Sunday, May 15, 2005

my first of many

hey folks,
welcome to hooey's first public ( or so called ) blog!having a few personal blogs, i tot i should do what some of my friends' been doing and start a blog for all to read. Yeah, particularly because, i feel bad just reading people's blog and not contributing, but seriously, not that my blog will be of any particular interest to people out there. BUt hey, there's one more to choose from eh?

i guess i will be dedicating this blog to the special people around me.. friends in particular who were and still hanging on with me ( i noe i haven been much of a friend haha=).. forgive me ) gosh, i am not making my first entry into a confession blog. Right! made wonderful friends over the years, and since i'm just kinda moping around .. with the noble ambition of figuring what i want in life.. (ER Hmm.. yea right), what better way to do it but to just express it out?... i sure hope this figuring wont take past a few months. *faints at the thought*

of cos besides that, i will attempt to peek into my mind and made a mental note of things, thoughts i have so my friends or readers ( sure one haolian hooey) will get to erm BENEFIT?i'm not exactly the most updated paparazzi around... sad to say, but i'll try my best to make this blog as interesting as possible .. but then again, it's my blog so it's by my rules! (HUGO BOSS)

so, for a start, i don't think i will be showing this to everyone.. so if u happen to know of the blog through me and not by chance, ... chances are:

1) i read ur blog REGULARLY ( meaning almost everytime i come online.these people includes... jeli my b2, jenn, yc and a few others whom i dont know personally ! shucks!!! do these people even noe i check their blogs?)

2) you'll prob be mentioned in the blog later on... ( maybe because of an outing, or a trip down memory lane...or by the pure fact,... i'm influenced by you!postive or negative subjected to author's interpretation=p)

3) cos... i want you to read. (duh). chances are i find you interesting.. and i want you to know me more? gosh.. that's so lame. but u guys get the drift... friends see us differently in different circumstances. and who knows? a blog may just be the solution to bridge the gap in differences?!

and please.. i welcome EVERYONe to post something... let me know i din allow u guys to read my blog for nothing! you guys prob mean something to me and ur input is important! and yeah, this can just be a forum for all my friends, loved ones to meet and yeah.. NETWORK? know HOOEY"S friends.who knows? one day we might even get together and play mahjong?!!! *too far fetched?* actually i'm thinking of more.... but er hmm.. NVM!=)