Thursday, June 09, 2005


er hmm... this is slightly embarrassing. with the first or the last entry written on 23 mAy, i sure have been away for eons. so much for updating. Excuses aint going to work here.. Hey, i'm not going to come up with excuses for coming up my blog so here goes the second entry.

well, hesitating whether to rack my brain and recall what i have been doing during the time lapse. Not that i haven been doing much, had my share of shopping( a tad hard when the most important element is missing.. $) , meeting up with squadmates, interviews (2 to date. 1 down), spending time with the big screen ( magasdascar, monster-in law) with ruffy. Blading and oh yeah, a trip to WIld wild wet.. which happens to be a first for me. ( A place where i've been waiting to go for like the longest time.. since it came up which i reckon i was a teen). Right, i know and i shall not attempt to deny that i'm no longer a teen. Full-fledged adult with two years flapping. BOOHOO, that sounds depressing alright. like macham u pay for something, and still got small change left but which unlike this case... the former is awfully unwanted.

oh, before the scar disappears.. which i highly doubt so. (sad) i have a distorted fat Nike wound. yes.. u heard it right. so much for being sporty that i fall with a nike wound on my elbow. Imagine. Thanks to the blading khakis... shannie mostly, she did a superb job attaching a few plasters ( wound dressings.. whatever) so that it fits the whole entire area.HAHA! it's been a long long time since i fell. A good and bad thing i think... Good, cos it either mean i've been taking such good care of myself, or that i have been a hermit, devoid of all desires to hang out.. i mean with the hot scortching sun, the sticky yicky yucky perspiration... and let;s not forget there is a reason how i earn my nick name... the sun sure hasn been a very nice friend to me. BUt heck, before i start work.. it's time to get tan and just play. FALL so be it... i wont want to die without a scar. yes.. chick digs scars * abit irrelevant here* but hey, a scar serves a living.. erhem monument of what one been through. Thinking of which.. i believe all of us have our fair share of scars. Be it on the physical or emotional aspect. ( note: author's emotional covers spritual.. anything that cannot be seen)=p

Hmm... all those just on WHY it's good that i had that scar. WOW, some kinda self-delusional crap to hide the shame of me falling.. which was indeed a result of a silly stance ruffy would noe.=)

Bad thing i fell... was AH DUH. WHO THE HECK wants a distorted OBESE nike scar that's .. on further inspection actually whitish pink now.... which will make a very nice colour for a top if not for the fact that it clashes with my complexion.

haha.. so much for my wound. See how oblivious i am to the surroundings once i'm .. hurt? haha.

okokie i could have elaborated more on the pus and blood but surely there's no need to add the bacon and cheese into the blog. HAHA.

okie, let's see what else i've been up to. oh, for people who have been reading and find the names unfamiliar.. i've kinda helped u guys/girls come up with nicks which u all are probably familiar with. Have i mentioned i used nicknames for my friends in my mobile? haha, if u think i'm talking about u but not too sure.. well, u can call me to verify but i'm sure with your intelligence and my apt descriptions the guessing won't take up too much of your time.hehe

i'll be back to update more of what's happening. need to recharge


1 comment:

Ruffy aka CCL said...

I rem the nike wound was caused by an attempt to do a spin... oops.. i hadn't catch u properly...

3 june 2006ru