Monday, September 22, 2008

Vertical Limit Time-Wise

it's my first day of my 1 week break before i embark on my new job. So, thought since i wont be taking my open water certification this week, i might as well make full-use of my time. Document my week, before i start to lament how this week has passed in futile.

Well, i'm watching "verical limit" as i'm blogging in my parents' room. Man, this show sets the reality of scaling K2. When i was in secondary 3, i think climbing mt E was the hype and everyone was dreaming, "making plans" of how they want to scale that some day. "Kids? with limitless imagination?"=)

As i watched, my desire to climb isnt that great anymore. I still think it'll be great to climb a snow moutain... stay at base camp with hot choco, with a fire eating bbq food. Using ropes and caribenas (dunno how to spell), snow hooks, all tucked in big bulky windbreakers, abseiling horizontally and vertically, rock climbing at it's peak. To me, its an experience uncomparable to snow skiiing at ski resort, and given a chance i will definitely want to try climbing.

However, it's not all rosy and red... it's really kinda scary the things you faced, the emotions, with survival instinct so strong at that moment you dont know what kind of person you may evolved to in the face of danger. Will you sit back, and watch others die before you? Or will you rather die first and not face the summits alone till someone finds you.. or not? How will you occupy time, when you no longer have concept of day or night? How you will face the world of white blanket when everything is so cold, so dry and so quiet?

Will you want your loved ones to find you knowing they may sacrifice themselves in doing so ? Or will you still want to see them, for fear of never saying a proper good-bye? never letting them know how much they mean to you?

Boy, in our world, things are awfully stable we seem to worry senselessly. Dont you think? Or maybe it's just the show.

When you're late 20s, you start thinking plans, and nope, it's not plans of magnitude like where to head this holiday, or where you and your friends would like to study, which concert is good, which mobile phone is the latest on the market that you like to grab hold of... Maybe you do, but inside, there's the gnawing feeling of how you want to live your life. At least for me, will you be thinking of settling down in the next 2 years? Will you start a family after you hit 30?

Or, do you want to accomplish certain things before you get married?


Are there places you want to go, things you want to do before you start family commitments? For a start, climbing everest?=) backpacking with your pals? Travelling to Bhutan, go northpole to take picture? Staying in a foreign land for a few months? Or, will you want to advance in your career? Hit a certain income bracket per annum? Get that car you've always dream of. Build up your investment portfolio?

I've always think the choices are limitless and 20's is the best time to do whatever you want to do. Yes, you have the money to do what you want (if u save enough), you do not have the commitment tied to you as yet, you can get the time if you utilise your annual leave appropriately... but, are the above plans contradictory to one another? Are you able to carry them all SIMULTANEOUSLY?

Sadly, no matter how i see it, i dont think it can be done, it seems rather exclusive to me as time is a common factor. Time is the equalizer to all rich or poor, healthy or sick, powerful or simple. Time, once passed will not revert. And certain choices, once you've made them, comes with a certain price and achievement, depending on how you worked at it.

So 20's is a time of unlimited choices, and paths you can choose to embark. Of course you can do this anytime.... not only your 20's, 30's, 40s.. stretching to even 50's 60's, but now, is the golden period, it's when everything is in abundance. It's usually is, if you have the luxury of time and youth.

So, what's your choice?

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