Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Spot myself blogging on a Tuesday late morning.Took mc today as i woke up to a rather nasty sore throat, but seriously part of me thought i could do with the break, having not seen the doctor for over a year? Come 16th, i would have worked for half a year, my longest proper job with the previous lasting only 5 months. Kudos to my peers who have worked(stuck) on the same job for a year plus.

As i prepare to submit my FY06 progress report, review, i did a self-evaluation of my career (hmm, too strong a word to use?). So far, the first few months was indulged in courses, forums, buffets at hotels around singapore with all the newbies outside my dept. Now that most courses are completed and as i settled down in office, i find myself sometimes, isolated from the crowd. At yesterday's afternoon break, while i was sipping coffee with 2 others colleagues, we commented on how i was the latest addition of 'relatively fresh' graduate employed. Most of my colleagues worked for an average of 5 years or more ( although still at their first job), cant help but feel really young.

You dont share necessary the same topics, especially when most of them are married. You cant express what you feel about the latest primary school parents' involvement community program, nor can you lament on how competitive the balloting system for primary 1 enrolement has become. You have no problem with teaching children (because you have no children) the concept of money like why 50 cents is smaller than $1, when numerically 50 is greater than 1. Hmm... how did we past that?

Those who not married but in their late twenties, thirties however, share a different kind of interest, among which i think, shares prices, latest car model, condo investments, in the midst of pursuing their part-time Masters or PHDs. Sometimes, i wonder what they do in their free time? In case this starts to sound as tho i have something against people not-my-age, let me emphasize a firm "No". I am merely wondering how i will be like when i hit their time and how seriously, i can find myself blending in, when the topics, activities circumventing me are items like movies, blading, reading, planning travelling trips, ocassional pubbing sessions, meeting up with friends.

No, i have no financial planner (yes, i know!!!! i'm about to hit 25, premium is rising as we speak), the only thing i plan ahead is my weekend and what i intend to wear to work. Times like spot me thinking if i'm really the oddball when it comes to work, or have i simply left myself in school and never really exited my student' identity? Perhaps, back in their heads, they are also wondering how else to communicate to this othewise juvenile-like kiddo that's working in their midst.

Well, side track a lit, a group of us (yup, people around my age, single ladies) went kayaking for a voluntary activites organized by the company. Fun, tiring, and a feel-good warmth in me after the end of the event, forget the mud and dirt or how i was tanner than before. right, mental block... talk more again.


ruhigeSeele said...

aiyo, take care my friend..

go to those chinese medicine shop.. buy a drink for sore throat (those that they make and pack in bottles)..

drink it.. it tastes terrible but it's darn effective..

hooeyphooey said...
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hooeyphooey said...

Thanks friend..

I did drown 2bottles the previous time it got quite bad and that was just about the only way i can survive at work comfortably raising my voice. Haha.

Anyway, i've recovered and yup, see ya !