Wednesday, April 30, 2008

R______ed at 26

today is the day when i fully immersed in the line" anything is possible" in HP.

Just imagine the big guy removing the thumb tack of his wall, that little red thumb tack off his world map.

With that, everything changes overnight.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My invisible bucket list

So do you have your own bucket list?

I too, hope to leave this world one day with "my eyes closed and my heart opened".

Actually, how do you define your own bucket list? yes, i know it's alist of things you hope to accomplish before one kicks the bucket. But what kinda things?

Is it...

Things which makes u happy, or things which make others happy?

Things which u fail to do? Or things which u like to do?

Meet People whom you never met? Or people whom u cherish and cherished you?

The failure to have the "best of both worlds" and yet knowing you are going to enter another new world from your current one depicts an emotion that is both depressing and yet, inspiring.

You know you are going to die, and suddenly, things become clear. Or at least that's why it's always shown in the movies.

And because i dont know when i'm going to kick the bucket, i think it's hard for me to come up with my bucket list at this very moment. I will not know the thoughts going through my mind, unlike "Tuesdays with Morrie".

However, the show did leave me pondering. Oh, i like to highlight i watched the movie alone.On the last day of screening island wide. I wanted to catch it alone in the first place. Felt it was something i could do without falling asleep or needy of someone's sleeves beside me should i fear or tear.

I'm glad i caught the bucket list. Even tho, i did tear in the end, with strangers beside me, it was nevertheless, an experience i will remember.

Monday, April 21, 2008

toubled versus troubles. Mutanted vs mutanting

ethics and mutants

"what falls within a range of ethical behaviour and what does not?"

I used to be intrigued with essays covering on moral ethics dilemma, especially those that go through depts with case studies in GP classes. Of course i don t do that now that i'm not doing A levels, and working just cease me from reading further.

Nowadays, i'm reading chick flicks, comics, and light news if i feel like reading.

Watching x men III again.

"is it cowardice to save one from persecution?"

"choosing the lesser of two evils"

i notice i like movies which show cases divergences in mystical powers... take harry potter, take xmen, star dust. Borders between magical and non magical (muggles), humans vs mutants.

everytime i want to blog, something distracts me and i'm lost my original thoughts.

Well.. i'm going to watch how they find phoenix.


after a hiatus, i had to ponder a while on the last posting.

Took a weekend off overseas to recharge before returning to work. My partner is leaving the company this week and i'll be handling her stuffs temporary. Not exactly the most welcoming thing to do, but i guess i'll have to take it in my stride.

Recharged, relaxed after a good massage. Ready to face the uphill tasks ahead.

It's times like this i appreciate the extended offs.