Saturday, April 07, 2007

I love my cable tv!

It's another saturday. Another in a mood for blog day.

Been meaning to post for the past few days when I spent the days at work preparing for the company teambuilding party next week and juggling between meetings. Met up with murf early week for cuppa cafe and yc end week to catch up. Really miss catching up with friends whom I've not met for some time.

Top it all, spent a Very Relaxing friday and saturday morning catching favourite movies on cable at my favourite couch.

Yc, if you're reading this, i guess cable movies became my cheap source of entertainment and interest. And when i mean movies, they are mostly re-runs cos i've watched them before already.


1) A LOT LIKE LOVE starring Ashton Kutcher (i like his character in the show, okay he's cute) and very naturally beautiful Amanda Peet.

I Love this show. I mean, i love it in the modern, un-sappy, relatable and realistic kind of way. How sometimes, people grow, think they move on and how despite you like to think things change and yet somethings just doesn seem to go away.

Now, this is weird. I was looking at the poster above when i recalled the funny shots i took with Mr A. Remember? Haha, anyway, he would. Isnt it strange how coincidental things are without even realizing??? Fate.Fate!

I love the soundtracks too. I adore the scene when Ashton was singing "I'll be there for you" by Bon Jovi outside Amanda's apartment. Probabaly would have melted if not very touched under that setting... and yet, was wondering how Amanda will really feel if she was married instead of engaged. *Point for Ponder*

I watched this movie on friday morning.. and then "The Family Stone" on friday early afternoon. Again, wonderful time recalling the movie, the lines, remembered catching this with marc on christmas. Christmas movies never fail to cheer me up, no matter anytime of the year. Just bring on the jingles.

So watching the movies with two of my favourite actresses (yes, i know i have alot): Diane Keaton and Sarah Jessica Parker. I had a good laugh, relatable as usual, in this case, because i have a huge family to start with and also because, i used to think my family is very "isolated" in a close-knitted kind of way, but well, i was wrong in my assumption and i haven been happier to be wrong in this case =)

Most touching moment: when Sarah presented the xmas gifts ( a well-thought, sincere and meaningful gift).

Seriously, why only point one finger? Is it suppose to "induce" a negative connotation somewhere?

Besides these two, i am sad to announce my favourite HK drama series have come to end, this law-enforcer show which i believe they show be showing in either channel u or channel 8 soon. This father who totally appreciate life and it's meaning, a blessed soul who travelled lots, ate lots of exotic food and wrote his adventures, his successful barrister wife with two lawyer daugthers. You'll be hooked when it's out.


I admire people who leave behind legacy. Authors, Researchers, Anarchologist.Inventors. Artists. Fine, i do realize these are the key, celebrated careers. YOu might argue that everyone leave behind something. Engineers do too?? Do they? Like.. erm, un-finished analyzed data? Are these the modern legacies left behind? Not passed down by generations but rather but the next fresh entry or experienced worker who hopped in to take the baton?

But people always say, as long as the spirit stays, it doesn matter whether the person lives an eternity. My question then is: how far, how extended will the legacy go?

Thomas Edison built the first light-bulb. His invention will go as far and as long as civilisation and literacy continue in mankind. I doubt his name will ever be forgotten, ever be segregated by continents as long as one uses electricity.

What about u? Me? How long do you think your legacy will last? One - two generation?Three if you are lucky? Are our legacy... measured by our wealth? The amount of money, property you leave for your generations? Or, do we rely on our living legacy aka our descendents to lit the torch?

Of course, great achievement comes to those who toil for them. Thomas tried 2000 times before the first light bulb was successfully built. Do you or I have that patience? Or have we lost the faith?

Sudden Random thoughts. So drastic from how it first started out. Haha. Inspired... yes, yet again, from the movie "National Treasure".

Yes, i believe i'm a fan of puzzles, intrigued by clues, treasures, and the thought that everything pieces together... is exhilarating.

That also explains, why i'm setting up a Unlock the Locks+ Piece the Puzzle as my telematch station for the party next week! And i'm telling you, i got this idea way like 2 weeks ago.. before i caught NATIONAL TREASURE!!!!!!Yes, i'm going to get a hostage from each team, load him with like 15 locks, with a piece of puzzle attached to each lock. Unlock the lock, get your puzzle, piece them up, and rescue the hostage!!!!!

I'm psycho. Dont bother saying it out.

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