Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A night of sheer coincidences

I was on my way back to the north east line from Dhoby Gaut north south line when i saw a friend who recently got married. No, i wasn invited to her wedding, as we arent really close. And secondly, i knew she was married recently because i saw her facebook.

She was on the phone smiling sweetly. It was about 7 ish pm and i was thinking she's probably calling her hubby? In anycase, i did not go up to her and she walked past me, not noticing my presence. At that split second, we crossed path. I knowingly, and she, in the unknown.

I continued my walk to the train, thinking to myself how many of my friends have embarked the married journey, and how many are going to.
"It's that age", i think to myself. People either get married, getting married, or they dont.

It's something you see people doing, and sometimes, you wonder why haven you.

Before i could embark on that train of thoughts, i was interrupted by the approaching train and i boarded.

I took out my book " eat, pray, love" and continued reading. Liz has reached Bali - the third leg of her spiritual journey. And i casted my previous thoughts aside.

As i reached sengkang mrt, i pondered a split sec whether to get fast food(basement) or food court (4th level) for dinner. Yes, one of those days, mum decided not to cook my share and asked me to settle by myself.

As i turned towards the gantry gate to the mall instead of the usual for home, i saw yet, a familiar face.

A face from my past. A face which mattered alot for a good amount of my adult years. He was with a girl, facing the gantry as though about to enter. And i hurried with the crowd, trying to walk away from him in case he saw me, but the other gantries were not for exit, and i had to make my exit with him just inches away in the crowd.

He was talking to the girl beside him. And once again, i passed another familiar face by as i walked way. ...

And then i turned back to look. He was making his way in, and they were going up the LRT. I smiled at the sheer coincidence, never would i have imagined bumping into him at my home MRT station, ends from his place. And what're the odds? This was not my usual time when i reach home. Heck, i dont even alight at the MRT, i alight at the bus stop. And it just happens i wanted dinner hence i head for the gantry at the mall side.

With thoughts in my head, and still seeing him as he board the escalator while taking out his mobile, i whipped out mine immediately as well.

I popped him a msg : "hey, saw you.=)" and left it as that as i walked off..

Seconds later, he called me. We laughed at the coincidence, he told me he was going to visit an old friend with his ex-colleague, a girl from Power Supply, which in fact i knew. And i told him i was going to get dinner, din call out to him in case he was with his gf, whom i quite wanted to see too.

And it ended like that. I smiled at our short exchange. Our 1 short encounter, face to face. I smiled at how often, we let moments like this pass, and how insignificant it may seems. Yet today, it didnt feel insignificant for some reason. It's quite undescribable.

I felt at ease, and it felt good. I wanted to blog it to remember that moment.

How many times have you bumped into a familiar face, dismissing it as just coincidences? I'm a die hard romantic, i like to think people bump into each other through some works of fate. Through some intricate interactions that's way beyond our control.

I bumped into my dear once too, when i was on the way to Outram MRT (North east) from the East West. Back then, i din call out to him too, but i texted him. And it made my day too.

Haha, seems like i always encounter this via MRT interchanges...


ruhigeSeele said...

i've bumped into you at wisma bakerzin, robertson quay and millenia walk tcc... never @ mrt leh...

hooeyphooey said...

haha true hor... but u know what, we always stop to say Hi!!

hooeyphooey said...

haha true hor... but u know what, we always stop to say Hi!!