, that i have friends, or people reading this who actually Watch and Worship "The GODFATHER".

Movie aside, the plane i was on this afternoon was surprisingly filled with little princesses and toddler princes. Little princess wobbling down the aisle, drooling with every few steps, decked in their OSHKOSH pitter patters and fashionable bibs. Of cos, there are the mischievous few out to make things difficult for their parents! Refusing to eat their greens, a parent teasingly pry open the little kid's mouth! Hiaks.

Geez, i know i'm just blabbering away. I 'm starting to feel alit strained from working by the lappie for hours for weeks without stopping. My body aches and i'm starting to feel OLD. I seriously need to unwind and work out. So i intend to either go blading or swiming this trip back. Actually, i'm even tempted to go windsurfing. Do something Extreme or something. Anyone interested in reverse bungee? That's the thing, with this little time i have, it's hard to accomplish so much, hence i might just end up saying and not doing. In anycase, i dont dare make definite plans with others becos of the little time i have. Hence, i'm often seem as somewhat distant and not taking the initiative to meet up. *fully aware*

OKIES.. i'm off to grab some stuffs to eat. HOME SWEET HOME!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Blessed lot

it's past mid week, and i'm really looking forward to returning back to singapore. Sometimes, i think i'm better off being a student. My profile, the way i behave, the way i do things. Geez, i'm better off being a kiddo.

Anyway, i'm skyping with ruffy now.=)

Skyping becomes an essential mode of communication among couples now.. so far there are 3 couples i know who use skype because they are geographically separated.

Ruffy was mentioning something about 9/11 in his blog and i tot i add a note to how i agree with him on the power of media. How, ironically and seemingly true, that IGNORANCE is BLISS. When u dont seem to know what's going on, u live in ur own world, oblivious of what happen to others. Take the people from Afghanistan and Iraq for example, the suffering and torture many been through have gone unnoticed from us, becos of the lack of knowledge. And then, as we live with whatever that's occupying our daily happenings, we just conveniently forget and chuck it in a corner of our mind. Occasionally something will happen that strike a chord with us, that reminds us never to take things for granted.. right? "Correct me if i am wrong "=)

like i was saying, so.. we conveniently leave the rest of the world in a place where we dont know and dont see them. Only realizing the hard core facts, when the media presents the information before our eyes. Even then, we can't entirely rely on media to present the full story. As quoted from "The life of David Gale", "There are no truths, only perspectives". How TRUE. A matter of fact, there are people suffering out there. War is never kind, no matter how u see it. Innocent people sacrifice their lives for power they'll never enjoy. "Soldiers fight wars for the kings they never met. "

How, sometimes, we should just learn to see things with wider perspectives, learn not to take everything off the set, and learn to form our own opinions. To lead our lives a way we will not be ashamed, will be not disappointed and certainly, a life with minimal regrets.

Of cos, easy to say, not easy to do.

I popped a line to a friend while we were driving out to lunch today. I said "The people here are a blessed lot. Living in a world of their own, unaffected by others"

Surprised when he mentioned " i'll like to add another line. So are the people in Singapore.. pehaps in a different kind of way.. but still very blessed"

Just when u least expect it, a rainbow appears above u to remind you, there'll always be sunshine after rain...

p/s: been raining lots in BN.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Unexploited lands and a movie lover

Some shots i took with my phone camera..i call her "Nokicam".haha
Today marks my first day as a tourist in the land of BN.

This was taken during lunch on one of my work days....

Somehow, the expression was captured wrongly. Hiaks, me with dao look and nice cappucino.

First official free day. Let's see what hooey did...

Beach Spot #1. Nice, empty and vast. Endless ...

She plays sea shells by the seashore.

She in question, taken with those patches on the background which seemingly looked like little crab eggs.

Words inscripted by yours truely...
Footprints on the sand? More precisely my shoeprint.Where's ruffy's??

Stop 2: Canopy walk in the forest... supposedly for the adventurous. I made my point. Hiaks.

It's a long long way to go UP.

it's times like this u wonder.. with interesting names such as above, which path will u take?

Stop #3 (rather.. on the way to stop #3) taken while in the car.

Fields... like many fields where oil rigs can be found, nodding donkeys seen.. monuments spotted! This is just one plain field near the air base or something. windsock in the picture. i like the colors of grass...

Spot #3.. Another beach with a huge Breakwater. Never been more connected to South china sea.
People here not only own cars.. apparently they have boats. Gosh, see that long wheel structure extending from the back of the car. That;s attached to the car when carrying boats... like this

The day hasn end yet. We wanted to take the sunset, but we were a tad too early so we decided to call off the plan and guess where i went? Catch HARRY POTTER at empire cinema!!! COOL... haha, bet i even caught it earlier than many of u all back at home. HIAKS@=)
it was screened onthe same day as Singapore!YEAH!!

Spot #4: Empire Cinema -NICE!!!!! movie tics at $8 on weekends. Cheaper than singapore can?the place is hyped up with harry potter fans.! macham movie premier-)

hooey with death eaters???? Is she one of them?

A nice blurred photo taken at Empire cinema wih "The Island" in the backdrop.Movie-lover hurrah!

i'm zzz..
nights all, esp ruffy!

Drunk in BN

yes, u saw it right? Drunk for the first time. I dont even get high when i'm in singapore, Fine, for those of u who club with me (i'm not much of a frequent clubber or seasoned drinker for that matter), but u dont see me getting high or drunk... and then the impossible happened. I drank too fast, and actually puked.. in THE land of no Alcohol. Embarrasing.... and ridiculously ironic.

it's the fact that i'm drunk in a place where i'm not supposed to even be near alcohol that makes the whole thing so... nonsensical, so Hooey. Like feeling so full and bloated in a place where famine strikes. Like Pigs flying, and fish drowning kinda situation.

right, still feeling red, hot and groggy.. gosh.
Had to update this! Drunk in bn... Geez...

drunk hooey.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

16 nov 2005

Sigh, it hasn been a fantastic night with me trying to hook up onto the wireless network for the past 2 hour plus just to get 1 hour plus of on-off connections, so, while i'm trying to get it started up again for the 512th time (hey it's up!!), if one thing, this job of mine has taught me to persevereand not give up at the slightest hurdle or obstacle u face. TROUBLESHOOTING is the word.

it's so cold that gloves are necessary

I'm still new to it, but i guess i'm learning to adapt.=)
Anyway, today marks half the week i'm here. Time sure past fast.. in a relaxed kinda way.I was up this morning, when i realize how i'm getting the hang of being "outstationed".Right, perhaps staying in a hotel really makes things much more comfortable.It's kinda a mechanical motion tho i wont call it a routine one. I actually enjoy the privacy and comfort of doing things the way i like it, knowing where to locate things in my room.Having a clean room with fresh bed sheets and towels everyday when i head back.

Of cos it's not always a bed of roses, when i'm at work, there are times when its' frustrating when things dont work out the way u expect them to be...especially when it's hard cold computers we are talkng here. (no complex office politics, no playing games.)
it's freezing cold, u dont see the sunshine or sunset for that matter.And there will be times when i have to keep myself awake, wishing that we can complete as much as possible, so that we can finish our work and head back home.

There will be times when we have to learn how to keep ourselves entertained so to make things abit more bearable, abit easier to pass time. Silly Jokes were cracked,experiences were shared, views were explored and dosages of suaning continues. Haha, last night, we went to the supermarket to settle our dinner. Yup, we boughta chicken (bbq chicken), 4 bottles of "alcohol-look-alike" lemonade, 1 packet of Instant Mash potatoes,One FRENCH loaf for dinner along with some other groceries.I was reminded of hostel life. Remembered the days when ruffy and me will go to NTUC to buy our groceries.=)

Beer that's non-alcoholic.
Red little car we saw on the way to our car.. silver car on its right . CUTE!!!!
Then we head back to hotel and started preparing dinner (aka pouring hot water into the powdered mash potato.. which surprisingly, mine turned out looking very decent; can almost give KFC a run for their money)while eating our chicken and bread and watching CATWOMAN on HBO. Refreshing change from eating out.

Yes, u will realize by now, that i've been even more in tuned with HBO than i was in singapore. Possibly more updated than any of u reading this. People here lives by HBO. I was just joking with my partner today the extend we worship HBO prob freak others out.Note, not only us, i realize our partners who reached here on the same day as me, also share the same interest (rather lack of other interests) in CABLE TV.One of our other partners mentioned how we seemingly have ASTRO antenna stuck to our heads.hiaks!My partner himself,for eg. has a .pdf file of the HBO Schedule.

I call that our Clock out Schedule. Why? cos i call HBO our Boss.
HBO==HBOss. Hugo BOss if u prefer a name. We look forward to the end of the day with what's good on TV. We worked much later if there's nothing interesting. If there is, we wil plan our schedule and time around it.the BOSS calls the shot, we worked seamlessly with HBOss.
Let's see what else did i do today? Oh, i got my BN Sim card. And what a coincidence when i found out that ruffy also got his BK Sim card on the same day during lunch!=)Anyway, dont think people reading this will be interested to know my number. And i shant blantantly post it online. Not so stupid to reveal my identity should someone check it against my number! hahaI've got a nice number tho!easy to remember.

Ruffy's lady boss just reached BN this evening and she's staying at the same hotel, same floor as me, just rooms away. DARN, if only ruffy came along for the trip. THAT WILL BE SO COOL!!!
yes, still thinking how cool it will be if he's here.
Well, time to say nighty nights.
zzzzz(bleah, network not up .. gotta post this is the morning.=( )

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

love-hate affair

Hi all,
Hooey's back in BN starting her first day at work. Was pretty disappointed that the network was down last night, so couldn skype or msn with anyone. Thankfully, they were showing 'Harry potter and the prisoner of A' on HBO, so hooey's night was pretty entertained by spells, Quidditch, trees that go around swinging smashing people and men evolving into animals.( that sounds werid)

Nvm, back to the point, it's a good morning so far, quiet, no small talks required. I bought two albums last nigth so i have my music to keep me through the day. If anything, i enjoy the freedom of working here. (Yes, an oxymoron statement). You're in control of your time and u need not care about what others think about your working style. It's something i sure have no problem getting used to.

The nights and days here start early, so that's something i gotta get used to. Last night, we went to this pretty cool little place to chill ( aka have our dinner) and i ordered a drink ( i like to think of it as a mocktail).
Shall post up some snapshots i took with my phone. Nope, hooey din bring her canon companion this time round cos my parents took it to KL.

"Gadong in the Blue"

Blues' cafe

It's frankly quite a nice place to chill out with the music and tealights all over. And it opens till 2 am... a place i can go if i should have difficulties falling
zzz at night, which technically has a probablity of 0.000002 % occurance.

Picture of my room on my First Trip. Illustrate my ideal work place.

haha, was thinking of blogging what i feel about air flights when i recalled a funny incident in the airport. I went to the Ladies and saw a man peeing. GOSH!
Note, before u all get too hyped up, or roll on the floor laughing, Nope I only saw him in cubicle. He din close door, back facing me alright? This lady in front of me
prob had a better view of what's goin on, and she gave me this frown as the man saw us and closed the door. He came out feeling very embarrassed of cos,
and apologize profusely, while washing his hands.

Well, i guess we all have our down moments. And make silly mistakes.=)

Back to the flight, i was thinking how i'm used to travelling alone and just entertaining myself on the flight.
i'm establishing a love-hate relationship for flying. Just check out:

1. When i settled into my seat, and start flipping KRIS SHOP!!!

1. When I found out that the items are pretty much the same and those i want are too EX...

2. When i see the FOOD TRAY coming my way

2. WHen i already tried both sets of meals offered in the MENU. I almost squirm into one corner as i heard the air stewardress repeat the options.

3. When shows come in an attempt to distract me from my Kris Catalogue.

3. When i no longer laugh at the comedies which i watched in earlier occassions.back to catalogue ( xmas edition)

4. When i asked for the newspaper and was distracted from my KRIs catologue for the entire session.

4. After reading the newspaper, i turned back to KRis Deciding if i should get the three items.

5. THe fact that i can still have the option of getting them my return flight back.

5. When i knew i should be saving $$$ for more worthwhile stuffs like travelling and hence will prob just spend the return flight REPEATING The ABOVE 4 steps.

Geez.... i'm deprived of a shopping trip.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Leaving in a jet plane

hi, Aunt Abby, (yar right)

i'm going off to Brunei for the 3 rd time in 1 1/2 months.
Going to miss home. Really bad. It strikes me like a bolt of lightning with no pre-warning. Actually, could have sense it coming especially when i stayed in singapore for the past 2 weeks.

Could feel the withdrawal symptoms creeping in as i'm typing...=(

Whoever reads this, please email me, skype me, msn me, blog me, whatever me... just make me feel home!=)

Desperate lonely soul.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Hey You.

hey you,

yes you... dont look away, you know i'm talking about you! yes you there looking at the screen.How's your day? Fine?

What? You working? You're looking forward to the end of the day? Hey, tell me something new man.

Hmm... you saw what?Groups of young punks heading towards Sentosa? On your way to work? Man, that's a sad sight for one to see, especially one who's working. But hey, it's friday and that means weekend's just a step away! Yippie dont ya think?

Want to travel? To where?Wow, u sure ur up for that?COOL! 50-day trip? Think think only right? No, you're SERIOUS?!

True, one gotta to have dreams.Worktowards it.

Start making plans now, save. It's always good to save.
You're intending to do that? Keep to it huh!

Stop thinking about past. The days of lecturing, coming in late for classes are gone.
What? You EVEN missed canteen B?Yeah, those were the days. Mugging for exams, freezing one's butt in tutorial rooms.Scheming plans to book places. mASS joggin. Nasi Lemak.COffee.

Erm, stop singing! it's embarrassing. And hey, that's my coffee you're taking. STOP! i NEED my Caffeine shots.

Geez, what happened? U look kinda lost.
Orrrrrrh, so sad. Your previous post got deleted! That always happens man. Shit happens.. all the time.

So what did u write about?

Yeah, i've been pondering about that too, do we dislike a particular thing becos we're not good at it? Or becos it's in our gut feelings?

You dont like history! SAMA. How did u fare? U failed history... well, that's no mystery.

Hmm.. my history is limited or good up to Sang Nila Utama and Raffles and William.. Farq (something).

Yes, i hate dates and sequencing. Give me Dates and Sequencing, I'll GIVE u red Dates strung in sequence into a necklace for u to wear as this year's AUTUMN fashion Must have Accessories!

Give me long names to spell, and i'll give ya the longest word i know and proud to pronouce:"Supercalifragilisticispielidocius" so so i think that's how it's spelt.

I think you're hyperventilating. Haha.

Geez, its sure tiring typing out a monologue. It's so much easier carrying the conversation in one's head.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Photograph required for caption.

Line of the day: "Haste is good only in catching fleas"
- Alla Yaroshinskaya
in New York Times

Read this line when i was on the way to work. Cant help nod at this phrase that somehow strike me in an astonishing way. How many times when i seem to rush and panic at deadlines that never seems to go away. How many times have i lost my cool because of self-bestowed pressure and stress?

This line cracks me up and i've learnt something more valuable beyond it's comic relief. A line to keep me in check, to keep me in balance.

Now, what i need is a interesting photograph to go along with it. Any takers?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

For you

For the many who spent hours bustling about things which seem meaningless,
for those so busy to rest and smell the roses,
for those looking that little bit more in life.

This is for you.

A glimpse of South China Sea. Dont sweat the small stuffs.

The sunset that never fails to cheer one up.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An almost forgotten love

(photos taken off http://photos1.blogger.com/img/155/3369/1024/stars.jpg)

Was driving back towards singapore on the highway, or rather sitting @ the back of a luxurious sedan when i chanced myself awake from my doze. Let's say, the rest might not consider that to be a doze, granted the fact that i was only awake for 3 things.

1. Pass my passport
2. Toilet break
3. Food

So, it was indeed one rare ocassion to catch me awake and strangely staring out of the window up into the sky 133.7 km away from home at 12.46 am.Nope, I did not make up the part about the numbers. As i looked up, i was marvelled, by the majestic galore or stars hanging right above me. It's a rare sight. For the night was really dark. Street lamps which ceased their purpose in turn, gave me a wonderful opportunity to see the night curtains. Of cos, the clouds did their job and laid low, exposing the wonderful natural sky scape if i may call it.

As i focused on the stars alone, i realize how seemingly afloat they are. Stagnant in their position while we were travelling @ 215km/h ( Nope, not making up that number again, but yes, i made up about the part when we travelled that. We did 215 @ dawn).

A surreal feeling just washed over my tired soul as i recall how i was once so fascinated by the creatures above. This fascination of mine started when i was a wee 15? Back then, i had this silly thinkng ( please dont interrupt by saying i'm silly still ), the brightest star was me (yes LAUGH all u like) and that whenever i feel down, i could turn to it and feel BRIGHT all over again. HAHAHAHA... silly thinking come to think of it.

Then the thinking changed, after movies and books, it evolved to how, stars are people who passed on to another world, watching over their loved ones. Whatever the theory, the stars above never fail to give me a silence form of encouragement, a strength uncomprehensible. Especially when i feel low-spirited, alone and sometimes.. lost.

I was always on the look out for meteor showers (no, not that show) and always one to be looking up in the sky, wishing for that falling star to appear.

Of cos, we know Singapore aint the best place to go star gazing, meteor showering, but still that naive soul persist. Haha, on the fateful day of 1998 where my friends were mugging for their history O's the next day, i was waiting for the leonid showers. Knowing that i'll be missing half ( alright more than half) the action, i went online to check the live video taken over at the states. AND.. yes at the same time, running out of the house periodically to check .. just in case, a shooting star decide to glide over our little island.

This crazy stint din just end there.. disappointed that i failed to catch any, along with the fact that the video was a lousy capture of blurry fuzz rather than starry nights, i asked my dad to take me to Punggol park. (6 am. and i'm not zzz) My last hope of catching any shooting star before the day breaks. Guess the outcome?

Nothing happened, as it often does in real boring monotonous life, but i guess it was worth a shot. My dad was more than willing to ferry me and my sister to the park where we just sat down and stared above. Enjoying and anticpating the moment.

Tonight, that moment came back.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Newly appointed

Murphy's law has just appointed me as their new spokeperson. Without a doubt.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Happy endings and sappy romances

It's been sometime since i post something. Not that i've been particulary busy, somewhat just din get started on writing, and when i feel like popping something, i'm often not @ my lappie.

I've kinda settled down on these shuttling to and fro. Yes, oxymoron settling on shuttling but u get what i mean. It's not easy, but it's not that impossible to do it. And it's always welcoming when i hit back home. Take the airport for example, or even the second link. It's always a welcoming sight, more so, when u see ur mobile network switches to that of the local operator, with a welcoming msg. "welcome back to singapore".

Was just chatting to a friend online bout how i'm a sucker for happy endings and sappy romances. Perhaps even more convinced so, after i catch not one but two chinese movies on the coach. (note executive coach, saying own personal console that's top-notch quality and not 26 people sharing one TV screen which often is not strategically positioned)

Two movies. First movie's setting in rendang. ( u know which)
Second movie's evolved about a fountain, some smudged numbers and a ridiculous earthquake ( u know which)

Perhaps its the work, or perhaps i'm just trying to come up with excuses. It's nice to catch these kinda shows after a long long while. When i mean long while, i mean when u can forget the plot that kinda long.

As i journeyed from one country to another, on the long roads and cold air-con blasting down my face, with the blanket keeping me warm, with nice fuzzy feeling as i see two strangers falling in love, i'm a passenger with no complaints.=)

Hiccups have to happen along the way even when it comes to movies of little plot. For some strange or no reasons, something has to happen to to force the couple apart. But yet, again for the seemingly strange or no reason, they will get back together. And when they do, it's always happy ending, everlasting. sighz...smile

Enough of day-dreaming. Anyway, we started discussing about some movies which fall into the category. And top on our list, we had "you've got mail".

I love that show. It will always be one of my favourite romantic comedy. Then came the surprising shock when i actually recall when i watched the movie. It was first screened on 14 feb 1999 islandwide. Amazing 6 years have passed and till today, i cant believe i actually carried the movie cd with me to brunei! yes, i did that. cos i wanted to have a 'feel -good' remedy with me when i am overseas. It's always good to be prepared and for me, that remedy takes the form of "you've got mail".

Three magic words. technically 4, fine 3 syllabus.

We also listed how sometimes we love sad endings too, cos ah duh everyone knows a sad ending is a pre-requisite for sappy movies. We chose "city of angels" and "message in a bottle". I was reminded of the city of angles' soundtrack. googoo dolls-iris. Watched that movie with my Mummy!!Darn nice feeling cos both of us loved the show. I like watching shows with my mum.... it's macham most movies that i watched with my mum are nice. The last was "something gotta give".

Message in a bottle. the saddest show i have watched.I dont quite recall who i watched the show with tho.. think i was living in my own sad world in the movie as i cried like nobody's business. Anyone who rem watching it with me?? I read the book 3 times i think.. back to back and i cried everytime without fail. The sappy indicator in me. yes. i saw the book again in Kino @ KL and i was tempted to buy the book. yes so that i can cry a forth time and many times to come.

i simply love things that evoke such emotions in me. "accidentally in love " too. love the lyrics.. makes me want to spend a summer just relishing in the sun with ice-cream!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

These are the times...

moonlight with street lamps

moon glazing in another perspective

Something about this lone beacon

with family like this,

Life's comes to me in simple pleasures and moments.