Monday, March 20, 2006

A date with modern Da Vinci and Mozart

Post dued

Due to the slow response from job interviews, coupled with the fact that hooey was getting really restless. She decided, perhaps she should start working on something. A part time, or even a new niche. What a good way to surprise her family when they return from malaysia if hooey manage to embark something new and make a living out of it.

So, after servicing her camera today(sunday, lonely sunday only with the company of my vehicle)... hooey decided to walk about and do something she hasn done before. Too bad, she serviced her camera before she gone for the walk, cos the weather was good, the kind you wont perspire and could still walk around with the patience to find a good spot to take some snapshots. Nevertheless, nokicam came to the rescue.
How's this for an artistic angle?

As part of the inspiration process and role playing, hooey went ahead with only a old chang kee curry puff and vitasoy for lunch.What to do when one's broke and jobless and keen to start anew? Thrifty is a virtue. Remember that. Hiaks

This is hooey's first masterpiece and you must understand how much courage it took to just sit alone by the breakwater while one is surrounded by either lingering couples or families with little running kids, or some young punks listening to Rock.

Yes, i have decided to do thiS!

Hooey just went ahead and started her work, dirtying her fingers with musty colours. She worked with the landscape, the water and the trees. Perhaps alit ambitious for a beginner, and she was seen referring to her guide book now and then. Every few minute she could not help but check her immediate surroundings to see if anyone was watching her.Two young punks sitting near her mimicked her actions, much to her annoyance.

But hey, as the waves catch on, so did her interest and determination to finish the picture. No doubt, it looked really childish and hardly like the real thing. But she grew less conscious as she start dabbing with the colours, exploring with new colours. She remembered calling ruffy before she started, explaining how embarrasing it would be if someone would to spot her drawing.

Her theory: A young kid/ or childrens playing with crayons in a public place is normal. An act of creativity and fun. They are entitled to draw and doodle. To come up with green skies and purple faces. But an adult, Alone with crayons looking at skyscrapers, u expect her to either be good/ to come up with something "whoa".. or prob think she's a bit pyscho, if not an inspiring art student, which again will simply mean her work should be of some standard.

Yes, no doubt, i should post up my masterpiece if i'm not ashamed of it right? Haha, here goes.
Before colors... still in the process

How the hell did i put myself on a benchmark measured, steoreotyped by age and norms, and not what i truely desire?Heck...

After 2 hours of dirtying her fingers,

So, go ahead and have a good laugh. Even if she fails to be pull a Da Vinci, she manages to crack u up.

The poor artist-wannabe was delighted to find an outdoor concert going on at esplanade. Hey, what do ya know... it's turning out to be agreat night! A night of arts and music as evident from the below pictures. For those who's interested,You wont see those again at esplanade. I've checked.

Rock on!!!!!!Dance to the tunes!
i love the grand piano. Wish i could take a picture with that stick figure.
a thing for drums!

The hopeless romantic acoustic guitarist. Love the settings.

1 comment:

Ruffy aka CCL said...