Sunday, June 10, 2007

Vietnam- Hanoi

I'm back!
Wanted to blog the moment i got out of fatigue and i guess that meant two full day of rest. Arrived in Singapore almost early friday morning and now its early sunday morning.
Vietnam Hanoi: trip wise, i think it's one of a kind. Haven quite experience anything like this.

person wise: i think i'm not that easy a push-over as i thought and i've really learnt to appreciate what we have back at home.

Of course, you people didn strain your neck just to read all these. You want pictures, tips and what not in Hanoi right?

Right, better start putting a pic of us before looney gets.. Looney! Just kidding! Joined this trip with allan and his adventurous friends who's now at Laos after our Vietnam trip and then to thailand. Happening dudes. Here we are all cheery and happy and excited about Hanoi, ignoring the oh so comfy seats in Tiger Airway.

And before i pull another 4 mth lapse episode like what i did for Aussie Melbourne, i decide to blog out and post a pic or two. Again, i like to summarise what i did or again, the list of "first accomplished".

1. Took a jump of the deck of a boat and straight into the unknown sea on route to Halong Bay. about 15 m deep.

2. Got "tattoo" by the local traffic

3. "Ripped" off by Lonely Planet

4. Drank 20 cents beer. I'm not kidding here.
5. Had beer everyday almost every meal.
6. Took an one hour+ (one way each) TO AND FRO boat ride rowed by this power woman (we call her the ferrari)
7. Climbed down this freaky, long, scary, rumbled hill of rocks after visiting perfume pagoda
8. Spent a night in the cabin of the supposedly junk boat and fell asleep watching the stars with a can of tiger beer beside me.
9. Kayaked in Halong Bay!!!! About one hour. Allan and me beat the 2 guys flat. Ha Ha.
10. Had Vietnam Massage!

Night 1: Reached Noi Bai Airport. Please note that you should not spend more than $10USD on the cab fare from the airport to any hotel in Old Quarter (that's where all the backpackers and main -stream travellers will stay in Hanoi)

You need not fret about looking for accomodation cos there are Everywhere in Old Quarter. Just a matter of your preferences in term of cost, comfort and accessibility. Please Bargain and not follow us and just ponder and pay the sum requested.

've stayed in two hotels when i was in Old Quarter and i strongly recommend the second one to everyone.

Made our booking for the infamous Halong Bay. 2 day-1 night PLus kayaking. *note that should also only cost you about $20+ USD.* We paid $37 pax USD. Yah, i'm saying all these so no friends of mine will make this mistake.

You need not go to the Sinh Cafe as mentioned in the Lonely Planet cos that's inaccurate+ charges more. There are many other fakes Sinh Cafes around and the one mentioned in that book happens to be one those.

Can one even trust what one read nowadays???
pictures illustrating my points!

1. Took a jump of the deck of a boat and straight into the unknown sea on route to Halong Bay. about 15 m deep. Yup that's ME!!!!!

Leaping off the top deck are the three gentlemen who sparked off this crazy Stunt. This was their final dive together after an individual jump.

Our American friend decided to follow them and i took a classic pic. Pic of the day!

the three musketeers below cheering on in the water.

Just one of the many many magnificent rocks seen in Halong Bay. Took a paranomic stitch shot but the file was simply too big to load. Shucks. Oh, we kayaked past here!!*i think cos i rem the yellow post, but then again it might be on every similar rock*

That's me enjoying a captain jack moment!Hey we go!!!! Compliment of allan who went out of the boat before it embarked its journey to halong bay.

We went to this really nice cave that's included in the Halong BAy trip. Please dont ask me the name cos i wasn paying attention. Was simply captivated by the sights
... dont believe??? Check this out.

Close your mouth please...Deep Breath.. and say "WAH!!!!!!!"We walked in from that hole (see the light) into this cave. Very pre historic.

We goofing around like some mummys or statues, much to the amusement of others.

That's me again sitting on what looks like some ruins, but actually natural wonders. like the cooling feeling, condensation in the environment. Doesn it look like a scene from Jurassic??

A group shot of us. I love the setting. THe only sad thing was we looked too small. Well, we asked a tour guide to take this pic for us and she did look pro. Never mind the small people. It really made me feel like some explorers or archaeologists who spotted some long lost treasure. To me, i did feel like. Well stay tuned for more interesting pics for all these above are only up till day 2!!!!!!!

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