Monday, November 16, 2009

Way to work - Monday

Expressway is smooth. Air con a tad too cold with condensation forming a bit patch on the window panes.

Feeling normal, no signs of monday blues kicking in which is rare and nice. Recalled mum chidding me for not having seen me for the past 2 days. Busy little bee.

Yes, I do feel disjointed here. I like to attribute it to the fact that it's Monday rather than that I 'm getting old and uninterested altogether. Surely my thoughts would have materialize into actions and in place, comes newer, fresher thoughts?

Been hanging out alot with the girls, tcc, justians, even when I'm not physically with them, I will be uploading pics. Looking at pics of them. And now, it seems my primary school girls has caught up. Thanks to cand who dug up hideous yet pricless pics of yesteryear. She's so great with scrapbooking that I have no doubt she will turn those yellowish tinge of geeky snapshots to great master pieces.

I'm half way to work now. The cold has settled in and we are off the expressway.

Let's see if there is any mini goals I like to set for this week.
1. Practice the guitar.6 weeks left. Let's target 2 chords. Smooth transition required before passing for this week.

2. I think a trip down to salvation army is necessary. Like Sisi mentioned: I'm hopeless with my wardrobe. My clothes are now hanging off the window grills.

I think 2 goals are sufficient for now. Let's kill the cows a step at a time.

P/s: embarrassed to admit, but it's true for me. It feels good to be engaged.Nothing has changed. Just a ring on the finger, and a promise which both work to fulfil in a lifetime. It would be nice if the guy gets an engagement token as well. Hmm... Wonders.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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