Sunday, January 27, 2008

i cried on my 26th birthday.

And yes, judging by the title, we all know what's up. I have officially left the early twenties range and time is not going stop alit slower for me just because i've attempted to do good or just being nice.

One year with 365 days, it's always been the same but somehow you just wish each year prolong its existance beyond 365 wishing it can extend to somewhat 730 so that it will be double the period before you get to see that birthday cake with those dreaded candles on them.

This year however, have proved much of a surprise when it comes to my birthday. So much that i cant help recalling what happened. How i have been taken for a ride, how i could have missed those possible signals. How i really really had a surprise birthday party.

how many of you attended a surprise birthday party?? I haven tho i watched many on TV.
Nope, i'm never too busy to forget my birthday, so i dont think i can EVER have a surprise birthday party, not this lifetime maybe, with the exception that Alzemier hits me before i can remember.

So, where was i?

Right, my surprise 26th birthday party.

It's really hard to put it into words what happened. But i cried.

div>yup, that more or less summarise the surprise party. i cried REAL hARD.

It's embarrasing if you were to ask me, what a way to leave the early twenties, how i greeted #26 with tears that overwelled me. Literally, much to the amusement of those @ the party. Oh, dont worry, you dont have to imagine, they have "kindly" etched those memories in the form of digital pictures which will probably stay with me for as long as i remember.

"I was angry, i was upset, i was trying to act happy, and then i was really happy, i was shocked and i was guilty and then i was confused as my face muscles were all contruded into mixed emotions, not knowing whether to cry or laugh."

Perhaps it's only logical to tell the story in a chronological form.

*oops prior to that, can i take the chance to thank my "EID" gang, actually it's really more of my "board gaming gang" who kick start the birthday thingy when we all meet up last week to celebrate giles + my birthday. I dont know who had more fun, they or me. Actually that's a silly question to ask, and i "swore" i will meet them only 2 years later. So i guess you know the answer.

Haha, still i had a good time with them. it was good catching up on old times, mainly my times. And to hear new updates, happy news about our friends. Well, if there's anything which cant wait two years, i appreciate you guys letting me via email or my blog. You all know how to contact me. HAHAHAHHAHA

*Aquarians' birthday cakes. apologies for lousy resolution. Still not very good with my camera phone. Didnt change the settings.

So, sorry back to the story on 22nd Jan. I met my squad to celebrate two of our birthday's : Hui ying and mine. Turns out i always share birthdays with someone, which is nice i feel!=), well, with the exception the other birthday girl didnt turn up and i was left with two cakes and many unflattering shots as i tried to get chips "aka the candles" out of my birthday cake. Still we had fine @ MINES cafe and i was happy.

with my lovely squad on tuesday@ clarke quay mines. Sigh, too bad some of them couldn make it last minute.

more poisonous games. 26 birthday already card #2,5,1 =@26. 25/1~ hahaha

the birthday cakes.

With my two favourite Vons in the world.
Here comes the unflattering shots. Me and allan testing out the face detection capability of my camera to my friends.
me doing something totally unglam.
Finally something decent with my birthday cake.

I spent a nice quiet 2 days just going to work and coming back home straight from work. Colleagues have been really sweet to me, surprising me with more birthday cakes. I feel really blessed to have them remembering my birthday, surprising me after my presentation and during my staff meeting.

My pretty colleagues celebrating my birthday after my presentation (me looking really shitty cos i woke up with sore eye. Boo)

They made me a card!=) love my lunch khakis, travelling companions in Melbourne.
Candid shot of me reading my birthday card. Geez, catch that surprise look.

Surprise birthday cake @ staff meeting, thanks to my photo colleagues. so sweet!!!=)

So the finally day itself 25th, after staff meeting and eating my very lovely secret recipe cake, i left office on time and met allan so that we can head home together, cos my family wanted to go out to eat, or celebrate at home with me.

This guy, of all days wanted to go check out his mobile, but in the end changed his mind when we reach kovan, he wanted to check out something for his mum. since it was on the way home, i agreed. Yet, after failing to find what his mum needed, he got hungry and he wanted KFC, by then i was already fuming inside, cos i didn want my family to wait up for me and also, i thought the purpose of going home was so we could eat, and this guy wanted to eat KFC because he was so hungry. And yes, my dear cannot go without food so i tolerated and sat there watching him buy his food.

Within a bite, however, he said, let's head home. He will packet the food and leave. And i was like... ??!!!!!!!!!!

He didnt even bother how i feel?!!! no doubt, i was pissed as he was eating but that doesn mean he should just packet the food after taking one bite right?!!! Boy oh BOY! i was so pissed at him i decided to keep quiet all the way back home. AND OF ALL THINGS, my handphone went down on me, so i didnt know if my family called to check why we were late, i was too pissed to borrow his phone to call back home to let them know too. So, i walked really quickly home, allan was darn surprised at my speed cos i was in pretty high heels sommore.

Not once, did he try to pacify me on the way back which was weird. Tad sad for me right? On my birthday somemore, but stil, as i approach the door step, i was feeling apprehensive cos i didnt want my family to know we had a fight, didnt want to worry them mah... So i paused before unlocking the door, trying to muster a big smile while that silly man was still behind me, uncertain of what he can do to cheer me up, when i suddenly heard a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG" coming out of my house.....????

That's when i was greeted with this sight.. ignore the people, These were taken after my shock.

* my post shock pictures still tearing as i cant believe what they planned for me"

Of cos, i was agape! Someone took videos of me as i stepped into the house, there were poppers, thanks to my baby brother giving me a shock as i stepped into the house. There my sister go, looking all smirk!!! i was like????? "OH MY GOSH!!!!" and then my sister asked me to go into my room to put my stuffs..... i was like still so shocked at the birthday surprise.. when i saw...

MY FRIENDS!!!! iN MY ROOM!, all cheering and yelling "SURPRISE" when i turned on the light of my room, of cos my lovely sister had to take video of that too, and you can hear me saying.. "OH MY GOD!!" while wiping the tears of foolishness and happiness away. I FEEL SO DUMB!!! the party was all planned, allan deliberately lured me away from home so my friends could reach home on time!! I felt so stupid and guilty for shunning him, for ignoring him throughout the way home.

ARGh, stupid silly hooey. I had to compose myself CRY BABY. I told all of them to leave my room so that i can cool down and hide my embarrassment, wipe those tears, and drank all my friend's beverages which they left in my room so i could feel better. Sigh. I've been PUNKED!

and so, i got out later, we all had fun, laughed at me... i gathered pieces of information and yeah.. it's PARTY TIME>

The masterminds behind the big surprise party, my sister being the evil plotter, and allan the accomplice and of course, the victim being the birthday girl! Who ever heard of anyone crying on their birthday?!!! and with the pictures to show somemore.. darn! but hey, you only turn 26 once.
Well, i forgive and i forget. Of course, who can hate that lovable sister of mine, who went through so much to help plan this? And she makes one fantastic float! Yumyum! okay all tears dried though still red-eyed, i LOVE MY FAMILY! for planning this party for me. Ah dad is so shy he went into the room! haha
I'm so touched.
My friends recalling what happened, haha chatting over floats and sparkling wine.
You girls really got me. Who would have expect them to turn up after we met up on Tuesday!?!!! i LOVE THEM!

I really like to thank my wonderful wonderful sister and allan dear for making this possible. Thanks for making my 26th so bearable and sweet. and to my sweetest friends of over 10 years. My 26th birthday really marks a very memorable memorable day in my life. Having friends, family and my bf to celebrate my birthday.

I am blessed. It's really one special day in my life. 25 jan 2008.

* of course thanks to the many many of you who wished me happy birthday. you made my life very special by just being in it.



ruhigeSeele said...


What a swell birthday! hehe

Happy birthday again! :)

Anonymous said...

Your are welcome. Happy Birthday again !