Thursday, July 29, 2010

Austin thoughts

it's 8.41 am now, and i'm at a free internet kiosk at the Austin International Airport. Sad they dont offer free wifi, cos i would be able to settle into a comfy spot with my laptop, and not standing with my neck all strained with my bags beside me. Ha, but i should not complain as the ride to the airport was smooth and i was able to return the rented car without much hassle. Grateful.

Just that i got in here way too early, andit's 2 more hours before my flight to Atlanta! Last leg of my US trip, beginning of my holidays!

I just log on facebook but was unable to find anyone online to chat. I bought a DVD to watch in the event i got bored but i left it in the check in bag. Duh!

And i know i probably will not be able to hog the kiosk for too long. Actually, no one is around, but tmy legs cant take it much longer. On the other hand, i'm afraid i fall asleep!

Mylast night in Austin was great. Oliver showed me around Down Town Austin. We hiked around Town Lake. It was just so relaxed and the sights were so pretty. We then went on to see dinner at TGIF near the bridge where we were able to watch for Bats! Yes, there's a colony of Bats living in downtown Austin and people from all over the world gather to watch them as they fly out of the bridge just moments after sun set. However, as the summers' daylightwas long, it was rather dark and late n=by the time the bats came out.

And top it all, i had the chance to breeze through sixth street checking out Texas music as Oliver drove me back to my hotel. All in all, i'm so glad i've kinda completed the key things/ highlights of Austin Texas and add in those nature charms. I like seeing folks jogging around the town lake, known as ladybird lake. I lilke seeing dogs running after their owners. Owners playing fetch with their dogs, people training for their marathon, kids playing in the green green grass, folks rowing their canoes, kayaks and race boats, cyclists, different birds chirpping. Gosh, it was a great feeling to be in the midst of all these. at that instance, i felt i was part of it all, and yet, also an observer. It's incredible.

And let's not forget the sunset. i love the sunset in Austin. I love sunset fullstop. However, Austin offers a great view, and as you just watch sunset each day, you cant help appreciating life and mother nature in all it's glory. No matter how busy, and tired, homesick one may be, watching the sunset just makes me feel at ease. at least for me. =)

Well well, i haveabout 1.5 hours to go. Wish me luck as i end this post.

Live Well,Laugh Often, Love Lots.

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