Thursday, January 26, 2006

2 dozens of candles please

Many thanks to friends who remembered this day of the year which is getting less and less significant as the time pass. Darn, year of the dog. my year. The last time it was dog year, i was in dorky specs and sporting a retro hair-do that will put many to shame. Spent it with the same people who seen me in those days,(von t especially). Thanks girls!

Also, many thanks to those who helped me do free publicity about this declaring this day on their msn nick.

eg. 1. CCL-Happy Birthday Dear
2. Hanwen- Happy Birthday Jingwen and Siang
p/s: Siang is hunnywenny's bro. we Share the same birthday
3. Ira

of cos, made even more sweet and memorable when i went back home and my baby brothers sang birthday song and prepared the cake for me. yes, i know they are not babies anymore, but to me, they always will be.=)

Picture taken by me.Party of three.

me and my 24th birthday cake.=)

will post pics up soon. It's more for me to relish the moments as i turn.. 25, 26 , 27.. too much to bear. It's made even harder when ur one of the first few in ur batch. When ur leading the those born in the year of the Dog. Haha.

Tiredzz, shall go zzz soon.24 -here i come. Hope that when i turn 25, i will look back on this year with respect, memories and love for life.

p/s: i hope this tiredness has nothing to do with the fact that i'm turning old.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A gnawing tot

i seriously need to go to a cold country.
Freezing cold. which i'll take for a breeze
Snow, which i'll take for petals
I want to don in winter clothings, gloves, mufflers and all
Darn, i need to go to a winterwonderland

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Current Affairs

Comes to the point when i dont know how to blog such that the contents turned out exactly what i want. To a point in time, i want to be happy reading my work and not just dread releasing it for the mere thought of purging it out of my system, finding it repulsive to read it again.

So, instead of trying a way to start penning. I'll do this.

1. Current Music: Soundtrack of "Stepmum"
2. Current Background: Star Movie" Stepmum"
3. Place: Mum's bedroom on ikea arm chair
4. Outfit: my St Nicks' PE Tshirt and AJ's shorts
5. Last food ate: Curry chicken rice which mum bought from outside(lunch which happen to be my breakfast)
6. Time i woke up: 1. plus pm
7. Time i slept last night: am
8. Time i got home last night: 2 plus am this morning
24 hour question
9. Most interesting thing done for the past 24 hours: went threading for the first time with von w at Little India!
10. Most boring thing done for the past 24 hours: waiting for a consultant.
11. Most interesting food: Crepe at the fountain place restaurant at erm.. Raffles Place shopping center basement.

12. Most repelling fact: i'm turning 24. (yes, trying to play with the 24 hour thingy. 24 24). and No, this is not a hint whatso ever. and Yes, since i'm on the topic.. why not?i'm turning 24 peepz.
13. Ok, stop the 24 hour issue

14. Current book: The time traveller's wife
15. Current line: Dont' ask me
16. Current wish-list activity: Throwing a huge snow ball.
17. Plans for tom: A date with my parents to watch "memoirs of geisha"
18. Supposed to : windsurfing at 11 am today
19. Most crazy idea: Playing with the tot of time-travelling. Trying to find a loophole. or blackhole. or void. In the book, it was mentioned that time-travellers dont reveal themselves. I'm telling u now. I'm trustworthy. Reveal if you are.
20. Last alcoholic drink: Ice wine. my two brothers polished the bottle i bought leaving me with like.. 3 cm tall icewine.
21. Wish-list season: Autumn.
22. Most updated current wish-list activity: Autumn-playing on a swing, sipping wine, with a pinic basket full of my fav fruit-strawberry. coloured leaves, with my camera.
23. What's around me: My sister updating my mum on her dinner-cum-dance. Discovery channel.
24. Stopping at this number. becos i'm approaching this number and also, i ran out of ideas.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Great Expectations

My life is changing.

I' think i'm understanding myself a tad more. Seeing myself in a worse light.

I'm not that nice. And i can be totally in a world of my own.

And strangely, i am starting to admire that glow of defiant streak.

Monday, January 16, 2006

discovery channel

was really in a mood to blog last night, but the internet connection was not working and i fell asleep trying to connect with my laptop on lappie as i lied on bed.

This wireless network connection, or rather the lack of it continued till this evening when i had to stay outside my room( sit outside along the corridor) trying to get connected to the world. A battle with time ( in the afternoon) as i had to send out an urgent Urgent mail to a cilent.

Now that i'm connected, i find it hard to blog out the things i wanted to say last night. The moment is gone. The inspiration, the mood, the frantic typing all gone with the moment.

Now, i just want to board the plane back home. Had a relatively expensive dinner just now at '24 hours'--this cool cafe, where i can soak in the relaxing music, wide selection of newspapers, enjoy a nice cup of ice-blended mocha and of cos the nice comfy environment. It's interesting to note that beside this cafe is COFFEE BEAN and this particular outlet is emtpy. The staffs seemed bored and one was spotted sketching as we walked past. I'm not sure about the prices of their beverages, but that they had "LADIES NIGHT" for CoFFEE Bean. Highly amused by the sign. 10 % off for all ladies from 5 pm -11.30 pm/

Beside this, i spent the whole of yesterday evening having dinner near south china sea. Parked the car right along the breakwater. Yes, this is a luxury u dun enjoy in singapore, and ate nasi lemak as I listened to the waves. Had to take my mind off work. Had a really stressful week, clocking in about an average of 12 hours/days. The sea was the only solitude i could seek. Sounds depressing huh, haha, but at least i found a way to get out of depression.

Eating on the breakwater reminds me of hunnywenny and jeff. We three used to spend lotsa time together back in college. We went to marina bay after school and we will buy food and drinks and just sit on the breakwater as we eat and laugh. Sure miss those days. Silly jokes, sharing nothing too serious but significant memories that came flooding to mind as i sat down yesterday watching the horizon.

right.. blabbering again.=)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Conviction to give up

well well, a lapse of 10 days since i last blogged a.ka. for the last 10 days i was so

1. too busy to blog
2. enjoying too much to stop what i'm doing to blog
3. nothing remotely interesting has popped to mind
4. brain has stop function and started stoning.

it's worth a guess. And seriously, at this current moment. it's 'All of the above except #2'

There's a conspiracy theory coming up. Wait, it's already in session. And the members involved cant wait to execute it out. and Hey, before the authorities are alerted or any of u start calling the police. No, i'm not talking about splunging a terrorist attack. No worries. Skycrapers are still safe to work in. it's my job. i'm resigning!

It's still not carried out yet. I've been lacking opportunities to do so, and with every passing day, the conviction to carry out this mission is brewing stronger. I have never felt so determined about quitting. HAHA, talk about oxymoron.

Sorries folks, hooey's life really hectic for the past days. when i meant hectic, i meant working at the cilent's office for 15 hours. with only about 1 hour to pee, to walk to ur car, to have ur LUNCH and DInner- kinda hectic. with about 5 hours of zzz. i'm about to crack.

missing loads at home.
boohoo. i'm jeering everyone.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

13 going 30

What is this thing about success/riches and love?Why cant we have both?

How many movies did u watch when success/wealth and love lie on extreme ends?
Aka, how many rich bastards with unfulfilled souls do u see alongside with the poor happy people? The contented huge family, versus the Disguistingly rich only child with 4 walls, multiple corridors, garages which run out of space for his/her cars which he/she can only drive one at a time? Let's not forget the plenty of entertainment gadgets and no enlightening/fun-loving souls with him/her?

Sure, many will argue that success is not measured by wealth. Yes i agree, but in today world's especially in a country where there arent many realms that you can measure, qualify your life
..How then do you justify your existance? what are your feel-good factors? and how many of these things/factors last or do not require monetary assistance to sustain?

A laid by person, i live each day as it is, pretty contented with the little world i'm blessed in with a huge happy family aka yes, i'm no poor little rich girl. And yet, there will be the times, i dream my future of living a comfortable luxurious life. I have no wish to be the richest saddest fool around, but definitely a life where i can afford to take a trip once (correction, leisure trip) in a while, spurlging once in a while without feeling guilty or worried of how i'm about to settle the bills, doing mental calculation of how long i can keep pushing off those deadlines.

In a nutshell, i want to be RICH (not VERY RICH) and Successful but have no wish to sacrifice my current mindset of living each day.

U know how when ur successful, u lose ur life. Your schedules are packed with meetings, dinners with people who dont really matter in ur life but matters to your pocket. You spend hours in office, overseas, coming back to a home which u spend a fortune furnishing but collect no memories but dust? Hmm, i'll take that back, if you're that rich to employ a housekeeper to keep the house clean for... nobody.

The typical scenario 1: You are rich, beautiful/handsome or will be ( becos u can afford to look good) -- yes, even if u dont, u know u can always count on plastics. You grow apart from your family, u get ur own apartment, u hang out late with colleagues, bosses, potential bosses, u sleep late cos u still have to do your work after all those meetings. U wake up early, u go to work. Ur work piles up, u worked through the weekends. Ur become bad-tempered because you're sleep- deprived. Ur parents' call with concern which u treat as constant naggings. U decided to filter your calls... taking in only business calls. You eat sandwiches alone in the company toilet cubicle on festive seasons cos you dont deserve to head home, and you dont know how to cook becos of ur hectic schedule and there's no one to share the holiday except for the security personnels who are on duty. Sure, u can fly to places just to be with strangers, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Yes, dramatisation noted as usual, but hey, just following the movie line.

Typical Scenario 2: You value ur personal time. U knock off punctually, rather u dont work till there's no more public transport available. You are able to arrange dinners with friends. hang out with ur family over fruits platter, talk with ur sweet heart before u zzz. You wake up early, go to work, joke with ur colleagues, bad-mouth that highly driven individual who has no time for play and just eager to hit the next higher income bracket. Your boss doesn recognize ur talent because you dont make the extra to show, and hence he/she forgets you conveniently when an opening for a senior position pops up. You're grateful he/she smiles at you but cant remember your name. You have friends who jio you for tea-break and pop u a sms to head back office when the boss is in sight.-- you earn an average salary and u are loved.

I am not all that prepared to work THAT Hard but i'm not all that ready to change my mindset. Fine. Inertia sets in. I' do not wish to be That HIGHLy-DRIVEn that i drive a BMW and at the same time, Drive my family away from me. I know for a fact too, if i continue to stay like this, i will have nothing but empty dreams and baskets full of regrets.

I am your average Singaporean young adult.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad. U know the drift.

How is it that i'm thinking of all these now? I have no wish to waste this life. Movies, books have taught us that life is too short to be wasted on just plain dreaming. And yet, they dont show you how to get it started.

How do i measure success? By happiness and how good i feel about myself and the people around me, by love.. my ability to love and being loved. Fortunately and unfortunately, i truely feel good only when i accomplished something. Conquered something difficult, when i'm doing something really challenging but i know is worth fighting for. Sadly, i haven had that feeling ever since i left school. Sense of achievement!So next, wealth. I am so so so shallow right. Comeon, stop deceiving yourself.

I am just being your average Singaporen young adult.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Seeing Stars?

Something is wrong with blogger tonight. cant seem to post the pics i want. Well flying too tom.. update again once i reach brunei.

happy new year to all! may 2006 be a better year!-)


Sunday, January 01, 2006

05-06: Unlimited things with limited time

xmas feel-it's good to be flying home for xmas!

It's amazing how hooey has stopped blogging the moment she reached singapore dont ya think?

Fine, it's not amazing. It's pretty logical. As what miss chua will put it. Jing has the following motto in mind -- UNLIMITED things to do with LIMITED time.

It's true. For the first time in ages, sleep not longer matters. I can stay up and out (usually) till 3 -4 am and wake up at 9 am the next morning to start the new day. Meeting up with people that matter so much to me. Let's have a recap of what has been going on.

23 dec: Touch down! Straight to office to work my @ss off till 11 plus before lugging my Barang Barang back home.

24 dec: Work from home till 10.40 pm then met up with mr ruffy for a xmas count down prata. A short drive around eastern singapore, and nothing beats a simple delicious warm prata with hot drink!

25 dec(XMAS 2005): Drove family to golden mile as they board the coach to KL-Genting. Before heading back home alone. (Something about xmas and the movie HOME ALONE). Fine, my cat was with me.
Mr Ruffy and me had an interesting Pasta Dinner!=) a failed attempt at movie-marathon for me.

26 dec: piano tinkering... CANON D. Up to Genting Highlands! I board the coach with a neighbour ( my bros' good pal of a decade ). At first, i tot it will be weird hanging out with a 18-year old but he turned out to be pretty easy, good company.

27 dec 6.30am: Arrived at Genting Highland--First World. ZZZZ... but Nope, no zzz cos i'm off to wake up the sleepy souls of my family as i dragged them out of bed to have breakfast(TIMSUM). And then of cos, the rollercoaster games, the screams, the crowds.... i lost $ at the casino. DARN. so much for playing with probability.

28dec 10am: Made our way down of the cool genting highlands. By cool, i'm talking about 17 degrees celcius cool. Yes, i know, what kinda trip did i make right? spending less than 30 hours up in genting.

29 dec: Work. Full Stop.THURSDAY! meet up with Hunny Wenny! GOSH, long time long time no see.. thanks girl. Had a fantastic girls' talk, eating good ol' pasta from Spagheddis and scrumptious cakes from Bakers Inn!

Finally a glimpse @ orchard xmas lightings!

30 dec: Work. Dinner with family. First Home cooked Meal in a month!!!!! Bak Gu teh!=) and buttered cauliflowers! Then.. i went off to Ministry of Sound (MoS). Thanks so much to mr ruffy and his pals for going early to queue up. Felt bad, cos by the time i reached ( my sis drove me there)=), mr ruffy was already ahead of the queue.. which is LONG LONG LONG LONG LELONG.... and he had to ask people to go ahead first several times when i haven arrived.Oopsie.

MoS is Huge. Love the decor, pretty systematic and no bawling, or people puking or what not, but the ventilation at the retro room can sure be improved. =) in all, interesting experience, took few pics with my camera phone. But guess i have been in brunei for too long, that i kinda toned down alittle when it comes to late night out, especially clubbing. Had to leave early to rest, while the rest continued their night at geylang for supper!Slept at 3.30 am (safely tucked in bed)

31 dec (NYE): woke up at 9 am. Contacted miss chua and miss lim to see if they are able to make it earlier for cycling at eastcoast. ( Yes, i wanted to maximise the day. Start AEAP: ( As early as possible). in the end bus- waiting, girls bitching, girls waiting, two good pals hugging and screaming at delight upon sighting each other at the bus stop, girls munching lunch at Eastcoast MAcs, girls taking silly snapshots... we ended up only cycling *me blading* at only 1pm.

It rained, we got Stuck at food center halfway, a drink of sugar cane juice, lamenting the weather, pondering the next phase of our lives. Thinking if new year resolutions are anything but dreams... the rain eventually lighten and we made our way back to the rental shop.

Then Hooey took cab to Thengz's place for games saga! played two games, which proved interesting... i like the game landlord! Thengz seriously can start a settler's pad at his place man. Darn nice, a good venue for cook-out and SPA!!! i must so arrange it with Shannie one day!=) one of my " to- do List" for 2006. Hopefully!!!!!=)

Me and Ruffy had a short countdown with Milo (his very friendly jack russell) and then it's OFF again for Hooey to go over vonny's Place for our annual sleepover!!!! i reached her place at about 1.20 am and then we chatted, played more games, till 4 am before HOOEY finally CONCUSSED till 10 am. Me being the meanie, woke the rest up ( dint want to waste the day away.. especially the first day of 2006) and the four of us went to prata place outside her house for the First Breakfast for 2006!!!

it was nice having old pals sitting together over breakfast talking, relishing about moments in the old year, and making plans, welcoming the new year. The weather was refreshing, having showered in the night and i felt totally at ease. Jeli my b2, knew u will be missing on our sleep-over. U are very much missed.=). We spoke about:

1. Travel plans at the end of the year. Start saving Girl.
2. Accounting, doing our own little financial planning and getting tips from our Treasurer!
3. our career... or not.
4. BONUS.. or not.
5. Geez, me lamenting on our age. hiaks
6. Some outdoor activites. the girls want a tan!!!=)

and yup, hooey took a cab ( AGAIN! this is bad... i'm taking cabs like nobody's business once i'm back in singapore) and then it's back home .. blogging having made plans for tonight' movie date! haha...

Exciting aint it?

hiaks. LOVE MY MOTTO!!!!