Sunday, August 27, 2006


Not sure how i intend to go about doing this. Fireworks Gunpowder, blowing up buildings.Fireworks taken a totally different meaning now.

I like the show, tho i confess i do not fully comprehend the whole idea, its intricate, well-tuned contents and its dark, ambuiguity of the characters, especially V.

The funny thing was, the first time i saw his face, or rather mask, I was horrified at how sinster it looked. Kinda freaky too. And yet, having watched it finally at the comfort of my room today with two good pals, i find myself thinking of the show, wanting to find out more about the story behind it, and finding something endearing about the person who wears the mask. The Guy Fawkes Mask it's called.

Though i din really understand some of the things they were saying. Especially that string of V words... hunnywenny has previous shown me the phrase. And today, i find myself searching for the very words.

VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

How will you like a stranger to address you like that the first time he introduces himself? Will you stand in awe? Or frown in confusion? I will perhaps, ask for a dictionary. He's Charming i suppose, in a unique different kinda way.

What Alan Moore had in mind when he written this book fascinates me. Did he have a point to illustrate when he wrote this? Was it meant to keep the readers confused? Oppression as to unity? Strength through unity. Unity through Faith. What faith was he talking about here? Are they any loopholes in the story?

In an article i found online this is what i read:

Moore stated in an interview:
...the central question is, is this guy
right? Or is he mad? What do you, the reader, think about this? Which struck me as a properly anarchist solution. I didn't want to tell people what to think, I just wanted to tell people to think, and consider some of these admittedly extreme little elements, which nevertheless do recur fairly regularly throughout human history

How very true. He just wants us to think. For each and every one of us who has watched this adaptation (which i can tell you, is quite different from its written version) to formulate our our thoughts and ideals.

Ideas are bullet-proof. Though the man's-V is dead, his name lives long beyond his body as november 5th will always be a day to remember. His idea, though psychotic and perverse, sets thoughts alive in others. And ideas through strength becomes actions. Domino effect. Loved that scene.

I am thinking... what's the ultimate aim behind larkhill resettlement camp? Finding a bioweapon to win power? Or Monetary gains by "inventing" the cure?

This movie, to me combines the elements behind "Phantom of the opera"*yes the mask*, "da vinci code", "Island".. and perhaps many more which i just din happen to think of.

Hiding the truth from the mass, is it for the greater good? Oppression of the public or Compromising for the greater harmony and security.Cos definitely, V also brought about people's insatiable need to fulfil, to want, and to rebel. Why riots are always associated with people's quest for freedom/changes?

One more thing i noted. The Mask. Perhaps the show will lose its appeal, if not for the fact, there is this mysterious element behind-- the mask. Super heroes have long been established to don behind masks, taken on separate identities. Why the cover up? I was half thinking through the show, if Evey will eventually unmask V. Why do superheroes, or rather avenger in this case, only surface after going through an ordeal themselves? Spiderman was bitten. Superman came from some outerspace galaxy, seprated from his parents, batman.. stays with his butler. V was mutated .. should i say? Burnt, and biologically different. Oh yeah.. add in mutants to the list of elements to this show.

Was V for Vendetta meant to set the public thinking /evaluating their government?Will we find a V in today's world? What's a building compared to moving people. Hmm... cant help but be reminded about september 11....hmm

I read V for Vendetta was scheduled to screen on 5th Nov 05, but somehow it was delayed till this year. Speculations were made it was postponed due to the London bombing then but the relevant authorities denied.

Interesting huh.

People should not fear their government. Government should fear their people. =)

Prelude: Fireworks

Know i have been lagging in posts, tried a couple of times to log in to add my pics to no avail. Luck is on my side today, and hence i hereby present these outdated pics but which no doubt, will be timeless in my memories.

p/s: lack the intiatives to crop, photoshop or remove any unsightly objects. e.g the grey area: which actually was the lampost, no place to put tripod so strictly freehand. Frankly, i'm amazed i could take these few shots. Best seats i had for this fireworks compared to the other two. YUp, i only missed team singapore cos i was out blading. Had a lovely great time with hunnywenny.

New Caledonia's Fireworks 11/aug/06

Where we were standing /sitting among.. plus my dinner:subway

Next: some pics i took with my camera phone. Seriously, this phone sucks in term of its night mode.

Attended a forum at Raffles the Plaza hotel last friday, which comes with a cocktail/poolside dinner! yippie, i sneaked two passes and got both vons up to enjoy the event after the forum.Who says engineers dont enjoy ? My colleague got a prize in the lucky draw and walked away with a dvd player! How's that?

We were the last to leave the pool, reluctant to leave, we headed down to the hotel lobby and lingered by the lounge, where the ladies made some reminders of things to do before they head off for Japan. yup, my roomie and vons are heading off to japan!!!! Sad i couldn join them, happy for them that they're travelling out.. yet again. =)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sing a song of home

My only one decent attempt at capturing the Italy's fireworks which kicked off last saturday as part of the firework carnival.I sprinted(in my opinion) to esplanade to catch like the last 1 minute of action.

Signature drinks @ top of the m: tequila orange and margarita

After working for sometime, you realize your mind starts to empty itself of dreams and fantasy. In place of them, you find yourself setting the amount of time you have to rest for the night, planned what you had in mind for the day as you set off for work.--"Perhaps to collect the watch, go thread my eyebrows and still make it in time home for dinner to catch the 8pm serial?"

Your legs ache as you attempt to back blade at night and do some fancy moves which you've spotted at Beginner's corner. (which if you ask me.. a big irony), that place simply drives beginners to the corner as we spot the expert execute their perfectly timed moves, quick turns and criss cross their feets as though they were jellyfish tentacles.

It's good in a sense, i've gotten so tired, i went for a drink at one of the pubs and went back home, washed up and plopped myself onto bed, waking up to singapore's 41st birthday.

A public holiday to rest as we celebrate nationwide with some squeezing with 60000 people at kallang, some others cursing as they attempt to catch the fireworks actions elsewhere but prob missing it as they were still looking for parking lots, or standing space, or setting up their expensive cameras with their tripods; others take this chance to meet up with friends as they go gawking for those 41% discounts, good deals... wondering if there's 41cents meal. Some stayed tune to the TV, watching the event as it's broadcasted across all the local channels. Haha, some took extra time off and scooted off to nearby countries for a short getaway.

I've realized conciously, that i was at home blogging on national day. Both last year and this year. I din head out, cos i assume it will be crowded everywhere.

Happy birthday singapore!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

click dick

went to watch click today.

Clicking your life away like a remote control. Only .. you realize you start to live remotely from others... and you eventually lose control.

Hmm.. somehow, the movie got loopholes. Doesn seem to quite work smoothly.*day dreams* Nah, doubt the remote be hiting our stores anytime.

Side note, kate beckinsale is so so so so so pretty. She's the diva.