Friday, January 27, 2012

New Post 2012- My 30 birthday week

And so, before i knew it, my 30th birthday week is about to end. It has been a great week so far. I've spent CNY + birthday with wonderful people who mattered to me most, received surprises, gifts, thoughts from folks for far. I'm a happy contented woman. Yup, dont think i qualify for a " girl" now.

And i've been meaning so much to have some spare time to myself. Yes, really spending it with myself, with my thoughts, sitting on my coach and just typing all what i have been feeling since the beginning of this 2012.

I've pretty much started 2012 being really sick and unwell, i had fever and headaches for consecutive days and had to go to emergency dept in Raffles Hospital to take a blood test. It was freaky as the doc initially thought i had Dengue. ( Not for the 2nd time??!! i thought). Thank goodness ( or not), it ended up as viral fever and my fever subsided after a few days, but my headache persisted. It was horrrible having this headache which painkiller do not seem to cure and I had to go to several chinese docs to find out the root cause. Finally, after completed the medication ( diagnosis: heaty lungs and liver), i was back to normal.

And perhaps, it was this illness that somewhat changed my perspectives drastically. In a way, i always knew health was important, i was one who always aimed to strike a balance between work and life but this illness taught me to even MORE appreciate the people around me, showed me what i have been taking from granted ( unknowingly), and what i have been missing out while enjoying the love, convenience brought about from my parents.

1. I do not know how to cook cooling herbs, water to cool down my "internal organs"=> my mum made for me and i was so touched, i took a pic of it on my phone.

2. My mum-in-law bought me more herbs ( from the chinese medicinal hall) knowing my headache and fever did not subside.

3. My dad called up his friend to find out which chinese doctor is good and my family took me there and waited for more than an hour for the doc to see me and prescribe my medication.

4. My hub came home early everyday when i was sick, checking on me, he spent his weekend at home with me even though i was asleep most of the time and he had nothing to do.

5. My diet was controlled ferociously by my hub and my family. Cooking light meal, no oily food, even for them

6. I realize i do not know how to take care of myself, i shuddered at the thought how i'm going to take care of my kids, my loved ones should they fall ill.

7. I realize how ' shallow' our lives has become. Material needs, eating processed food, using money to buy convenience.

This made me even more determined, to cook, to create value, to be independent so that others can be dependent on me. Yup that's it.

With that, i shared these thoughts with the weekenders, yup, weekenders has become a very integral part of my life. of our lives ( hub and me).

In fact, i'm ending this "work weeK' with a dinosaur exhibition with S and J! That reminds me. I have yet to load pictures. Okay, i probably continue this post another time. But most important phrase for myself this 2012.

" to be independent, so that others can be dependent on me"!

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