Monday, March 27, 2006

Letter from a friend

Found this letter from my b2. Brought back much-deserved memories. Just have to blog it out.
Thanks b2, for making my first three months in JC so memorable. To think it has been about 7 years since she wrote this.


"Remember the path we used to walk
All the way to school we'd talk
In fact we would travel so "fast"
That even couples would go past

Remember the early morning time
In the canteen so full of grime
We'd sit and sip ice coffee
And wait for time to hit 7:30

Remember the lectures we sat through
We'd take turns to doze and drool
While the other stayed awake and took notes
Or from vandalised tables copied quotes

Remember " Cheer up, it's only school
Think of what you can do after school"
These famous quotes of seniors past
That helped others through 2 years to last

Remember who muh we anticipated
During last period with breaths held bated
To meet at that happening place
That bright yellow Smiley face

Remember the times we used to wait
For air-con 74s outside the gate
On the bus our voices rang clear
Our conversation free for all to hear

These memories of the days we've shared
Those times of which our souls we bared
They'll stay with me forever
I pray they'll leave me never"

Hugs. May those memories never fade...


To take or not to Take?

A little step, which may bring me places, or will it crush me to pieces*ok exaggeration noted*

Life and it's many decisions. Some aint that small.

*Pondering mood*

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Something like this

Something about singing sappy old songs, raunchy pop tunes, listening to new songs, blabbering tunes cos one hasnt quite figure out the lyrics.

Seeing sister jumping on the sofa coach, oblivious to the surrounding.

Brother shyly trying out those songs he's been practicing on his guitars, humming the tunes at home.

All sloppy dressed, me wearing berms and an adidas top, with a nike top to cover that bad hair day.

Drinking tiger draft, tequila sunrise and sherry temple, chicken wings and sashimi.

Best company for an afternoon: fun-loving siblings.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


!well went presentation the hope
luck good

Monday, March 20, 2006

A date with modern Da Vinci and Mozart

Post dued

Due to the slow response from job interviews, coupled with the fact that hooey was getting really restless. She decided, perhaps she should start working on something. A part time, or even a new niche. What a good way to surprise her family when they return from malaysia if hooey manage to embark something new and make a living out of it.

So, after servicing her camera today(sunday, lonely sunday only with the company of my vehicle)... hooey decided to walk about and do something she hasn done before. Too bad, she serviced her camera before she gone for the walk, cos the weather was good, the kind you wont perspire and could still walk around with the patience to find a good spot to take some snapshots. Nevertheless, nokicam came to the rescue.
How's this for an artistic angle?

As part of the inspiration process and role playing, hooey went ahead with only a old chang kee curry puff and vitasoy for lunch.What to do when one's broke and jobless and keen to start anew? Thrifty is a virtue. Remember that. Hiaks

This is hooey's first masterpiece and you must understand how much courage it took to just sit alone by the breakwater while one is surrounded by either lingering couples or families with little running kids, or some young punks listening to Rock.

Yes, i have decided to do thiS!

Hooey just went ahead and started her work, dirtying her fingers with musty colours. She worked with the landscape, the water and the trees. Perhaps alit ambitious for a beginner, and she was seen referring to her guide book now and then. Every few minute she could not help but check her immediate surroundings to see if anyone was watching her.Two young punks sitting near her mimicked her actions, much to her annoyance.

But hey, as the waves catch on, so did her interest and determination to finish the picture. No doubt, it looked really childish and hardly like the real thing. But she grew less conscious as she start dabbing with the colours, exploring with new colours. She remembered calling ruffy before she started, explaining how embarrasing it would be if someone would to spot her drawing.

Her theory: A young kid/ or childrens playing with crayons in a public place is normal. An act of creativity and fun. They are entitled to draw and doodle. To come up with green skies and purple faces. But an adult, Alone with crayons looking at skyscrapers, u expect her to either be good/ to come up with something "whoa".. or prob think she's a bit pyscho, if not an inspiring art student, which again will simply mean her work should be of some standard.

Yes, no doubt, i should post up my masterpiece if i'm not ashamed of it right? Haha, here goes.
Before colors... still in the process

How the hell did i put myself on a benchmark measured, steoreotyped by age and norms, and not what i truely desire?Heck...

After 2 hours of dirtying her fingers,

So, go ahead and have a good laugh. Even if she fails to be pull a Da Vinci, she manages to crack u up.

The poor artist-wannabe was delighted to find an outdoor concert going on at esplanade. Hey, what do ya know... it's turning out to be agreat night! A night of arts and music as evident from the below pictures. For those who's interested,You wont see those again at esplanade. I've checked.

Rock on!!!!!!Dance to the tunes!
i love the grand piano. Wish i could take a picture with that stick figure.
a thing for drums!

The hopeless romantic acoustic guitarist. Love the settings.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Last few days whizzed past me like pages of an interesting book.
Met up/caught up with some friends. Some by chance, some arranged.
It was as tho, i missed a huge chunk or chapters off their lives ever since i started working overseas, and now it's all coming back to me.

Had sushi with my misses. I'm not really a sushi girl, not any good with those raw sashimi and good richness japanese food. But i'm good with those fried cooked food, nibble bit here and there and i had fun listening, contributing to a meal of updates, gossips, laments and cheers.

I met up with another old friend whom i haven met in eons. The last time we went out on a one-one basis was like.. let's see...2 years ago? Went for a drink at Babyface, One Fullerton. Quite a good place to chill out and listen to the ocassional jazz, sappy songs and between breaks, to catch up on our recent events. There's not much to say when one's not working(on my part) but it was good to offer a listening ear to listen to problems and issues. We toasted to life's events and turnings. Laughed at how things have changed, i gave a silent prayer that life has been good to me so far. As i listened, i wondered how unique and yet common our lives take on. How seemingly distance and yet, intricately connected in a way not many see. How you may share an encounter so similar to someone so vastly different from you, of which you prob will never know its connection if not a session of just chatting, catching up over a gold rum and red wine. *yes, i wish i could say lychee martini. yummy*

Missed chilling session with ruffy. Well, ours more like caffeine joints during the day. *sighs*
Gosh, seems so long since we done that. The last time i was chilling in the same country with him, i was alone at this chic cafe near Siam Paragon. Interesting alright, but a tad alone. Sobz.

Next day after my chill-out session, i went back to NTU for career fair. Okay, seems weird to be back there afterall, i was there for last year's career fair. It was nice alone, looking around, being stopped by financial planners of cos. As i was formally dressed ( scheduled to go for an interview), one even mistook me for one of the booth exhibitors' employees. Of cos, I love this part when i was asked:...

Staff A ( of XXX company): Excuse me, are u a graduating student?
Me:No..(haha, they think i'm younger!with that answer)
Staff A: Oh, are you interested in knowing more about XYZ?
Me: No, i've heard about it.
Staff A: How about leaving your contacts in the event you want to find out more?
Me: Oh, i've done that already...Last year!

I had this difficult episode of struggling to get away from a financial planner when a friend came to my rescue ( with a loud "Hi, jingwen!" and she just helped brush that guy off and took me hand in hand away!=) hiaks, great seeing some juniors and was giving advice on finding job early and stuffs when i suddenly realize, she's an IA Student and She took half day leave to find out the latest JOb Markets. Geez, should keep my mouth shut when there are people more informed than me. SOme kinda senior i am.=P Shared some stuffs with her, walked around and haha, she was telling me all about the freebies.(which surprisingly, i wasnt impressed at all)

After we parted aways and i continued walking around... was enjoying the fact that i was somewhat a stranger to this familiar place, when i was stopped again in my tracks by a hall friend, whom i used to work in the same committee with. Kinda funny, we spoke more yesterday than we did throughout my hall stay. As we walked around, I asked him about hall (to be frank, i was hardly involved in hall stuffs so to me, i was amazed that i stil have hall friends that i can bump into and started chatting).

As i listened to some of the hall events, the people that i know (who) but dont know them personally, recalling some of the activities i used to join( hall hockey, netball and softball), hearing him talk about FYP over a cup of ice ribena... i felt a tinge of regret for not being more active in hall. Not that i had a choice since i was heavily involved in archery during my first year. We chatted abit more and he told me about the new halls with air-conditioning. Looks pretty condo like to me. (but give me a chance, i'll still stay back in the normal dorms) More communal living. More like poor students, hoping about rooms, be it borrowing mop, watching Tv, chatting with others, playing bridge, downoading. Hehe.

We exchanged contacts and parted ways. Kinda like playing board games, U leave this point( this square ) and you take a few steps and you might bump into another player, and interact. Then by roll of dice, in real life, it's by chances of fate or events, you leave that spot and you moved on... till you meet again.

On another separate ocassion, i met up with another old friend for dinner at Tiong Bahru.
This old friend marks many years of memories. It was good to meet up after a period of not really speaking much to each other. Some quiet pauses in between chats, prob awkward, prob weird, but in all, it was a good time just seeing another old familiar face.

There's one thing about me i have learnt about myself for the past few days. Prob enlightened by a friend over rum at babyface.
Cherish is a word that comes in and out of my life. I cherished and i forgot. And then, something happened and i cherished. Something/ someone struck me, and i remembered.

I'm more rational than i tot. Ability to separate personal and work is something i din see myself until i seen others.

I'm quite a forgetter when i'm occupied. No, i'm not coming up with excuses. For these are mere facts which i have seen and experienced for myself.

I've forgotten my outing with the girls yesterday at carl's junior. My phone was down and i guess they were trying to contact me while i was out. I was too caught up with my stuffs that i've forgotten about it. Girls' if your reading this, I'm sorry. It slipped off my mind and i shant deny it.=( This date was informed by hunny wenny a week ago, and it din register. To think i was telling her how i spent last week at carl's junior too with the boardgamers. Same place, same time, just one week apart.

I always tot i was good with dates and outings. I never see the point of needing an organizer to note down certain appointments (cos seriously, if i really want an organizer, i will find it filled to the brim.. aka when i was working back then). If not, it seemed pointless to have a relatively blank page all the time with the ocassional...

" Threading at 6.30 pm. Meet at Little India Mrt."
" Arranged to meet with Clericians. Time unknown. Venue Unknown. "
or " Grocery shopping. Check fridge for list"

I wont go to the organizer day by day to check what i have since it will be empty. I wake up, i do what i feel like doing and i get my things done.

Cos, usually i live by the day. I dont arrange like way before and then i forget. But this time, I felt bad that the girls' went back carls jnr to find me when they couldn contact me, thanks tinkering for asking about me and hunnywenny for checking on me when my phone finally came alive after being recharged at midnight.

Well, it's time to grab a bite aka my lunch. After bro's back, will drive him to register Advanced Theory Driving (haha) and then it's off to Threading.

No Prize for guessing venue and time.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Let's not be calculative

Can you imagine this is what our A levels Students today will be using???

It costs a whopping $200 plus!!!!! It's called... A Graphing calculator. With graphing storage memory of dunno how many MB. When did we start associating MB with Calculators??

Check how calculators have evolved, the prices especially...Below is prob one of the calculators you last used. I din even Hit this stage...

With its Distinct Big Round Button(era). Doesn Look Any Modern if you asked me.
Fortunately or unfortunately, i din even used the one above. In my whole student life, i had only 2 calculators. And thou remained faithful to them...

Let me find their pics...

Mine... is ( after 5 mins of surfing) i still cant find the pictures.. even ebay seems to invalidate their existance. Geez... how could it be?

Will u prefer to go Back to the olden days of just wood and black beans?
haha.. gotta drive mum to work or else i would have continue...

Saturday, March 11, 2006


A morning wake up call

She woke up with the ringing from her mobile. Assumed it's a call from a company for an interview, she tried to sound awake, putting her most chirpy, alert voice.

Me: " Hi!"
Person: "Hi, is this ms Zhang Jingwen?"
Me: "Yes... (surely this gotta be an interview)"
Person: "Hi, this is to inform you that ur appointment with the dentist is fixed on 27th Apr 8am"
Me: " Oh... 27th Apr 8 am .. Right. Thanks.
Person: "Bye"
Me: "Bye" (@#$% Had to wait so long just because i missed the march appointment!! drats, my sleep)
And Suddenly...
Sister from the upper bunk: " what? So late for an interview?!"
Me: " no lah... ( amazed that the girl was awake all these while)

Friday, March 10, 2006

To do List

To Do List:

1. Wake up brush teeth and wash face
2. Greet parents and search for breakfast
- no breakfast on table, then proceed to make cup of coffee
- if up for exercising, walk to the coffeshop across the road to find food
3. While waiting for water to boil, gather clean laundry from washing machine and hang at the front yard
4. Fold clothes
5. Clear the rubbish bins around the house.
6. Turn on cable tv and watched the shows missed previous evening
7. Drink up my daily dosage of own-decocted coffee
8. Education, read newspapers, particulary targetting the RECRUIT
9. Massaging the piano keys
10. List of proper things to do, up in head.
11. Procastinating item 10

Thursday, March 09, 2006


It's quiet times like this which spot hooey blogging.

Watching a touching movie called "mermaid" now. This makes the 3rd or 4th time hooey is watching this. And probably many more times i read the story off reader''s digest.

Mental block. Rather, too distracted by the internet chats, the TV and emails. When was the last time you used the computer without turning on the internet? Speaking of internet, i just watched an episode of "Judging Amy". Interesting job, but sure aint fun.

Argh, i simply cant blog further when i'm so into the show. And it's really kinda silly when you already know what's to expect and what are the lines to come.
