Sunday, April 22, 2007

1 2 3

And so before you know it,
(i dont quite like this font)
As i was saying, so before you know it, i'm going to catch the phantom. Just parted with slightly less than half a K, (yup) to pay for the tickets first. And, cant help cant help but feel the pinch that's eatting into me.

That's the thing about me. I' dont feel anything spending the money, and the guilt comes that ONE Second, make it millisecond, just before i blink my eye.. and OUCH, there goes another burnt pocket.

There's alot of things i've actually spurlged on. Delved into luxuries (to me) which i've probably not done so. How come i cant take it so carefreely? (Well, that's prob because i'm not rich!!).

Well, will be watching phantom with my favourite people.. it's the company, (i'm trying to think that so that it will feel less).

And a list of many things i'll intending to do:

1) upgrade my not-working canon power shot.
2) Extend my wireless network to the whole of my house, currenly, the coverage only last till the living room. this is not good. i Either have to get additional access point or relocate my wireless router.
3) Get a laptop so that i can appreciate the wireless house. ( Missed that ever since my lappie died on me)
4) Cambodia trip... hopefully with my new camera

Actually, there's more but i reckon one should not be too ambitious at one shot. I should deem myself DARN capable if i can complete all 4 above in one shot.

Some guilt streak poured over me like a downpour over the last few days. More determined than ever to sort out my life, financially, socially, workwise-ly, physically.

It's time to sort out. To clear. To declutter. To Clean up. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE.

Software:1) Company desktop
2) Family desktop
3) Thoughts
4) current projects
5) New projects

Hardware: 1) company desk
2) my desk
3) my room
4) my drawers
5) my wardrobe

as usual there's more but i'm happy if all 10 items are sorted out.

A happy- idealistic- trigger

1 comment:

ruhigeSeele said...

hey hey!

so glad you're catching the phantom.. i loved it. after listening to the cd for the umpteenth time and reading the book by gaston leroux, watching the musical was putting the pieces together.. FYI: by putting the "hands at the level of your eye", the phantom cannot use the lasso to strangle the person ..