Saturday, July 23, 2005

blog proper

I have been resting for the past few days, i finally know how it's like to rest and feel free to just do whatever u like. I'm very thankful to my parents for not rushing me altho i know they want and need me to get a job. I'm thankful to them for being so understanding, for not nagging at me even when i'm still in bed at 10. *okie the rest of u who are working.. stop cursing at me*. My parents are the kind that make me appreciate them for who they are and how they taught me well.. so i will want to make sure i get a good job and that i will repay their kindness for me. I am writing this down cos i know one day, i will just take them for granted and take their concern for something which is obligated of them. I know it's not, and i wont want that day to come without me realizing it. I'm writing this now, so that one day, should i feel lost, i will come in confused and leave the blog with a calm focused mind. AM i preaching? yeah.. feeling emotional having these days to think about what i want and where i stand.

oh, trying to insert an artistic piece i took at bintan.. nice anot?abit outta point here .. just trying to make a statement! haha

About the kind of girl i am and the kind of friend i've been. About things around me and shows i have watched. TRUST me... these few weeks, i practically worshipped channel 55.. turning into a fanatic , even more when they repeat the shows on channel 255. HAHAHA.. some crazy TV nut i have become. i am so very tempted to write down what i do everyday.. for the whole world to know what kinda silly fart i have been. hehehe. but somehow, somethings are personal. Even if i want to write it all down, i will not be able to do it, unless someone can video the thoughts in my head. *hey, that will be cool eh*

RUffy's leaving for indonesia soon.. and i want to make sure i get the habit of penning my thoughts into this blog and into our emails for him to read. I dont think i will have much of a problem with LDR but it's bound to be alit challenging and hard.. even more for him cos its'a new culture and a whole new place he's facing.. wish him luck people!!!=) what am i talking about? he's prob the only person that read this blog... haha. i haven quite told others about my pathetic blog yet.

it's two! and ruffy's hasn call yet. WEll, it's alright, one thing i noe about myself.. i'm really capable of entertaining myself. I have this tendency to destroy things too.. unwittingly of cos. Did i mention i spoilt the fan? i was just trying to shift it when it toppled and the live wire came out.. and the socket snapped! yeah.. dont be surprised. never underestimate hooey.OH, i broken two keys while trying to lock the door. Yup.. thats' hooey!=)

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