Monday, February 26, 2007

picture for thought

What art thou my friend?

Rush like you never did

It's monday, and this monday is hell of a frenzy as i have to sub two colleagues. In fact, i'm the only engineer in our work centre as i battled with the guys to get the tools up, to qualify, to troubleshoot.

But damn, the adrelaine is addictive.

off to my dinner...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cocktail frenzy

Hooey is in a blogging mood today. And ha! i rem i want to share a pic i took at indoChine.

I realize i like to take pictures of drinks. Maybe i'll go around collecting my photographs. So far, i have taken at Timbre, Al tivo, Acid bar, M hotel, Top of the M.. and here's presenting...

Really nice red cocktail which hooey cant rem @ IndoChine Waterfront

Decade old stuffs

Music while bloggin: Jack Jacksons' vocal

Keying with hands not quite sterilised with dettol, i have just completed, or rather partial cleaning of my stuffs. I've noted there's never finishing this clearing, just as the way there's never enough pay raise for all.

And as i started decluttering, i stepped into yet another trail of my past. Memories, some waiting to be recalled, some simply not registering anything in my head.
(pause music as i realized i am unable to continue with my thoughts)

As i unpack and pack, sort and unsort, throw and decide whether to do so...

1. You realize as you grow older, you get less of those notes, ornaments, decorative stuffs, (basically things which serve no purpose except to sit and collect dust). Those found on my desk are all dated at least 5-6 years ago.. when i was in a typical girl school and then in JC.

2. Relating to point 1, you are happy that you're getting least of those cos it means less decluttering and overcrowding effect in your "where-is- my -table" desk. However, you do wonder if it means if you're getting less popular as you try to recount when was the last time someone gave you something out of the blue.

3. You do realize it gets easier and easier to bid good bye to the stuffs as you find yourself wanting a more free, clean and neat life, which translate to neater room, which translate to a neater table. It makes you feel more grown up. You want things sleek, all black or either white. No more than 3 colours cause its seems assorted, and assorted is not good unless we are talking about all-in-one multi purpose gadget.

4. You hate to throw away things which you kept for over a decade as you feel you've grown feelings for them, however do noting the fact that you hardly even glance at it when it's lying there daily for the past years, only to realize you might miss it once it's in the rubbish chute.

5. You find it really easy to throw away your brother's junk(or so you think) as you see it lying around. It's so much easier to clean up someone's mess than yours cos you dont feel attached to them. Well, that was until i heard my bro yelling for his stuffs when i thought... "Maybe i should just let him vet through this junk".

6. You start to think if you're actually a boring person after you clear out your desk.(finally visible to everyone) and realize you've been defining yourself by the your possessions. Once everything is gone and out of the way, you realize your table is empty. All that's left is a hole puncher, 8 AA batteries in an ikea pencil holder??, scented candles???, my powershot, panadols??.

Weird things i have on my desk... wait till i get to my drawers. Which to date, i have difficulties opening them because its stuffed.