Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What do you want to learn?

it's the brand first day of 2008 and i just finished watching a great show on HBO.

"Accepted". It's a great show to kick start the new year and boy was i glad i decided to catch it while browsing through my smart playlist.

"Accepted" depicts a show where a group of college-rejected students got together to set up a fictitious college so as to avoid any more complaints, disgrunts from parents and relatives. It all started with a fake acceptance letter from the South Hampton Institute Technology (S.H.I.T) which later full blown to a dsyfunctional college running on its own with over 300 students because of a boogie website introducing SHIT!!!

Yes, it all started with a lie but how this lie came about and evolved into something which brought true meaning to gaining acceptance without deliberately trying. I think thats what's most important.

How often we seek the truth in everything we ruin the process by trying so hard to do what's right and good. To go through all the legal means and convincing ourselves that the right path to everything is truth. How we often demean lies of all form without giving a chance to find out why the lie came about.

How S.H.I.T differs from any college which truely strikes me in the show...

1) There are no official teachers or faculty. Students are the teachers. They learn from one another.

2) Cirriculum?? There are no fixed classes. You decide what you want to learn, and write them on this huge white board that's centered in the middle of the hall way. Plastered right on top of the white board is " WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LEARN?", you write down your thoughts, you say out what you want to learn and you just set up something. Those who are interested will follow along, and there you have it== A Class.

Seriously this show really brought meaning to .." a class of your own"

3) Education is to simulate creativity and passion for learning. What a line, and how colleges today "truely' adhere to this motto.
haha, in SHIT tho, it's a ficitious college, i saw that happen, and while i'm just someone viewing it over the TV box, can you believe if the college actually exist?

The show actually compared with another top-brass college where u see people falling asleep in lectures, some fervently taking lecture notes, some being bullied real time for simply looking different from others (out cast because they look nerdy, or fat, or weird just because they choose to do laugh when nobody does or talk of things which aint the most hop topic....=> familiar?)

So, i was really inspired after the show. If someone were to ask you " What do you want to learn?", what would you say?

1) ....
2) .. What?
3).. i thought that's what the school's supposed to do?
4)....Hmm, i have really never thought of it.
5) What i want to learn aint going to make me big bucks
6) Nah, my parents think it's useless stuffs
7) it's not offered locally

Why? Truth be told, i dont have an answer for that question the moment it was shoved into my face. Why? Is it because there's nothing i want to learn? Or, i have really just been taking things for granted, taking whatever is coming my way? And why should that be the way? Are we not students? even if we are no longer studying, are we not always seeking something new to learn? So why should that stop after school?

It saddens to know, the process of learning was not heightened even when we are in school. imagine how it would go after leaving school?

So, now that we left... how has physics 101 help you achieve your dreams? in "Accepted", students want to learn to do skateboarding stunts and learn to apply certain theories in physics to better help execute moves.

The technical "classes", helped them create signboards, set up a small bar which was what they wanted to do when they want to learn to concoct certain cocktails to serve by the pool.

Let's not forget those who have a passion for eating, they learn to cook and serve those people who eat their food while going about their other classes.

I guess, you can picture what i'm saying. You have a passion for something you want to learn something, and when u seek to achieve them, you learn other things in return...

That's how life should be, there is no designated roles when it come to teaching and learning. Everyone can be a teacher and student. And it should be the way.

Why is it so important to gain acceptance, so much so to give up who you really are? Dont ever compromise that...

i'm glad i'm feeling like this. It's feels like a great start to the new year.

Happy new year 2008! Now, to go have my dinner.

Btw, had a really good time with the girls counting down to 2008. I'm glad some things never change.

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