Wednesday, January 04, 2006

13 going 30

What is this thing about success/riches and love?Why cant we have both?

How many movies did u watch when success/wealth and love lie on extreme ends?
Aka, how many rich bastards with unfulfilled souls do u see alongside with the poor happy people? The contented huge family, versus the Disguistingly rich only child with 4 walls, multiple corridors, garages which run out of space for his/her cars which he/she can only drive one at a time? Let's not forget the plenty of entertainment gadgets and no enlightening/fun-loving souls with him/her?

Sure, many will argue that success is not measured by wealth. Yes i agree, but in today world's especially in a country where there arent many realms that you can measure, qualify your life
..How then do you justify your existance? what are your feel-good factors? and how many of these things/factors last or do not require monetary assistance to sustain?

A laid by person, i live each day as it is, pretty contented with the little world i'm blessed in with a huge happy family aka yes, i'm no poor little rich girl. And yet, there will be the times, i dream my future of living a comfortable luxurious life. I have no wish to be the richest saddest fool around, but definitely a life where i can afford to take a trip once (correction, leisure trip) in a while, spurlging once in a while without feeling guilty or worried of how i'm about to settle the bills, doing mental calculation of how long i can keep pushing off those deadlines.

In a nutshell, i want to be RICH (not VERY RICH) and Successful but have no wish to sacrifice my current mindset of living each day.

U know how when ur successful, u lose ur life. Your schedules are packed with meetings, dinners with people who dont really matter in ur life but matters to your pocket. You spend hours in office, overseas, coming back to a home which u spend a fortune furnishing but collect no memories but dust? Hmm, i'll take that back, if you're that rich to employ a housekeeper to keep the house clean for... nobody.

The typical scenario 1: You are rich, beautiful/handsome or will be ( becos u can afford to look good) -- yes, even if u dont, u know u can always count on plastics. You grow apart from your family, u get ur own apartment, u hang out late with colleagues, bosses, potential bosses, u sleep late cos u still have to do your work after all those meetings. U wake up early, u go to work. Ur work piles up, u worked through the weekends. Ur become bad-tempered because you're sleep- deprived. Ur parents' call with concern which u treat as constant naggings. U decided to filter your calls... taking in only business calls. You eat sandwiches alone in the company toilet cubicle on festive seasons cos you dont deserve to head home, and you dont know how to cook becos of ur hectic schedule and there's no one to share the holiday except for the security personnels who are on duty. Sure, u can fly to places just to be with strangers, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Yes, dramatisation noted as usual, but hey, just following the movie line.

Typical Scenario 2: You value ur personal time. U knock off punctually, rather u dont work till there's no more public transport available. You are able to arrange dinners with friends. hang out with ur family over fruits platter, talk with ur sweet heart before u zzz. You wake up early, go to work, joke with ur colleagues, bad-mouth that highly driven individual who has no time for play and just eager to hit the next higher income bracket. Your boss doesn recognize ur talent because you dont make the extra to show, and hence he/she forgets you conveniently when an opening for a senior position pops up. You're grateful he/she smiles at you but cant remember your name. You have friends who jio you for tea-break and pop u a sms to head back office when the boss is in sight.-- you earn an average salary and u are loved.

I am not all that prepared to work THAT Hard but i'm not all that ready to change my mindset. Fine. Inertia sets in. I' do not wish to be That HIGHLy-DRIVEn that i drive a BMW and at the same time, Drive my family away from me. I know for a fact too, if i continue to stay like this, i will have nothing but empty dreams and baskets full of regrets.

I am your average Singaporean young adult.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad. U know the drift.

How is it that i'm thinking of all these now? I have no wish to waste this life. Movies, books have taught us that life is too short to be wasted on just plain dreaming. And yet, they dont show you how to get it started.

How do i measure success? By happiness and how good i feel about myself and the people around me, by love.. my ability to love and being loved. Fortunately and unfortunately, i truely feel good only when i accomplished something. Conquered something difficult, when i'm doing something really challenging but i know is worth fighting for. Sadly, i haven had that feeling ever since i left school. Sense of achievement!So next, wealth. I am so so so shallow right. Comeon, stop deceiving yourself.

I am just being your average Singaporen young adult.

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