Wednesday, August 31, 2005

i walk alone

Current music: "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

tuesday cooling morning

hooey is in one of her moods again.

breezy morning brought after a rain shower.Add in the tranquil and rare ocassion of having the whole house to myself. Hearing nothing except for the fan and the vehicles passing my house. It's really cool. One of those mornings where u can do just about anything, and i chose friendstering. Now now, that doesn seem a hip option dont ya think? Or so, i felt. Used to think that's what people with nothing to do DO (if u noe what i mean). Checking or perhaps snooping on friends' lives. Scrutinizing for any new pictures, which might provide clues to their er hmm, relationship status ( COMEON, ADMIT IT if ur' one of those... iAM!) haha. That's what friends are for eh? i mean friendster.

Nah, back to the point, i was friendstering... yes, partly becos i'm free and that there' aint many websites that pretty much interest me. Used to go the writers' corner in msn group but eversince they kinda changed their contents and layout, so has my interest. It's actually quite a fruitful session to go friendstering once in a while. I'm not too sure how many of u experienced this, but personally everytime i browsed ( overview) of my friends' profile, i cant help but wonder how people have changed( in other words, comparing theirs to mine), more so for those who went overseas. Some of these friends dated back to primary school when dorky specs was a neccesity fashion if you're myopic and haircuts were somewhat standardized to a certain code of discipline. And now, after a decade or more (gosh, there's something with me and passing time), we have changed! Some drastically more than others. As we more or less start embarking on the next phase of our lives, i ponder how we will be like in another decade or so. So far, while scanning, i am proud to know, that i have laywers, doctors to be, operation analysts, model, many engineers, accountants, director!, in my friendster list. Imagine that? Tho we might not be close and chummy and comeon, how many on our friendster list do we often meet up. No, put it this way, how many friends on the list have u seen in the last year?

i'm not too sure what point i'm driving at. Afterall, it's a quiet monday morning, erm not so quiet anymore now that i suddenly hear people cutting grasses. i believe the last time i heard that was in NTU hall 14 while i was trying to catch a snooze! SOrry, back to the point... of no point. It's very interesting to note, how we all started on the same platform, same basic primary education and how, different paths and decision along the way led us to who we become. Read a poem off bill watterson's Calvin and HObbes treasury, which mentioned something that, how we often dont realize how we got to our present situation, and how many many years ago, that one decision or baby step u took lead u to many more turns and decisions which.. brought u to who and where u are today. That lit step might seem insignificant then;but if not for that little step there will not be many more. Enlightening some may feel, indeed, i was inspired for like 10 mins. Haha, when i tot, how fragile and seemingly intricate life might seem. I mean, it's easy to say "heck it, just take the first step... if u worry so much, u will never get anywhere" , but then again a little voice might say "one first step, one wrong step. Will u have chance to return or start from the begining, or do u just take where that step leads u?"

Maybe it's the fear of a first job. A first step. A baby step. One will not know where one will go from here. I tell myself to approach life and things as they come with an open mind. Open to judgement, open to alternatives.HAha, but the very fact, that one is so open that the precarious coexistance of the two extreme tots just overwhelms hooey.

hooeyphooey. I do deserve this nick.=)

Monday, August 29, 2005

The party's a BIZMO!

okay, no idea where that came from. It just popped out of nowhere. Koon's party !kinda bad that we din stay for long but i had no doubt that my friend has a wonderful time last night. Dude, if you're reading this, Here's another Happy birthday wish!Hope u were happy last night, snapping pictures with the bevy of beauties, of cos let's not forget the hourly snapshots. =)

Tho we din stay for long, but it was indeed a nice opportunity to meet up with old friends, over bbq. I've learnt and ascertained for sure that i'm no GOod with bbq stuffs, but i'm quite contented with buttering food and playing with the tongs acting busy once in a while. Taking the skewers and checking if the food is cooked (which to date..i still consider that an art actually).

So, since i had to make myself useful one way or another, i took snapshots. Again, no better way to relish the moments but to look at snapshots alright? Some candid shots, some group photos, whether caught in the act or deliberate posed, it doesn matter as long the memories stay. *on a VERY side note, is it a sweltering hot day today?!* i mean, the hot humid weather is getting to me. The ray and dust piercing into my soul (dramatisation noted).*slops... i will wish for a snowy moutain now man. Give me sleighs or skis, heck the fact i haven even touched those. I'll take them with pride and ski down the slopes, crashing into bushes or trees like what calvin (& hobbes) did and then laugh it off as i head into the log cabin with my soaked winter wear with hot chocolates awaiting by the fire. Darn, those comics have a hypnotising effect on me.

*Earth to hooey Earth to hooey*, pictures my friends.....

"let's get the party started!"

Things are looking good ....

The Busy, the rich, the powerful, the crazy, the whacky and hopelessly fun-loving birthday boy.

All waiting for a piece of action... prob the food.

We heard of MEN IN BLACK.
I present... the MEN with TONGS!
(doesn sound nice to say 'men in tongs' eh.. oppsie)
miss shannie with... is that a piece of chao da satay?

Interesting how these two like to pose with their packet drinks.
Yeos and their models.

PICTures and more pictures!!!!

something's happening to the pit...

aren they cute?
candid moments of the photogenic couple.

haha.... some funny shots before the gang's dismissed. Ruffy's a party crasher aka party crasher leader aka law-abidding reservist boy. No lah, he gotta head back to camp. CAMP. fullstop.=)

Happy pic to conclude! koon's welcoming with his open arms... hmm.. we know we know.

Friday, August 26, 2005

while waiting for char kway tiao

classic conversation

me: *attempting to frigthen sis by strangling her out of the blue*

sis: "aiyoh, wat u doing"

me:" i'm displaying jobless syndrome"*propped my head in my cupped hands*

Sister:" How can u be jobless when u dont even have a first job?"

me:" hmm.. pt taken. i'm unemployed"
(but thinking *is unemployment a subset of jobless or is it the other way?")

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

TCC--teochew clan

How's our chilling session coming along? boo... jobless syndrome strikes again.


ruffy's back. i have stolen time...

was reading a good friend's blog about a story of priorities. Set me thinking what are the priorities in my life, and glad to say, i dont think i have very much misplaced them.=) Shared the story with ruffy and then as i was driving back home, realize how fortunate i am to find someone to share little bits of life. To share the movies that i catch on HBO, singing out (together) Songs played on class 95 ( even if i got the lyrics wrong at some pt) while driving, enjoying the breeze with beer. (fine.. i drank root beer, he got ice beer)

i have stolen time.

pls: i have not forgotten my friends.=) they will always be there to share life's bits and pieces!=)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Who would?

- spend her only free day from school with me as i go for a dental visit w/o appointment (mind u), sitting thru from 11 plus till 6 as i shuttle from xrays to queue numbers, to operating rooms to different dentists?

-give me words of encouragement as i was about to be given a jab. and the nurse had to pull my bag away from my clutches (literally)

- go without dinner so as to catch the movie "charlie and the chocolate factory"? becos the next time slot is too late and i might not be up for it( me too zzz)?

-change my home's bedsheets for me regularly, even when i was staying in hall(4 years), coming back only once a week?

-have the guts and cuteness to pull off the stint of declaring" i love YOU!!" not only to me, but to the rest of the family, yes, including the cat. EVERYDAY.. at least once?!

-chat in our respective beds (hers above mine) before we turn in to zzz land everynight? altho sometimes against my will that we speak... of cos, sometimes, i'm the chatty one

- and how we would be on our beds saying "i'm going to zzz . GD night, or GN".. and 5 minutes later:"OEI, i'm going to zzz. GN"...*talk talk talk....*. "HMm... i'm going to zzz... GN hopefully!!!"

- GIve u a hug in the middle of no where. YES, while shopping for grocery, or right in the centre of a shopping mall?

-play scissors paper stone to decide who carries the grocery bags, or rather who is freed of the load??? becos she doesn want to be seen with too many barang barang.... and drats, she won. Still cant believe that she outsmart me.

- offer fashion advice, accessories, lend me her pink sweater (which to date, i've wore it on more occassions than she did) and always ready to pass me her copy of CLEO mag? which of cos... monthly without fail?

-And to top it all, bear my frantic typing at the computer EVERY NIGHT when she wants to zzzz? and THe most amazing thing of all, able to sleep with the rattle?

-andwhen we start chatting while she's on bed.. and suddenly, when i was waiting for her reply, i just heard nothing but her slow breathing as she entered zzz land???? in what? like.. a span of 2 mins? while i was talking to her?!!! ( am i that boring?).. WAKE UP!

- lets' not forget, always asking me to bring HER Majesty things when she's up on her upper deck bed... like ( "HEY, sis can pass me my waterbottle?", .... "can pass me my book on the table?",...."oops, can pass me my handphone"?..." can help me off the light?!!!") how convenient that she remembers the above ONLY when she's up on her deck.hiaks

want to know who?

my one and only baby sister.

Friday, August 19, 2005


How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.

You are always tactful and diplomatic. You let people down gently.

You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.

You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.

a decade has passed?

10 years of friendship

2 best friends, 4 hours plus of talking, sharing=2 unfinished Yong tau fu... talking + HOt chocolate and Earl Grey Tea @ domes till it's close + HDB void deck... still talking

Thursday, August 18, 2005

night shots

Experimenting, playing and trying.. presenting "night shots of Singapore"
Will not be made possible without the help of YC. yo, happy belated birthday again!=)

Experimented with various modes to get this... to capture the actions. However, i felt the other modes also not bad...

one object. different way of looking at it. different way of shooting it.

One life. Different way of living it. Different way of ending it.

okies.. tired.

gd night peepz.

ruffy's coming back soon!! yeah! HIghlight of the week!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

tubs of doubts

Job advancement?
Career path?
Skills brought forward?
Sense of achievement?
Where u see yourself?

Facing these questions with doubts, it makes me wonder how much 16 years of education has really helped me.

Monday, August 15, 2005

proper point

Been so caught up with uploading pics it doesn feel like a blog. My possessions taken possession of me. Thou shall stop that and hence, starting proper with no pictures (at least not of me, relaxed folks).

Was reading the papers, more of the life section, make it the comic section when i read something funny and yet relevant. I mean, how many things in our everyday life do consider funny? Not clown funny, but u know, brings out a sense of humour, not any slapstick comedy. Well, this piece of comic does it for me.*great, now i gotta go search for it*drats, it's not online.Or rather, hooey cant be bothered to search day by day on the home page just looking for the exact comic strip. For those of u who manage to catch a copy of Sunday times, u will know which comic strip i'm talking about, but since i cant find the exact one.. here's one that never fails to make me crack.

Not too sure if u get to read the words. They are a little tiny huh.Anyway, the website is here is u want more comic relief.Sherman's Lagoon

Like i was saying about today's comic. It depicts how Sherman's wife (SW)wanted to go do something together as a couple. Sherman's cool with it. As his wife was browsing thru the papers for any events that they might go ... she commented that they share absolutely no common interests. The things she likes, he hates, the things he hates, she likes. So, what's the solution?

Clever sherman commented the one way to go about doing this is to go for something they both dislike. As the next clip shows them making their way out hand-in hand, or rather fin -by-fin, sherman commented there's no other better way to spend the day. Awwwwww sweet right?

Made me think how it's difficult to always get things done ur way, sometimes, being together is about making compromises for each other and being happy with it.=)

okay. my point for ponder of the day.

st nickhomecoming more pics

hi again,

i was looking at jeli's yahoo photos about our homecoming when.. darn, i tot i should give my b2 some credits and post some of the pictures she took and compiled! the photos were great! These few pictures made me smile and yup, just wanna spread the joy!!!=)

i had absolutely no idea what i was doing... jenn looking disturbed but putting on a forced smile.

okay enough of uploading. =) Credits to the girls!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

st nicks girls galore.-compressed editionv.5


This marks the fifth time i'm starting this entry. The previous just ended up in white screens which hang what seems an infinity.probably, becos of the many pictures i posted up. so i shall keep this entry simple and sweet. Too bad for u readers... i will keep the memories and photo captions in my heart. HAHA

1st stop: st nicks
time : 2 plus till late 4 plus
State of mind: Disbelief at the coordination of new colors? what happened to the beautiful blend of pink, blue and WHITE!?however, nothing's gonna keep us apart from prying and walking the familiar spots. The colors may have changed.. but the memories remains.SJ_ almond spirit that is... presenting some of the day highlights...

how's it?

second stop: art house
time: slightly after 5
state of mind" PHew.. i made it! not the last girl!

Caught a production with the girls.. *justians-- my st nicks class mates,*, Of cos, have to extend my deepest gratitude to char, she passed me the ticket, she's in the production crew and yup, it's a nice production. Recalled games we played when we were little things*haha*, childhood scenes flood as the little actresses/actors say out their lines which somewhat so familiar.... reminiscing a past which almost forgotten.

Took outside the production hall. some shots and write-ups on the production. Geez.. long time since i caught a production, last time was with Ruffy watching "private parts"! hmm... why do i feel queasy about the way it sounds?haha

Tadah.... my justians friends. We used to give ourself titles.. of the ROYAL FAMILY. let's see...
in this picture... THe king and queen, 2 princesses are present. one is missing...
ALL pretty babes right?
hooey doesn seem to fully comprehend the word"shameless".

sadly, char couldn join us for dinner cos she's got another show at 8 pm. Busy Busy girl! but well, have to meet up again someother time.. For the rest of us.. we took cab down to clarke quay's settlers' cafe!!! yeah, been so looking forward to the cafe with board games. and FOOD!!! grr.. hungry. i'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

3rd stop: Settlers's cafe
time: should be 7
state of mind: HUNGRY!!!

oh.. something to comment. we 5 girls took ONE cab down to settler's cafe!


The girls looking at what seems like a board game but nope.. it's the MENU.

it's Cheese to the Camera!
Games time!!!!!!!
We played this game called "dragon delta" , wanted to play "pirate's cove" but alamak, the instructions too cheem.... none of us want to read the instructions.. except for...
the deep in tot hunnywenny reading the financial news.or what?.. "is it falling? will my shares be affected?" or
" so, this is how i win the game....hehe"
thanks to the one of the staff's recommendation. we ended up with DD. Geez, interesting simple game. We wanted a game that fufils 3 criterias:
  1. FUN
  2. Short game
  3. No need to use brain

Haha, dragon delta we played... sigh, somehow, somewhat, i dont know y... i became the common enemy and yup, haha, it's amazing how much "progress" i made. Objective of the game: cross the river to the other side of your island with the help of stones and bridges. SImple? haha... wait till u play with these girls.. CONSPIRACY OF THE DRAGONS.. except for the yellow one( that ;s me). Let' ssee... hunnywenny is the white dragon *won one*. KJ's the blue. Yl's the Black*she won one round*Sy's the red!

I'm amazed how this simple game brings out so much laughter, despair(on my part), mis-calculations. *the rest commented Heng Heng i'm not a civil engineer*... and conspiracy of the dragons! haha. but but.. all i can accept, after all, no one can exactly pre-empt each other's moves right...BUT BUT, i must complain about hw!!! she's disguisting!!hahahha... tell u y.

okie this picture a bit small. let me explain first and then u'll see the BIGGER picture. haha pun intended.

SEe the hand taking the red bridge? that hw! the white dragon. she can remove any bridge and YET she removed the red one. Okie.. nothing wrong to u all yet right.... now look beyond the red bridge and u'll see a yelllow pointed mushroom lookalike on a plank. *AKA my bridge*. and island is the island which I AM Supposed to land and then win the game!just one step. right? one hop!. but the rest of the dragons blocked me... meaning blocked my turn! so i cant move. .. okie so what's with the red bridge? HW renoved my only connection from the rest of the world!!!!! haha, if u note carefully, there is no bridge connecting the yellow plank to else where.. she REMOVED IT. so i'm ...
STUCK. the bigger picture:

Evidence of the crime. I'm harmless. I'm blocked and she had to remove my ONLY much for "eliminating the weakest link"... and a good chinese phrase comes to mind. "guo he cai qiao".. okie i noe a few of u.. B2, nic and sy in particular COMFIRM dont know what talking me. haha so in direct english translation.
"cross the river and then break the bridge_".. but then hor, hw never even cross the river.. she break the bridge. u tell me.. she's evil or what?~hahahah

STill, it's just a game! right?i'm not a sore loser, so i just be nice and....

A nice game to conclude the day.. more plans to come settker's cafe to play more games... and yup guaranteed more laughters and memories to last !!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

i'm same as my b2!

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

Fact of the day-- Kid's greatest fear

A survey was done on young children in 3 different countries on their extreme fears. Care to know their response? Very interesting. Before i reveal the results, and btw, i've gotten this fact off the TV.* so no funny stint hor*... can u all please just close ur eyes? * okie for drama effects* and put urself back when ur 10.. and imagine what was ur greatest fear then??? i cant quite do that now cos my answer will not be reliable.... *okie?* please think before u scroll or read on. It'll be interesting.
* still there? * okies.. i noe this is starting to look like those spam emails*

hold on to ur answer as i reveal the greatest fear of the kids from the following countries.
  1. China
  2. United State of America
  3. Singapore

Anyone care to guess what their response is or if u fall in the majority?

Answers revealed.

CHINA-- Kid's greatest fear: Suffocating. Breathing difficulties

USA-- Kids' greatest Fear: Being knocked down by vehicles

hmm.... are u all surprised? Intrigued to find out singapore's kids' greatest fear?

Singapore-- Kids' greatest fear: Failure in tests and exams.

There u have it. Failure in tests and exams. YUp. How many of u put that as ur answer? 36% of the kids in singapore site that as their greatest fear. Failure in tests and exams. As compared to fears faced by the other kids in other parts of the world.. dont u think.. our answer is abit.. erm....._______?

i'll leave the floor to ponder and fill in the blank.hooey is simply amused by the results of the survey.

nights everyone

hunny wenny

hunny wenny is my friend. My close friend. My best friend.

We dont really talk on the phone, becos of me... * i have this silly logic that i shouldn call people cos i'm afraid i might be disrupting whatever they are doing, so i only call when i need to inform somebody of urgent stuffs which cannot be relied upon by the sms*

So the story goes, i wasn feeling really good today. Guess, my high hopes of a fantastic national day led to a deep plunge as, instead of fun and live fireworks, it turned up to be domestic disputes and late dinner. Long, senseless story involved. And tho everything is starting to be fine, i cant help but wish today could just be a normal weekend or something. A Nation holiday should be followed by another public holiday for everyone to rest after they bustled and crowd to festive venues, i mean.. what about those 1000's plus performers, army personnel, planners, security officers???Right? oops how did i digress?

anyway, the story continues that i din exactly have the most fantastic day, something happened and i was pretty bothered by it, or rather i cant help it. Just dont feel too good, went online, frustrated, tried all the usual websites i go, read my mails, kept myself busy and nope.. still sian with that kinda of humid feeling inside. Bleah. Resorted playing yahoo pool. Lost pathetically, luck wasn on my side. rather i din care much for winning. just want to get rid of the yucky feeling in me. then Hunny wenny called. Was afraid that my ill mood will spread to her. And we started talking... the funny thing was, the more i talked, the better i felt... at the end of the converstation, we were laughin.. at least i was. Felt lighter, free-er and all in all, few notches better than how i started off. And it's so easy.. al li had to do, was call a friend. I din have to go straight into the unsettling issue, just chat about fireworks, jobless, family, driving, fencing, davinci code.. and then abit more and hEY, before u know it, i've unleased the knot and feeling so much better.

Hunny wenny, my pot of honey. Thanks girl!=)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

4 decades.

40 years of hard work. One generation. What's going to happen from here?
Point to ponder. Happy birthday everyone!


okie.. i noe i added a few posts liao. but i gotta add this one to let everyone know.. it seems more than one are peeking into this hooey blog liao. I noe i've promised to upload photos and stuffs!there're many many things i want to say.

so please wait while i get started on organizing the pics...

patience my friends. patience.

diamonds on the water

Guess what the title means. Not hard.

there are days when u can start off feeling fantastic and end off gloomy. Like diamonds on the water. They dont last... but they sure make u see life in a different light.

Monday, August 08, 2005

stoned and songs

stoning. I had a good mind to blog down the past few day happenings, really. But it's a different story when one lies on one's bed with the lappie plopped on the cushion and on my tummy. Let's not forget the songs streaming from the winamp. Listening to "Superwoman" by karen white. Eyelids drooping.....

oh, Trying to sound most hyper and excited in a lethargic manner..."guess what?"

There is actually a game named after me. as in "Hooey"! haha, saw it in this game shop in plaza sing today. game shop... not those lan shop or computer games shop. Those interesting board games or card games, with witty cards and funny ideas for drinking... u noe those kind? yeah, was so surprised when my friend, von w pointed it out to me. Read the instructions and it sounded alot like "bluff" ( u noe those pokercards game)... Nah, i tot, nothing new or else i wun mind buying it and playing it with friends. Never Never, underestimate a pack of poker cards. Just the ordinary kind, can keep one entertained. or so it did... in a place called bintan.

Song on media player: "she's the one"-- robbie william
hmm... starting to feel like a sexist-lesbian with the two songs above. HAha, just happened to feel like listening a particular song. Ever got that feeling right? Just suits the current mood one might be feeling.

oh, wanted to blog about an idea that i have, but current mood is so zzzz din want to spoil the surprise i so called planned. HAha, geez... someone slap me awake."you'll be so high you'll be flying.................."

wanted to call today "indulgence" cos, i actually spent my money on something other than food, movies or transport!!! i bought a small package and i gave myself a treat to secret recipe's chocolate fudge and iced chocolate and iced blended mocha. HAHA, actually i shared the food and drinks with von w. yeah, that's how pathetic i am now.hmm.... on a side note, does anyone know if there's any side effects to putting ur lappie on ur tummy,??? other than the obvious fact that ur tummy feels hot after a while?=)

so, what is this package i bought? i think it's interesting. but i shant say anything yet cos i haven quite open it yet. haha.

still feeling stoned

songs baby...

just tot i post one before i hop to the living room to join my lit baby sista for lunch... noodles cooked by her! yummy..
anyway, there's this song that i'm crazy over... everytime it's aired i just love it!=)... oh, just as i'm blogging, long time mariah carey's "DreamLover" on air. long time no hear... just chililng to the tune.

oh, here's the song.

James Blunt's " You're Beautiful"

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Never stop questioning

Just finished writing an email to ruffy when i tot i should post this down too. My random thoughts. But i'll never know howi'll be like few years down the road. A note myself to never stop questioning.

"Recalled what u said about religion and faith, and i was reminded of "angels and demons". A correlation between religion a science? Both which had their share of staunch believers. Many believed the two lay on extremes and never could they be used to complement each other. At least, that's how each believer feels. For me, which watching the island, it .. makes people think. The world they lived in, Is there an island which we all look forward to? A delusion which we will only realize when the 'opportunity' arise?Should one stay contented with what we have? or the look beyond the facade which others laid upon? To seek the answers, even if the facts seem even harder to swallow with each step we venture? Believing that beyond the "island', there is a real world out there. An oasis in the making if one fights for what one believes, rather than "being" the chosen one, waiting for the opportunity to surface with the help of a lottery machine?

Now, i can picture the movie "the island" as a erm...three layer sphere. U know, picture Ferrero Rocher, the chocolate. The "harvested" beings reside in the deepest core, believing that the the Outer layer (2nd layer)is what the island is like.Their perception of the island is something which the adminstrators taught them. Drilled into their mindset before they 'awoken'. Echo (ewan) questions his meaning in the surrounding he lives in. The doubts which resurfaces after much assurance from friends induced him to explore. Something quite dangerous. Something the adminstrators dont like. Pretty much like policy makers dont u think? that brings me to my next point. The power of policy makers. *hooey will prob add to my blog regarding that*. So, the story continues with ewan not willing to just do the same schedule and he investigates, only to realize, there is a second layer, but, the island was not what he or the rest perceived. Perception become Deception.

Horrified by the truth, does he continue his search to escape? or resign to the fate, praying hard that he never be the "chosen ", "lucky" one. What will u do if ur him? WIll u imagine a world outside the second layer?

Later the show, as he and delta johnson (played by the beautiful Sarah) manages to escape of the.. "lab?" the sight beyond them is literally a whole new world. They ran for miles, or so i think. Sights upon them just brown and roads that seemingly leads to no where. A discouraging sight if u ask me. I wont know if i will have the courage to venture into unknowns, or rather, head back to familiar territories. This... reminds me of another mental note i made (people who U-turns.*shall remind myself to post that up too).

At last, throught their sheer determination and inquistive nature.THey fight for what they believed. They also fight for those who's still in the dark, for the ignorant who somehow, believed in what they live in. ( haha, catch the pun?). In this case, it wasn too hard to change their beliefs.

Man are born to question. To search. it's just a matter of when u want to stop believing, and to start questioning."

Friday, August 05, 2005

Girls' night out!

It's always great fun to have long time pals sit together

  • laughing till our jaws ache
  • difficulty hearing each other becos the table was too big!
  • sharing travelling experience
  • deciding what food to order so the total bill comes out to less than $10 per person
  • deciphering what each other is saying, and of cos, silly mistakes when one or more not on the same frequency! a joke which only bachelors will understand!!!=)
  • looking at the time cos majority still has to work tom
  • planning for next sleepover
  • planning for next travel
  • Fashion wear as we comment on the seasons of countries we intend to travel!=)

or simply.. just walking as we head back home together!

Thumbs up!