Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I'm a tad sad i took that long to blog, i didnt know almost a quarter of 2012 has passed since my last post. And we have done quite a couple of stuffs in this period.

 1) We've gotten a new car. Yes, that's my daily mode of transport to work, i've grown to enjoy the ride and peace. Though the sad part is, i dont get to read on transport nor do i get to stare into space, people watched or fall asleep. The best part is i saved a good 45 mins off travelling which means more zzz for me- Jan 2012

 2) We've got a new place! Yes, we are rather fast movers in this aspect, and i cant wait for our new place to be up! Great ideas for decoration, having friends over for meals, DVD, or just chilling with the facilities in store.- Mar 2012

 3) We've step foot on Europe-> Switzerland, a place both of us wanted to go, and we were joined by jon which made it even more fun, and memorable. Even though hang-gliding was cancelled, we were able to go up to Jungfrau, Top of Europe ( An really expensive ride) but hey, it's the 100th anniversary this year. We just returned 2 weeks ago, and it's such fun looking back at the pics.

 4) And today marks Mother's day. Feeling abit more,( not because i'm preggie), which quite a few of my friends are, but perhaps because they are, and this year marks the year i'm celebrating with both mothers ( my mum and my hub's), and seeing friends around me post pics, status of their gifts ( be it receiving for the first time, or from their cute toddlers), or even our generation wishing our mum's happy Mother's day via facebook.

One cant help but feel overwhelmed with Motherly love. Nurturing love perhaps would be a better word. I had a conversation with my mum today, how young people today, are no longer that family-focused. We tend to ( i use the word tend) put their priorities on a balance scale. Family/ Work/ Personal/ and eventually Retirement. which is more important and how would you get your way through to a smooth Retriement?

 In our late 20s early 30s, we are all over fulfilling our wants, our almost compulsory annual travel trips to get away from work, climbing up that ladder just to get that promotion, hit the next income level, get an apartment with your beloved, planning for wedding, having that honeymoon, buying the latest gadgets, or eyeing that handbag. It's a phase most of us will identify with.

 For some, it's pursuing higher education, furthering our studies, be it abroad for that independent, travel experience, or local ( part-time : i salute), or full-time just to focus on getting that one item checked. Then it comes the point, when people start their family, photos of babies start appearing on your facebook. Gatherings of House-warming, now coupled with baby-shower, if not, it will be hearing so and so has gone for maternity leave, and 4 month break just seem oh that welcoming. Of course, in the year of dragon, you gotta coupled it more with securing your confinement lady, booking your maternity ward, or perhaps ( if not too crazy,) doing volunteer work for that infant care centre just blocks away from you. Do they even have that? Are we or are we all not chasing some dream set by the norms of our modern society? What else is there left?

 Back in our parents' era, starting a family comes naturally after marriage. Once you have one, usually, you will find # 2 coming along shortly, some with #3, and for rare cases in the 1990s ( like my family) we have a #4. Life was tough, the internet evolution came about in the 1980s....and that's when information overload, growing economy, globalization, terms coined like Foreign Talent, Competition, came about and stayed on. I dont remember hearing my parents complain, i dont remember hearing my parents sigh to each other, asking for a break from all of this, having a trip all by themselves. They save, scrimped (prob we dont see it), and they make sure we have food on table, air-con at night, and books to study, and of course, the occasional trip to the beach. I had a fun childhood. But today, will that still be the case for say, 40% of the kids?

 I cant say much for those in the upper primary to secondary students ( i dont have the data points), my statistics data comes from friends whose kids range from 2 month old till 5 years old. Well, if i were to include my colleagues, then 9 years old. So, hardly enough to know what the kids today are really going through as they learn to study independently, take responsibility for some of the actions that they are assigned to. I'm scared when i think of all these, I'm not sure how sustainable a parent i will be should i be given this opportunity. But, i will not ever want to think because of a kid, i have to give up on so and so, give up certain facets of my life. At the same time, both of us want to have kids someday. We are kids ourselves, and so we have to learn to take care of others. The idea of being responsible for someone for the rest of their life, seems daunting and yet intriguing at the same time.

 Just as i came across this line: I'm afraid of Success AND Failure. Yes, it sounds strange, but i can totally relate to it. On this mother's day, no amount of $, gifts, can express the gratitude i have for the wise woman i call my Mum. I'm here, because of her. I'm who i am today, the thoughts , the personality i have today, is directly and indirectly because of this great lady, whom i'm so proud, so proud of that i will constantly try to recall the things she has done, for me, as that's how i want to teach, impart to my future generation. I love you mum.

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Post 2012- My 30 birthday week

And so, before i knew it, my 30th birthday week is about to end. It has been a great week so far. I've spent CNY + birthday with wonderful people who mattered to me most, received surprises, gifts, thoughts from folks for far. I'm a happy contented woman. Yup, dont think i qualify for a " girl" now.

And i've been meaning so much to have some spare time to myself. Yes, really spending it with myself, with my thoughts, sitting on my coach and just typing all what i have been feeling since the beginning of this 2012.

I've pretty much started 2012 being really sick and unwell, i had fever and headaches for consecutive days and had to go to emergency dept in Raffles Hospital to take a blood test. It was freaky as the doc initially thought i had Dengue. ( Not for the 2nd time??!! i thought). Thank goodness ( or not), it ended up as viral fever and my fever subsided after a few days, but my headache persisted. It was horrrible having this headache which painkiller do not seem to cure and I had to go to several chinese docs to find out the root cause. Finally, after completed the medication ( diagnosis: heaty lungs and liver), i was back to normal.

And perhaps, it was this illness that somewhat changed my perspectives drastically. In a way, i always knew health was important, i was one who always aimed to strike a balance between work and life but this illness taught me to even MORE appreciate the people around me, showed me what i have been taking from granted ( unknowingly), and what i have been missing out while enjoying the love, convenience brought about from my parents.

1. I do not know how to cook cooling herbs, water to cool down my "internal organs"=> my mum made for me and i was so touched, i took a pic of it on my phone.

2. My mum-in-law bought me more herbs ( from the chinese medicinal hall) knowing my headache and fever did not subside.

3. My dad called up his friend to find out which chinese doctor is good and my family took me there and waited for more than an hour for the doc to see me and prescribe my medication.

4. My hub came home early everyday when i was sick, checking on me, he spent his weekend at home with me even though i was asleep most of the time and he had nothing to do.

5. My diet was controlled ferociously by my hub and my family. Cooking light meal, no oily food, even for them

6. I realize i do not know how to take care of myself, i shuddered at the thought how i'm going to take care of my kids, my loved ones should they fall ill.

7. I realize how ' shallow' our lives has become. Material needs, eating processed food, using money to buy convenience.

This made me even more determined, to cook, to create value, to be independent so that others can be dependent on me. Yup that's it.

With that, i shared these thoughts with the weekenders, yup, weekenders has become a very integral part of my life. of our lives ( hub and me).

In fact, i'm ending this "work weeK' with a dinosaur exhibition with S and J! That reminds me. I have yet to load pictures. Okay, i probably continue this post another time. But most important phrase for myself this 2012.

" to be independent, so that others can be dependent on me"!

Monday, January 02, 2012

My business thoughts 2 jan 2012

For the longest time, i have always toyed with the idea of coming up with my own business.
These are the ideas that have sprung out of my head for the past few years, as much as i can remember

a) Florist cum coffee shop
- Since i love fresh flowers & how pretty they are
- Coffee?? Self explanatory

b) Bookshop cum coffeeshop
- Much of it was inspired by "You've got mail"
- Well, we had Borders and see what happened to it ( dont think mine will work)
- I always feel books and coffee go well together on a hot afternoon
( Bookstore has to be fully air-conditioned, accompanied with plush cushions, lazy corners)

c) Online self motivation blog
- Partly because i love to read self motivation stuffs, especially tips on how to improve life
- I reckon it will be minimum capital required to maintain this business
- It's meaningful if you have readers who feedback how they find it useful ( granted they know the existence of the blog in the first place)

d) Cafe / bakery
- with nice ambience, a great place for me to entertain my friends
- Sitting along the island with good food, chil

e) Lifestyle store
- take ikea for example, how they are able to fuse lifestyle with furnitures
- Take Typo, fusing lifestyle with stationery
- I just need to create a lifestyle for a particular item which i believe there's market for

Is there anything else which i have missed? I cant quite remember but over the years, these were the ideas that stuck

I have read books, watched enough movies to know certain signs should not be ignored and we should always follow our heart.
But how often is that possible, when one just have ideas and more undying passion to carry it through?

It's the 2nd day of 2012, and i have not quite done my traditional post of blogging the highlights, learnings of 2011 and what i aim moving forward 2012.
I was down with a bout of fever & headaches, i like to think it was due to lack of sleep and the constant nights out ( nope, i hardly took much of a sip this holiday season)

I will be capturing the highlights of 2011 in another post. With my Macbook Pro, i feel i haven been utilizing much, making use of it to its full potential.
This will be something i target to capture in 2012.