Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ubin Fiesta!

This post's gonna consist more of pictures rather than words. Took a trip to ubin on (Last Saturday 1st april, nothing to do april's fool) to vist my grand dad's tomb. It's becoming a yearly or bi-annual event for the extended family, as we met up early for breakfast at Changi's village. After tombsweeping this year, we extended the program to island cycling, of cos, offering me the chance to go shooting pics. =)
Not in any particular order cos i hate to sort them out and risk them being deleted. It happened already.
ON BOARD!!!!!!

we took the ferry with a group of boy scouts. Apparently there's some event going on in ubin. Somewhat like amazing race.but no car, no bicycles, just maps and their backpacks... Haha, we led some of them into the cemetery later on. There was actually a checkpoint there!
You do know how rare it is to see roads without markings. Streets without streets lamp,to be replaced by tall coconut trees ... and of cos, the absence of traffic lights and dustbins. Ah... greenery and the country.

Okay, trying to act all sporty and glamourish at the same time. taken in the mini van which ferrys us to cemetry. Surprisingly, this year, Ubin's Mosquitoes Blood donation drive din really get to me!=) Yeah!!!!!And know what? It turns out the driver is some relatives of relatives of relatives of my mummy and uncle. Everyone in ubin is family. Somesort or another.

Took this in black and white cos it feels right. Surprisingly, i actually had a picture of this in another angle in colour two YEars ago!!! when i was still doing my IA and camping with IA friends. Amazing. See?

But the most amazing has yet to come. just Watch...*

Ok, the thing is, i took a picture of this little boy who stays in ubin. prob only about 3 years old or something. Wanted to post his picture up, but afraid it's prob not very nice when i din get his permission/ or that of his parents. I wanted to say, i recognize him, cos i met him two years ago in the same place! i even had a picture of him two years ago!!!! imagine meeting him again, sitting down and talking to him. Actually he was more interested in my mum... and her bee hoon. Well, too bad. i' shall post other pictures instead
Pink flower!
We cycled to this farm where there's live prawns for sale. it means.... u buy them, and they stay that way hours after u leave pulau ubin, and back to ur kovan home to untie the packaging to see them alive.. and yes, kicking. oh, that's my aunty in orange. And my cousin(her daughter) further up front... and my mum and sis and uncle..,.. and urs truely laggin behind to ...take the picture.
Doesn this look like something u see on a field trip? some educational tour or something?
Mummy stopping to get some sea water. Yes, that's a bottle she's carrying to collect the sea water.

kinda like this pic too. Uncle squatting, and the girls seem to be well covered and shaded by that palm tree or coconut tree leaves....I took it in the adjacent bank of the swamp. My uncle was trying to catch some mudhopper. Which, i tot the correct term is mudskipper. I still think i'm right, tho i din argue. The three ladies keeping a safe distance while my aunt was guarding our bicycles.
What my aunt was guarding! haha, kidding, there were this other group of youngsters who stopped by for a break.
How's this for an attempt? fine, after several attempts? Trying to play with the macros and blurring the background.... i'm Proud of my work.
some of the places we cycled past- NPCC residential camp. These height elements brought back wonderful memories.

Crabs! Looking at these pic, still brings back the satisfaction i had, tasting those yummylicious crab meat. No heavily seasoned sauces, not chilli crab or black pepper.. just simply the fresh sweet taste of crab meat!! background: the two Ubin kids- mum and her baby brother-my uncle! They cant wait to start attacking the crabs!
Something tells me, my mum was thinking about her childhood in ubin, a sense of nostalgia as she bid goodbye to the island-the place thats becoming lesser and lesser of how she pictured it to be with urban development
my mum, i can understand, but my sister?! Haha, candid shot taken of her. Think she was hungry, and hot, and probably wondering when we can cycle to our next destination. Note: taken before crabs meal. I like this pic of her. Thinking mood.
Yeah... C-O-C-O-N-U-T! sweetest they have taste, according to our panel or judges. Hooey skipped the coconut and opt for that packet of green tea. My Mum was so delighted that she started playing drums with those coconuts. Tniaoz. I think they are delirious from the heat or something.
Aint this the cutest little kitten u have seen in ages? Blue eyes... my cousin wanted to smuggle her back in her backpack. We had the approval from the locals, but not our parents. Aunt has an allergy to kittens, cats, dogs. But she din realize, my cousin is going to get a dog on her second' month's pay. I heard she's eyeing a big dog- either a goldern retriever or german shepherd. Uh Oh.....

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