Sunday, January 04, 2009

memories of 2008- Part 1

So, 3rd day of the new year 2009, and i find myself lagging in posts already.

There is the recalling 2008 events, world and my own personal life, the world part especially after a conversation i had with yvonne.She commented on reading this article summarizing all the huge news that happened in 2008.

Off my head, let's see:
a) China Szechuan's earth quake
b) Mynamar cyclone
c) Change Thai Prime Minister for 3 times
d) First Black US President
e) Our 1st Singaporean perished in Terrorist attack in Bombay
f) Beijing Olympics
g) 1st Olympic Medal in 40 yrs
h) Bankruptcy of top US investment firm Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch
i) 1st Gold Medal in Para-Olympics
j) Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch, Bear Sterns, almost Iceland nation wide
k) Singapore first negative growth in GDP since 2001
l) Gloomy world..

Fine, item l is not exactly an event but it kinda sums up how everyone has been feeling about 2008, and seriously, with talks that 2009 will be worse, part of me was wondering if there is seriously anything to look forward to.

But, as far as i can see, everyone seem to be welcoming the new year, tho a tad less glamorous, less generous with their cash,

2008 year end is pretty sweet and different for me. First time first, one of my closest friend yc is engaged on NYE!!! I;m so very happy for him and his gf=). As far as i know, they have been like friends for like ages, and i think there;s something so wonderful about spending the rest of your life with someone whom you are so comfortable with and who have already been part of you, growing with you.

Congrats dude!=) You deserve all the happiness in the world!

Well, i also spent NYE counting down in a totally noncounting down fashion, at a secludded spot in Dempsey-Oosh with von. We had a nice cosy chat till about 11 plus and allan and his friends joined us for the simple countdown, drinking, sharing corny lame jokes. Hehe.

I took some pictures as well, but haven had the chance to post the pictures up,i know how much difference it made if i had some pictures up together.

But i had too much to mention i'm afraid if i dragged, i will prob miss out some details.

E.g: Xmas.

I had a tot about Xmas. When choosing a gift for someone, do you choose something precious to you, or do you choose something precious to the recipient?

Just a thought. About the act of giving.

E.g: The Guardian

I was watching " The Guardian" starring Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Costner yesterday. I like it.

It's about US coastal guards and the training they have to go through, the mental obstacles and physical challenges they face in trying to save others, and this show, even themselves, the rescuers.

"So others can survive"

There are several phrases in the show which struck me. How in the face of survivial, the husband was pushing his wife into the water so that he can stay afloat, and how the rescuer was relating to his marriage to his wife when he refused to sign the divorce papers.
i am unable to recall the exact lines,but i was taken by it.

Also, how rescuers often have to grab hold of others in times of crisis, and for those that they are unable to, they have to learn to let go.
This so, when Ashton showed a tattoo on his arm, bearing the names of his swimming team mates whom he lost in a tragic car accident.

In a way, him carrying the names of his comrades symbolizes his burden.

Haha, all the emotional thoughts. The tattoo topic came up again, when i watch LA ink last night. yes, i spent the whold of yesterday at home as i was feeling abit weird in my tummy, couldn really eat well,but it was good. I haven really stayed at home for a whole day for a long long time.

So, like i said, LA ink. Everyone with a tattoo seems to have a story behind it, something so deeply etched in their heart, perhaps they feel it will be better if they are able to etch it in their body.
Either they want to remove the etch from their heart, or they want something to remember them by they are old, and their heart grow numb.

Who knows?

Well, i have yet to update my personal 2008 highlights.

Till then again, now stomach growling.