Wednesday, February 22, 2006

3- storey dream

hooey just came back from a short tour inside a 3 1/2 storey house, just behind my old, rugged abode.

This 3 1/2 storey has just revealed its look to the public, having removed those blue huge construction canvass so we are talking about an empty shell with no furnishing in as yet. The contractor saw us lingering outside its premises and invited us in! yippiE!!!!Talk about Premier viewing eh....

it was Huge, Artistically conceptualized... and echos bounced to and fro like little molecules.

It's the first time hooey experienced something like this, stepping into another white-washed, clean world where everything is up to one's imaginations. As i step into the house, what greeted me was this sunk in- zen-like pool that spans across the living room with a platform for one to cross over. One can only picture fish, pebbles, floating petals, candles and greenery just crossing that.

Then the RoomS!! and the number of Toilets they have built! Those big Winows!!!!darn, i lost count and my sister was even voicing out loud as to who stays in which room.. and given the size of my family, i am surprised there were SURPLUS when it comes to the number of bedrooms! jacuzzi-like bathtubs, walls that made of nothing but windows. AN ATTIC bedroom!!! which my sister eyed! and a holding area for roof garden bbq at the top, which views span across to the nearby SRJC. one can only picture inviting friends, or family alike sipping a nice cup of tea after a long day of work, sitting on deck chairs and taking a step back, looking into the skies above. *long sigh..............*

We *my parents and me and me sister* haha, were so enthralled in our own thoughts, conjuring up images ... some silently, some aloud... when the contractor told my dad that this unit has been purchased! All 4 of us were aghast at the thought. First, it's not as tho we had the money, but we were really keen in the unit. and Secondly, it's horrified to know someone actually bought this when we were still in the stage of daydreaming, standing in the very place we pictured those dreams. @##$$.

Well, we found out that an enginner and his architect brother bought over this land from its previous owner, demolished, built and came up with this unit's concept. Lovely, unique concept by the way. And my mum started wondering how come of 4 kids, none turned out to be an architect. Bleah, not as if this electrical engineer daughter of hers could do much anyway.

HAHA, i'm just happy now, cos i've seen a dream home. (not those show room made ready flats, with arty farty furnishing which could WOWed me anytime, BUT which hardly shows ones individuality in the interior design) . This Is like a clean fresh sleet, (of cos i love the exterior appearance with windows, wooden frames, rounded roof) a pure white canvass, an unique structure, waiting for one's furnishing and imagination to fill up the spaces. Shucks that it's been bought.... boohoo ( maybe i can really good neighbours with whoever's moving in)

Anyone a debbie travis wannabe?

Hmm... now, where was that brochure i saw about this 3-storey dream home at Yio Chu Kang?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Groovy moves

Time to add some colors to the blog...
What better way to illustrate this celebration of freedom? Dancing water!

Pictures taken at the Musical Foutain!

may the two greatest elements combine: water and fire coexisting in a magnificent stance!
In the event your're interested in seeing them for urself,

Time slots: 7.40 pm and 8.40 pm

my 101th post


help me out will ya? click on the link below and let me know better about myself and how others see me.. prob help out loads for a girl who's actively embarking her career!hiaks.

i'm heading off to thailand Bangkok next week!!!yippie yoo!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Unsung Heroes: Engineers

Yes, the engineer is up to no good again.

Hmm..tell me i'm not alone on this, but i'm starting to see Engineers as an unique hybrid.

They have been stereotyped (i'm taking a defensive role already) to be

1. Systematic aka Rigid
2. Analytical aka Boring
3. ... have i listed alll?

Well, but yet, being an engineer myself and hanging out with engineers (haha, the phrase itself sounds alit pathetic already) aint what many perceived to be like.

No, we dont discuss equations or start our conversations circumventing formuales or Newton's law.

We dont flash our latest, newly aclaimed model of Venier Calipers (refresh: that's a measurement tool which everyone should have used one point or another in our educated life) or calculators which boost capabilities such as Integrations and Differentiation of Exponential formulaes to the Power of Trigonometrical Power series.


We hide them from one another.

Haha, Gotcha din i?

Oh, please dont add that engineers have a dry sense of humour. Even if we do, i believe that's a higher level of enlightenment when one can laugh at oneself, and not worried of being laughed at. one notch up that Maslow's pyramid.

Engineers are interesting because, i believe (disclaimer: These are merely my thoughts and should not be taken as references or facts watsoever)

.... the bulk of us are unsure of what we want. Beneath the surface of precise and sysematic organized roles we play, many often go around pondering inside. Thoughts far more complexed than formulaes. So, you can never fully understand an engineer or claim you know his/ her personality just from their career profile.

Cant you see? While figuring what they want ( and they will continue to do so once they start, like macham we are programmed in our DNA the moment we chose this course)... they can still go on with their every day life of working that machine, generating source codes, developing that program, testing the equipment, wearing that bubblesuit, breathing the air in the cleanroom, implementing the systems, building the infrastructure, procuring the items, studying the specifications, all for the greater good.


Engineers' minds are fascinating. So structured and yet, so lost. So Developed and yet So raw.

Yes, we chose Engineering because it seems safe and it's afterall, a professional. Ah, the big "P" word. Follow the crowd. Stick with the majority. Ladiladila blah blah blah....

Even if it's not really cut out for you in the end, you gain like-minded friends who understand how's its like. To be in troubled waters.

We aim to do well in life, i mean who doesn, and engineering is a process, a mean to how we measure our success. *yes i cant help but think of vernier calipers again*. Read a couple of blogs, and if you have the chance and time to do so, you'll realize there are many engineers with perspectives in life. Engineers with their brand of philosophy and thinking, governed by their own laws. Every engineer is different inside. And if you get to see both sides, you should congratulate yourself on finding someone real.

People who earn a decent, stable pay and deep inside wanting something more in life, which often (not money). Cos, comeon, if we are all about money, we would have gone with the big boys and power ladies in Banking and Finance.

We earn enough for keeps, prob put alit investment here and there ( nothing too big or serious ), we aim for a car and flat. We worked our way up slowly but surely. Steadfast and Duty-bound. We dont have to worry that there's no work to do, cos work never ends.

No, we dont club or pub often, or maybe it's even safe to say Never for some, but hey, we never have to worry about being seen drunk in an unslightly manner or worry that we say something stupid about work or spills the beans in a state of drunken stupor. No worries for hangover or how to face the world the next morning at work. AND AND, even if we do get drunk, what are the odds that your colleagues are around with you? What are the odds that they are sober enough to take out their MP3/4 player to record what you say, or Horrifying worst thought, pull out that videocam to record? Dont say we dont go to happening places.

no we dont go to places.

Many of us fly to places. And it does get a lit more relaxed when one's overseas. Best if it's a big place where one can explore on weekends. We do get to places, not stuck or rigid, rooted to one place as many like to think. KRIS Flyers? I bet besides those businessmen with fat cheques, and thick cigars, the next bulk in line, gotta be us.

We try to work from 9 till 5 but never till we are 95 cos as we all know, like all things, engineering is everchanging, Demand and supply.What's feasible in 2005 is ousted in 2010. Haha. So, we do go for training, courses to learn, to upgrade till our brain can do us no more. (cos our brains are one of the most overly taxed)

Constantly figuring amidst that look of stability and bored exterior, perhaps contemplating the tot of backstabbing, complaining within that unscheming, harmless, bespectacled creature working on his/her report due.

It's alit like Superman you know? Only, we dont possess unearthly powers or wear red underpant out. Yes, we dont pull people out of derailed trains. We build the train system that transport them but will be better known as "the people who build the derailed train system".

We are the underdogs, the unsung heroes.A struggle with inner self while mainting peace and order outside.

Hmm... i think i should stop.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Own space

it's another working morning over at tanjong p.

For once, i can declare i have my own office --own room. Correction-- Whole level.

Haha, the rest are working in the third floor while i'm the lone soul working on the 2nd.

All is quiet with the exception of my lappie's sounds.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Flight plan

Anyone got any lobang for air tic to bangkok?

It's monday morning 8 something

Finally started work after a long nice break, thanks but no thanks to my illness, think i became weaker after leaving school. Now, one flu is enough to warrant me a fever coupled with MCs plus the horrifying fact that it might be yet another episode of the dengue fever.

Well, today's pretty normal. Took the public commute. Was amused by a man who was standing in the same carriage as me, near the door but he faced the opposite direction of everyone else standing in the carriage. Then it dawned on me how everyone tend to conform and stand facing the same direction (usually facing the side where the door opens) and i was wondering how he could stand facing the other direction with the rest of us grouchy monday working crowd facing him.(even more so, the guy who's directly infront and just a few inches away from him. Imagine: two man facing each other in a confirmed crowded platform). geez

Yes, i am that easily amused. simple mind.

Another sight. Girl reading with earphones that doesn serve their rightful purpose, but well, at least she was listening to something i dont mind. "Time of my life"--a track taken off "Dirty Dancing"