Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mellow Yellow, Cute View

A picture taken outside my house on a bizzare singapore evening when the sky looks strangely yellow. Did anyone notice? I din do anything to the colour for this pic, merely changed the texture to better suit the feel. Mellow Yellow.

Here's another pic, which i added another effect:

Picture taken @ sentosa under the Carlsberg Tower. Din feel rich enough to board the trip up, so had to settle with what i see below. An interesting view i tot. Probably the best view of Singapore. Hiaks. This aint how it looks at night k.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sentosa Esplanade Gelare

Rasa Sentosa and Fort Siloso Beach.

Look out for?

Ya know, it's not that assuring to see those dark clouds, when ur stranded high above, overly exposed with no cover over you with the exception of ...

a helment, which resembles that of a bowl... that looks like it's falling off any minute and if i dont take this picture, it will cost me $10 just for a copy of me in the Luge or the chair lift. $5 by email. So what the heck, took the risk of stretching my arms out with my camera.

View of what u see while taking the chair lift, oops wrong focus, seem to focus more on the chair. As i couldn take any picture of me taking the luge (for obvious reasons), here's how it looks like.

My two favourite guys' names?! haha, paradise indeed after a hot day at beach! But, becos i tot i will be having more when i meet hunny wenny SO i gave a skip. Hey peepz, $4 per scoop, $1 extra for cone.

Ok, i did this after the chair lift, so that i can make my way down to the beach. Not a smart move. Especially, when 1. Your alone.
2. When it looks like it's going to rain.
3. When you're a coward.
4. When you're imaginative, correction: Highly Imaginative.
Din take much photos for the above reasons. Cant wait to finish the trail even tho i slept in it before.. (when i was a programmer at Freshman orientation camp)

Walk On it.

Colourful letters=) Next stop.. More colours.

Esplanade with its splendor, splashes of colour. And finally...

Two girls, one waffle with chocolate overload *after meal* and a night of catching up, fun, dreams and laughter.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hyping and Hiding

Found myself popping into this website everynow and then. It's as tho, i have nothing better to do, which in a way, many will say so.

I could have started with part-time jobs while waiting to start, earning some extra income, without feeling the need of obsessively blogging out my thoughts. Whether it's an obsession anot, i' haven quite ascertain, but i always feel much better having the thoughts all typed out.

Was clearing my desk yesterday when i decided, why not clear that bottom drawer which has been untouched for months due to the fact, it was not in a convenient place to reach out. So, as i opened that drawer, i was amazed by the chunk of memories that was.. Chunked there. A small notebook revealed my earliest entry as i started my journal. Dated 27 Feb 1990. Haha. I was astonished and yet, smiling to myself as i read through those innocent, simple, boring(haha), contented entries of mine.

When i was 8 years old, I called people along with their surnames. I cant spell glad. "gald". I adore painting, going for art classes, i loved my primary school, simply becos it was Huge and it has a garden and i do P.E everyweek. I ACTUALLY adore responsibilites, and was GALD when i was made maths leader. Darn! I cant imagine how collecting maths exercise notebooks made me that happy.

But well, that's how simple things were then. And of cos, i'm happy because i get to see my friends everyday. About 50- words entry to summarise my day in school. Now, ask me to come up with 5oo words, i just shrug as i continue to crap.

And yes, i din throw out that notebook in the end. i kept it, along with the few books/diaries/journals that followed along these 16 years. And now, my journal took the form of a website. My handwriting and ink colour evolves to that of typing and choosing the font and colour depending on my mood. My pen and eraser (if i bothered deleting), now evolves to the keyboard and the mouse. In stead of keeping my journal in a drawer where it's exclusive to me, now, it's stored in the world wide web for people to see.

I wonder how the next 16 years will evolve. Maybe u can just store everything in a biometric chipcard Which, is prob inserted in you ( by some legal systems u know ...ERP), and u can expand the memory should it run out of space, so instead of visiting a website, u take out the various memories chip/chips and have your memories played virtually, or best still, keep them in a memory bank or something. Withdrawing as and when you want, you can keep your secrets safe in a safe, whatever.

Perhaps, as much as you can store, u can choose to erase memories like what "Eternal sunshine of the Spotless mind" has to offer.

There will be lesser things in this world that become irreversible. Come on, anti-aging products have already made it's debut, signalling the mark of how reversibility is here to stay. Ironic eh.

Well, randomic thoughts as usual. I've been an informal part-time tutor at home. Giving "advice", offering "solutions" to students from A level to that of tertiary level. Doing A level chemistry, Tertiary Maths when i realize, i need to rely on notes to recap what's going on. No longer can i just with a flare of my pen, scribbled relentlessly the solutions to amaze my sibilings. NO. Now, it's plain paper, questions, and textbooks/notes and leaving me for about few minutes to recap before i can attempt.

That's bad.

Anyway, i' dont know what came over me to just keep typing. So many things on my mind.

People around me have been puzzled with certain actions/decisions of mine. And i know, from my many blog entries, i am not one to elaborate on unhappiness and declare my troubles. i might, if i still use the little book, but now, no. Reading back on my old entries, i somewhat just hyped up the good stuffs and hide the negativity. Alittle like politics if you ask me.

I chanced a blog yesterday. An interesting and revealing as that. A gay's blog i've come to realize as i read further on. A guy who's not afraid to show who he is.

And it struck me, if this blog of mine is something that's going to remind me of who i truely am months, years down the road. Will i, many years from now, do a "open the drawer" and read back?

Maybe i will. And what i get, will be an overall good feeling of myself. I'm a forgetter, especially bad stuffs that happened. So, i prob be =).

Is it that bad, to forget the bad/unhappy stuffs?

I've been spending time alone, alot. Made more so, with late mornings, late breakfasts and quietness as the world moves on. And, i'm not very lonely.

Being alone and (sorry, the cat's meowing) and lonely can be two separate entities. I' ve in several occasions, felt more lonely in crowds than i was alone.

I can be alone and be glad to just take in the surroundings without a care. (but i think, i will be concious the moment someone spots me alone. Like "hey, what are u doing alone? Why are u out alone?"). As if, being alone is akin to ... (trying to think of example)==> why are you wearing two watches? Well, not a good analogy.

Being alone can be a choice, while being lonely is often not.

So, i've laid my plans today, a date with me, Myself and I. Hoping the weatherman does his job and approves my plan.

I'm popping a visit to the south of singapore --Sentosa. Armed with my camera, and i'm going to try out the luge. It's a weekday man. And that's why i have this plan. To maximise this period, so that i have less complaints when i start work.

I intend to visit a beach and afterwhich, i will make my way back to the mainland to Suntec to meet hunnywenny.

ice cream and gelare galore. i hope.

Now, i'm waiting for the batteries to fully charge so i can hopefully take lotsa pictures.

wish me luck.

P/s: Tot i drop this line off Times Magazine. Been reading some outdated unopened Times Magazine ever since i start clearing my stuffs. Outdated meaning year 2000. 6 years back. Pre-911. Pre- Tsunamis.

" Making everyone happy and telling the truth is a difficult art"-- journalist Lord Deeds.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Caption Thought

Just a thought: Hooey suddenly miss imprinting footprints .

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Eight below. A movie of friendship, trust, cute dogs, survival and hope.=)

Made better still when one watched it with two good friends. The vons.

Well, besides paul walker who was highly distracting, haha, i found myself concerned with the advertisements which took almost 15 mins before the actual screening of the movie.

If advertisments were to be a representation of the current lifetstyle/mindset/wants of Singaporeans, someone help me decipher this would u?

1. 2 credit cards advertisements
2. 2 Samsung phone advertisements
3. 1 nokia Phone advert
4. oh, and these 2 pepsi advertisement with the "Dont worry, no/Low sugar content" thingy

There's prob more, but these few strike me.

That's us huh. Mobile and credit. And low sugar.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hand in my pocket

Only the title of a song by Alanis Morissette off Softrock class 95Fm. I was moping the kitchen floor, having the whole house to myself, as i listened to what's playing off the radio.
"Hand In My Pocket"

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five
I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
And what it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign
I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm hard but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chickenshit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
And what it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxi cab

Nothing beats some routine housework to just keep oneself occupied. For a split sec, i imagined this scene to be part of some MTV shots. A song in the background with the cast doing mundane stuff.

Only...the background wasn some snow resort with cascading slopes. Nor was the background full of autumn leave as the character walked down the lonely path. Neither was it some hip happening chill out place with smiles all over.. It was just a pail, a mop and floor.

Scheduled to go for an interview in a while. And i'm just wondering if i want to go. I cant quite remember the scope and i went back online to check my application to find that i cant access it.

Been trying to find an opportunity to go to the beach. When time is on my side, the weather sadly isnt. Looking out of my bedroom window, it just sadden one to see the dull clouds. No longer is it eye-piercing to look out and up. It's just sad. Like you know, the sky is just advicing u to stay home and not waste ur time travelling to the beach to be greeting by huge,cold raindrops.

Was clearing some of my stuffs off my table which's starting to look a temporary dumpsite when i found a square, brown box full of little notes. Took out the box, and was reading off these notes when i rem i wanted to do something about these notes and my blog.

Here goes.First query of the box.

" If you had to be a lifeless object for a day, what would you be?"

Theoretically, i dont think this question make sense. Assume i chose a lifeless object, irregardless of what reason, if the fact that i'm lifeless, doesn that mean that i wont breathe, i wont be able to feel, or be concious of my being for that one day? AND granted that that's what lifeless being is all about, then it doesnt matter what i am or choose to be aint i right?

But then again, i believe one's not supposed to over analyze the question and just provide the first thing that come to mind.

And so, in my current state of mentality, two things came to mind.
1. Bed
2. Plane

I'll be a bed cos i think that's a comfortable place. When one's a bed, u dont worry about moving places. You hardly move. You just sit and relax, u work only half the day when some mortal/ or in the case of my family, the cat sleeps on u. You bring that being into some unconscious world where he/she relaxes, dreams, or even nightmares. You bring comfort and cuddles when ur surrounded by pillows and comforter. You're the last thing your owner spends time with in his/her conscious state and the first thing, he/she lingers in the morning.

yup a bed will be good for a day.

(P/s: granted that i'm a luxury bed and not a hospital bed)

I'll be a plane. Cos, i love looking at clouds when i board the plane. I find myself staring at the window more often, observing the landscape and formation of clouds. Being a plane, i will be in direct contact with these wonderful vapours. I'll see places, without feeling emotional tied down (cos i'm a plane). I ferry people to destinations (be it work or leisure), i soar above moutains and oceans. And if i travel at night, the stars will be closer to me than i ever will be (P/s: granted that i wont be an astronaut or a space shuttle). I'll face turbulances and i'll knock through those clouds as if i'm playing bumper cars. Yes, no doubt, i'll be dangerous if i crash. (but like i said, a lifeless being, i dont fear dying)

Yes, a plane will be good for a day.
(p/s: granted that i'm luxury aeroplane and not a military air craft, it sure doesn feel good to have bullets, missles hitting)

Perhaps, that's what my answer will be. What's yours? Do share.

Hand in the pocket

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Geek In the PINK

Hmm... been listening to songs. Musical posts today.
Here's a great song recommended weeks ago by hunny wenny who went to his concert, who's absolutely smitten by him.

Presenting "Geek in the pink" (Click! Do check it out. Lyrics provided below as u listen!)
"Geek In The Pink"
[Record scratching sounds]
[Rapper] Yo, brother A to Z
[Mraz] Yo, whassup B?
[Rapper] Yo, what time is it?
[Mraz] Haha it's laundry day

Well, let the geek in the pink take a stab at it
If you like the way I'm thinkin' baby wink at it
I may be skinny at times but I'm fat fulla rhymes
Pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it
Well, isn't it delicious, crazy way that I'm kissin''
Cause baby listen to this, don't wanna miss it while it's hittin'
Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in
But don't ever quit cause soon
I'm gonna let you in but see

I don't care what she might think about me
You can vibe without me if you want
I could be the one to take her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge me by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink
Like the geek in the pink, pink, pink
The geek in the pink, yeah

Well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody
But Cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her
Because she fall in love too often that's what the matter
At least I talk about it keep a pattern of flattery and
She was starin' through the doorframe
Eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend
Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then
Cause I ain't comin' home I don't need that attention, see

I don't care what she might think about me
You'll get by without me if she wants
I could be the one to take her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Hey baby look at me go
From zero to hero
You better take it from a geek like me
I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums
Who wouldn't care if you com...plete him or not

So what I've got a short attention span
A coke in my hand
Because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand
My hip hop and flip-flops it don't stop with the light rock
A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot
The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I'm
Developing a language and I'm callin' it my own
So take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean
That on the other side the grass is greener

I don't care what she might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want
I could be the one to take you/her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out/on
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink
Well, I'm the geek in the pink, yo pink pink
Geek is the color for fall, I'm the geek in the pink yeah
So I'm the geek yo, in the pink yo.
Hahah, y'all geek is the new color for fall
I'm the geek in the pink

Put your records on

A song that got into my head. Enjoy the tune and mood it portrays.

by Corinne bailey rae (Do click to check out the song)

"Put your records on"

Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright
And nothing seems to change, and it all will stay the same.
Oh, don't you hesitate.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely,
Sipping tea in the bar by the road side, (just relax, just relax)
Don't you let those other boys fool you,
Gotta love that awful hairdo.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Just more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer.
Do what you want to.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Oh, You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Flawless imperfections

Been agitated, confused, lost in thoughts, tangled for quite a while.
Time has never seem longer and i hope to sort out the fizzles.

Be good to oneself? Learn to seek contentment?
Conflicting thoughts?

Am i asking for trouble? Or am i facing the truth?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Mourning for nokicam

i think i shouldn be so cool about this anymore.

HOOEYPHOOEY lost her handphone to some disguisting, miserly, crafty, cunning, idiotic, inconsiderate, piece of shit, freaky, horrifying, Irritating, ugly soul, PICKPOCKET at cityhall. First time hooeyphooey lost her phone and yes, the sim card goes a long way with me... and there goes my 7 years of contacts!!!!!!!

to this terrible bastard who took off with my phone. U prob cant sit, eat, drink or sleep after i've nursed so much hatred towards u the moment i've discovered it's gone. I'mfeeling much better now, and i know hatred will just make me ugly and worse and i've come to terms with the loss of my 5 month old mobile.

thou should stay cool and learn to forgive and forget.

you #$%^&


The P, M and G to happiness

I chanced upon an article measuring happiness in a female's magazine while highlighting my hair at the salon. One of the enjoyable moment - to pick up some light reading while being pampered.

The article was interesting. It attempts to explain, why some people never seem to be satisfied or happy. Attempt to explore the KEY to happiness. Few females shared their insights and experiences as to measuring happiness.

Many will feel that wealth brings about a certain level of happiness. Prior to this, i read off somewhere or was enlightened by a friend that happiness is somewhat divided into 2 categories- momentary (in the moment) and transistional(over time) not sure of the exact words.. i think yc was the one who shared this with me.

When one struck lottery, the esctastic feeling one gets is Momentary, for the thrill dies off the moment the shock, the news is accepted. Happiness that derives from good luck/randomic occurence is short-lived and intensified.

Well, continuing the lottery example, the article i read elaborates how this americanlottery teenage winner found herself RICH and famous overnight. To ALSO find herself being robbed, house broken into Twice, with failed relationships over the months that follow. How the level of acute happiness gave way to insecurities and loneliness in time to come.

I can picture that, tho i doubt i will truely experience what waas going in her mind. For I'm one person who dont mind striking it rich. I day dream of owning a million bucks. I had a dream revolving a painting, a ring, 2 million bucks and england. but then again, that's another story.

Anyway i haven got to the topic of the post yet. The P, M and G. The articles goes on to define how true happiness to life is a composite product of 3 components of life.

1. The Pleasurable (P) life
2. The Good (G) life
3. The Meaningful (M) life

Without any of this three, one may feel unsatisfied or fail to attain true happiness and contentment. To feel at ease with oneself and others, one must fufil all three. So what does these 3 ingredients entail?

Pleasurable life: this is happiness u attain, when u eat/ devour that lovely and yet sinful chocolate. When u splurge on that GUCCI handbag, when u go sky-diving, or plunge straight into the ocean, scuba diving or coral reef watching.
This is the level of joy, when u go clubbing with friends, hang out at that latest chilling hangout, fine dining. When u go for salsa lessons, wakeboarding, movies. Yes u get my drift.

Good life: this is set upon the basis which we all hope to have. A warm and happy family. Close knitted friendship, wonderful companionship with a beloved. Enjoy a good working relationship with colleagues. Satisfaction and sense of achievement from our job. A steady income. The articles continue to elaborate how the priorities differ for different age group. For the 20s, the good life's satisfaction and highest level of focus prob derives from our career and job.For the 30's it's setting up a family, and the 40's it's the child'/ children's development.

Meaningful life: This is by far most intangible when it comes to measuring the happiness, there isnt much material goods u can use as a bench mark. Rather, it's something that comes from beneath as you do a deed for someone. As you attempt to do something Not for yourself but for others, and yet, the happiness that wells up in you is truely yours to own. I'm sure most of you intelligent folks already know what i'm talking about. When we talk about the 5 C's, many neglect one important C in life which sadly, wasn even included in that much talked about list-- Charity. Doing that extra bit, going out of ur way is something so easily said but difficult to pick up. The inertia stage just sets in, the couch at home looks much more inviting and easy than heading out to look for something/someone to care.

How many times have you asked urself : the meaning to life? I did. And i confess, doing charity work has hardly comes to mind... as i always tot the meaning to life is something which i ought to do for myself. How wrong i was. To fufil that component in meaningful life, your existance is measured by the amount/portion you have to offer to others, the surroundings, the society. You happiness is derived from the smiles u see upon others by what you've done. Your joy is multiplied upon the improvements/ well being that others gained from something you set out to do for them.

There's no need for grand gestures as long as you aim to do something for someone other than you. To think beyond the self-benefits you might forfeit and putting oneself in the shoes of others.

Geez, hooey's starting to preach. Haha, it's some thoughts that comes to mind as the rain pours. Hunnywenny feels singapore's flooding.

Thought i share this article with people who chance upon this. Perhaps it's time you take a step back to look at your P's M's and G's. Is it all that balanced?
For every complaints, discontentment, grudges you may have, just check back on these 3 letters.


(image taken off the web :

Thursday, April 13, 2006

jingwen cant count

GATACCA: 4 different alphabets. Not 3. Did anyone spot my mistake?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Big Fish Small Fish

Been having dinner out everyday for past 4-5 days? Or rather out every evening... these outings/gatherings/catching up sessions are burning a considerable sized hole in my pocket.

Anyway, went to this rather nice place at siglap called "Big Fish" for dinner. It serves grilled seafood and service wise is not bad. Of cos, this friend who had dinner with me never fails to embarrass me in front of the waitress. Anyone remembered the movie "Big Fish"?

This friend is leaving for work overseas. This time it's dubai. This marks another close friend, one who jio me for coffee, for supper, one's who always willing to offer a helping hand, one whom u can count on for sarcastic, but at the same time, u know u can always count on for a truthful response even if u din not ask for it..( for eg. when he sees u, the first thing he said was : "Eh, why you got so many pimples?" in stead of the regular niceties like "hi".. HAHA)

Haha, the kind of rare friend whom you know always go that extra mile for friendship. It seems more and more of my emotional support are heading miles away from me. They are now spanned across europe, asia pacific and now.. middle east.

Maybe singapore is indeed too small a place for all of us to stay and progress. I wondered how these close friends of mine will adapt to their new surroundings. If they will come back changed, or will i change drastically when they return. My soon to be-"dubaian" friend joked that years after he come back, i will prob not recognize him on the street.

Guess i'm just feeling alit pensive thinking of how i will miss those spontaneous coffee sessions. Cos this friend is someone who just pop a sms to see if i'm free to go lim kopi and vice versa. That's the good thing of having a friend living relatively close-by. A friend who dont mind last minute outing, dont mind hanging out late, a friend who's always bound to have a vehicle at hand. It's amazing, i think i have seen him and joined him/ with our friends in a bike, a car, a van, a pick up and a lorry!

A friend whom we shared chionging sessions, have our mutual chionging friends, who is always spotted on either drunk or high ocassions. A highly sporting guy who's not afraid to show his horrendous moves as he grooves to the music, who's not afraid of other people's comments, who's never afraid of being too loud or too crude(haha).

We had our group outings and those outings were always filled with fun and laughter. Those dosages of sarcasm and suannings which used to be a constant nagging will soon translate to lingering sounds at the back of my mind.

A guy who'll always be remembered for his cleaning fetish. His lime-green vacuum cleaner never fails to flash across as i think back on those hostel days. Him and his roomie, mr OTT whom, always ready for a friendly greeting as they walked past our room. Me and roomie elaine, on our part always ready to take advantage of them as they walked past our room to cook at the pantry. Yummy food.

Thinking back, the days of doing lab reports, or rather compiling paraphrasing lab reports as we laughed over nonsensical stuffs seem so yesterday as we struggled through the papers. Mugging in the tutorial room, struggling even when the light is cut off, only to rely upon the OHP lighting. Haha, the few of us were so united. We had a few in our gang who were excellent in computing and grahpics. Gurus' i call them. And we stayed to asked questions, to do examples as we braved through the nights as they coached us.

Memories memories memories.

Mr Murf, wishing ya all the best at work as u carve a niche for urself in the next few years, Know you will miss your family, ur beloved Miss K and your gang of friends. Be Strong!Take good care!Hmm.. i did enjoy myself as a freshman. Now, what's my class name? Was there such thing as a class list? Hmm...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006



Exactly a week since i last blog, and i felt time has come to a standstill. Not sure if anyone missed my writing but i sure did. I was reading back some of my past entries, from the point i started work, travelling for work, meeting people, back from overseas, cherishing times back in singapore... till looking for work, and soon starting work again. Glad the entries kept those memories and tots flooding back to my little head, which will otherwise kinda just fade away for newer things to come. And one day, one might just sit back and wondered if one has actually done anything useful or memorable for that matter.

Been spending lots of time outside this week, not only have i been spending time, i have also been spending money like i shouldn. Bought a table and 2 rattan chairs. Yes, i'm waiting for them to be delivered. And many little other things, going to eating and chilling places.

Just caught a movie starring Ethan Hawke and Uma thurman. Cant quite rem the title, but it's not a new movie, and its a show i caught more than once on tv. Still, some phrases that Ethan Hawke mentioned never fail to pull a thug somewhere off me. Nothing romantic, just some pure facts, or feelings that sprang off him as he stared at the stars above, as he looked around the surroundings... where the caption mentioned "in the not so distant future". Made me wondered if i am looking forward to that kinda of future.

A future where death is determined the moment u are born. A world when your fate lies in your genes. A world where ambitions are classified according to the breed u belong. A organization where ur classified by "valid" or "invalid". All these predetermined.

Are you valid?

Wait... is that a Valid question?

Prior to this show, i happened to catch an episode of Oprah, where Uma thurman interviewed Meryll Streep. Uma asked a "life-learning" question which i felt Meryll answered wonderfully. Sometimes, one cant help if celebrities mean the things that say. We cant blame them, cos they are actors, and seriously, life has granted them richness, fame but those had also cost them their privacy and most intimate thoughts. However, when i heard Meryll Streep's answer, strangely, i felt i was hearing this from a friend. Someone who dont see the need to put up a false front, someone who has been through it all and seriously given life a serious thought. One willing to learn and explore and cherish.

Ramblings. Ah... got the name of the movie. GATACCA (the three alphabets in our DNA)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ubin Fiesta!

This post's gonna consist more of pictures rather than words. Took a trip to ubin on (Last Saturday 1st april, nothing to do april's fool) to vist my grand dad's tomb. It's becoming a yearly or bi-annual event for the extended family, as we met up early for breakfast at Changi's village. After tombsweeping this year, we extended the program to island cycling, of cos, offering me the chance to go shooting pics. =)
Not in any particular order cos i hate to sort them out and risk them being deleted. It happened already.
ON BOARD!!!!!!

we took the ferry with a group of boy scouts. Apparently there's some event going on in ubin. Somewhat like amazing race.but no car, no bicycles, just maps and their backpacks... Haha, we led some of them into the cemetery later on. There was actually a checkpoint there!
You do know how rare it is to see roads without markings. Streets without streets lamp,to be replaced by tall coconut trees ... and of cos, the absence of traffic lights and dustbins. Ah... greenery and the country.

Okay, trying to act all sporty and glamourish at the same time. taken in the mini van which ferrys us to cemetry. Surprisingly, this year, Ubin's Mosquitoes Blood donation drive din really get to me!=) Yeah!!!!!And know what? It turns out the driver is some relatives of relatives of relatives of my mummy and uncle. Everyone in ubin is family. Somesort or another.

Took this in black and white cos it feels right. Surprisingly, i actually had a picture of this in another angle in colour two YEars ago!!! when i was still doing my IA and camping with IA friends. Amazing. See?

But the most amazing has yet to come. just Watch...*

Ok, the thing is, i took a picture of this little boy who stays in ubin. prob only about 3 years old or something. Wanted to post his picture up, but afraid it's prob not very nice when i din get his permission/ or that of his parents. I wanted to say, i recognize him, cos i met him two years ago in the same place! i even had a picture of him two years ago!!!! imagine meeting him again, sitting down and talking to him. Actually he was more interested in my mum... and her bee hoon. Well, too bad. i' shall post other pictures instead
Pink flower!
We cycled to this farm where there's live prawns for sale. it means.... u buy them, and they stay that way hours after u leave pulau ubin, and back to ur kovan home to untie the packaging to see them alive.. and yes, kicking. oh, that's my aunty in orange. And my cousin(her daughter) further up front... and my mum and sis and uncle..,.. and urs truely laggin behind to ...take the picture.
Doesn this look like something u see on a field trip? some educational tour or something?
Mummy stopping to get some sea water. Yes, that's a bottle she's carrying to collect the sea water.

kinda like this pic too. Uncle squatting, and the girls seem to be well covered and shaded by that palm tree or coconut tree leaves....I took it in the adjacent bank of the swamp. My uncle was trying to catch some mudhopper. Which, i tot the correct term is mudskipper. I still think i'm right, tho i din argue. The three ladies keeping a safe distance while my aunt was guarding our bicycles.
What my aunt was guarding! haha, kidding, there were this other group of youngsters who stopped by for a break.
How's this for an attempt? fine, after several attempts? Trying to play with the macros and blurring the background.... i'm Proud of my work.
some of the places we cycled past- NPCC residential camp. These height elements brought back wonderful memories.

Crabs! Looking at these pic, still brings back the satisfaction i had, tasting those yummylicious crab meat. No heavily seasoned sauces, not chilli crab or black pepper.. just simply the fresh sweet taste of crab meat!! background: the two Ubin kids- mum and her baby brother-my uncle! They cant wait to start attacking the crabs!
Something tells me, my mum was thinking about her childhood in ubin, a sense of nostalgia as she bid goodbye to the island-the place thats becoming lesser and lesser of how she pictured it to be with urban development
my mum, i can understand, but my sister?! Haha, candid shot taken of her. Think she was hungry, and hot, and probably wondering when we can cycle to our next destination. Note: taken before crabs meal. I like this pic of her. Thinking mood.
Yeah... C-O-C-O-N-U-T! sweetest they have taste, according to our panel or judges. Hooey skipped the coconut and opt for that packet of green tea. My Mum was so delighted that she started playing drums with those coconuts. Tniaoz. I think they are delirious from the heat or something.
Aint this the cutest little kitten u have seen in ages? Blue eyes... my cousin wanted to smuggle her back in her backpack. We had the approval from the locals, but not our parents. Aunt has an allergy to kittens, cats, dogs. But she din realize, my cousin is going to get a dog on her second' month's pay. I heard she's eyeing a big dog- either a goldern retriever or german shepherd. Uh Oh.....