Monday, February 06, 2006

It's monday morning 8 something

Finally started work after a long nice break, thanks but no thanks to my illness, think i became weaker after leaving school. Now, one flu is enough to warrant me a fever coupled with MCs plus the horrifying fact that it might be yet another episode of the dengue fever.

Well, today's pretty normal. Took the public commute. Was amused by a man who was standing in the same carriage as me, near the door but he faced the opposite direction of everyone else standing in the carriage. Then it dawned on me how everyone tend to conform and stand facing the same direction (usually facing the side where the door opens) and i was wondering how he could stand facing the other direction with the rest of us grouchy monday working crowd facing him.(even more so, the guy who's directly infront and just a few inches away from him. Imagine: two man facing each other in a confirmed crowded platform). geez

Yes, i am that easily amused. simple mind.

Another sight. Girl reading with earphones that doesn serve their rightful purpose, but well, at least she was listening to something i dont mind. "Time of my life"--a track taken off "Dirty Dancing"

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