Sunday, December 07, 2008


i've lots to blog today. about the weekend, which is still on-going seeing that tomorrow is a public holiday, but had a slight really small dispute with mom, which is rare and now my mood is quite dampened.

So to better organize my entry without skipping any details seeing that my mood isnt really good now, i'm going to draft an outline.

Friday Night:

5th dec 2008: this day marks our 10th year anniversary of Mt Faber. Oh yes, on 5th dec 1998, the entire squad went up to mt faber as part of this night tour singapore organized by the eca. So it's really quite meaningful. Though i cant rem much of what we said that night as we looked out into the ports of singapore, we made a pact to come up to the peak every 5 years on the same day. Yes, cliche, but we were that age.

A pact made, is a pact kept. We meet up in 2003 Dec 5. Andyup, in Mt Faber. Tho not whole squad, i think we had like6-7?? pretty impressive out of like 10? I drove the squad up with my newly obtained driving licence. Okay lah, i had it for 6 months, but to parallel park in MT FABER! i think a young cub knows no bounds.

So, want to guess the tally for 5th Dec 2008?

Look how happy we are. Fine even though there's only 5, even though we are supposed to be in Mt Faber (HUA BO SHAN)and yet we met in (BISHAN), which we later went to Cheeky chocolate, soon becoming our favourite hangout, it was still all really fun and nice to know 10 years down the road, we remember.

We had so much fun crapping i was asked to make a list to blog down the items... but me being lazy, i'm going to post the pictures first and blog what comes to mind..

Oh, rem! Von Teng gave us little cards in addition to the jelly beans she got from Texas! I took a video of it too, but wondering how to post it on my blog.

Anyway, instead of jelly beans, angie came up with BELLY JEANS! hahahaha, totally took us off.So, this term will forever be stuck with her.

We spend a gruesome (okay too strong a word), 2-3 hours to think of our xmas party gift exchange, how to not do it the conventional way.Sounds silly right? Well, check out our critierias and you'll realize why it requires 5 heads to come up with a fool-proof plan.
Criteria as follows:
1) You have to guess who you are buying for
2) You want to get present from your own wish-list
3) You have to guess who bought it for you
4) you must be able to open your own present and not someone elses
5) You still have to guess, which present among the 3, did your santa get you.

Okay, anyone care to give suggestion?
I will write the plan of action down, incase the 5 of us suffers from amnesia and we dont think we have the brain cells to pull it off again.

1)Get ur secret identity
2) write your wish list down with secrety identity
3) Select from random pile whose wish-list you will pick
4) buy present with carebear as per identity
5) Pass presents+ Bear to game master on actual day
6) game master to hide presents all over hosue
7) In a circle, guess who you are buying the present for based on the wish-list item
8)Dispatch to find own present with identity bear as clue
9) Gather back to see if you guess correctly
10) Guess which present among ur wish list didu get.


okay, i cant believe i dint even check my notes.

Anyway, i'm supposed to be asleep now, tomorrow we're heading to the beach! But before i go, here's a lovely celebrity shot of angie when we went to see her dance performance, Very Vibrant!

Oh ,before i go, i need to blog about 2more things..

Another phrase for Vont: MONMO
explanation to all ignorant: monday morning

Another dosage laughter: Angie's phone pouch, i'll let the pictures say it all.
You think thats a couch with two colours, different texture max....
Bravo. We took a phone cover out of a couch!

I would love to blog more. Saturday: celebrating mom's birthday! It was great fun too, but i'm tired.. and my toes are freaking painful when i crinch them.

I'm telling you, it take sheer courage, will and slighy stupidity to enter a 10 k maranthon for the 2nd time without practicing....

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