Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tokyo Highlights-Jan'09

Feels weird posting pics up now, when i think i have more or less shown my close friends the pics, but still i want to post the pictures and the story behind some of the pictures. For me, a picture alone doesnt mean a thousand words. The same picture might hold totally different meaning for you and me, right?.so....

Highlights Billboard of "Mosts":

1. Most magical part of the trip: Disneyland
electric lights at night... this isnt a great shot, but my hands were freezing from the cold... Most colourful sight.. checked out the "Nemo" Cast, with bubbles coming out from the urchin, or something. It was magical! I loved the vibrant colours. I forced myself to take my gloves out, so i could focus... butt freezing, the pain and love for photography!!! One of my last few shots taken as i leave Disney Land... A grand finale with Mickey the wizard 's grand gesture and the castle setting behind.. It's going to be a while till i see this again. It's cold, it's really cold, bravo the japanese lady who helped us take this. We checked the news later that night when we head back and the temp was at 2 deg C!!!!!
the magical disney land castle... look, the moon! hahah .

I posted the first Vido
2. Most delicious meal: Salmon Sashimi @ Tsukiji market
How it's like inside. It can only hold about 8 customers, so there will be a long queue outside while someone will take ur order and pass it to the chef (in white), who will work with his crew behind. So once you come in, your food will be served. Neat.

To comprehend how popular it is.... 3. Most tormenting: When the cold wind start eating into your face and lips, and skin, oh and butt check out that hair.... The siao za bor... We finally surrended and don on the facial masks... two layers no less. Darn, and only on the last day. poor chapped lips
4. Most comforting: The warm toilet seat. Yes the seat is heated!
This is a bit embarrassing, i was so fascinated i decided to take a pic when i first set sight on it, forgetting i was in a public toilet and there were ladies in the adjacent cubicles. Oopsie.
5. Most fascinated: The order, the precision of the transport system
That's me with my metro-limousine pass. Only available at the airport for those who are interested in getting it. Dont i look like an exchange student? I'm carrying my travel book. Haha, my organizer of where to go. I'm in charge of the Tokyo leg of the trip. Al's in charge of the Hakone portion. A tad Amazing race.
6. Most unforgettable: Tonozawa station, walking to the hotel with our luggage in the rain, on unconstructed roads
This Ryokan which tested our physical state and mental state the upslope, downslope, raining, dont be fooled by its peaceful exterior.. Yes, you can see i still bear grudges thinking about it, but it was really a tested experience for both of us. Me, so excited with my transparent umbrella, which the point when the photo was taken, was already spoilt because of the repeated use and its temperamental owner when she had to lug the luggage, struggle with the rain and up the slopes, i think i curse out loud....(i dont think i even curse when i'm driving) tsk tsk. Oh, the red rail coming up behind me.
7. Most embarrassing?: Didnt know the butt cleaning spray of the toilet can be stopped with a button and just sat there waiting for it to stop

8. Oops, replace item 7 with this one: Walking into the onsen seeing a naked lady, and was actually embarrased and said "Sorry, excuse me!" and ran out.

9. Most relaxing moment: Gotta be Onsen followed by Japanese Massage! Me in a yukata, a Japanese cotton kimono, the ryokan guest can wear this after their onsen and you are free to walk around in this in the ryokan premises. It's pretty comfortable. And that's our traditional style japanese room, with tatami and all.
10. Most ugly self: Finding myself always rushing allan and making him feel bad when things go wrong, or cant find a way out, or when we're late...

And once we reach a destination...., Here what he would be doing..

The traveller with the map constantly at hand....

and ...What i'm doing most of the time even when we're lost... The lunatic constantly with the camera at hand...
i think i've made him so tired with my endless nagging and rushing... =p really sorry. This was taken in the romance car back to Tokyo from Hakone after a whole day of sight-seeing, hiking, exploring hankone national park.

In this picture, we were actually lost, we are not too sure where to go next or how to get to where we want to go, but heck, i thought the scenery was too good to go wasted. So we pause to take pictures as we hike along the main road...No doubt, it's a barren look.
11. Most Rushed moment: Rushing back to hotel to catch the airport limousine bus to the Narita Airport. It was practically a sprint for allan as i could not catch up, and i think i lost my breath a couple of times!!!

12. Most unforgettable sight: MT Fuji, rather that glimpse of it.
Tadah!! Sight #1 of Tokyo!!!! I wanted to see 3 things in japan. Mt Fuji, Tokyo Tower and Disney!
"She's outta her mind, she's jumping for joy, she's embarrasing to be hanging around with..."- - - Thoughts running through allan lim's head
I ran towards Mt Fuji the moment allan told me he saw mt FUJI!! I think i was screaming my way there... Sigh, totally out of Japanese Culture, but you must understand it's Mt Fuji.

Even the road sign is telling me, NO ENTRY! to mt fuji!, there's the most i can go.... =) Climbing season: July-August.
13. Most thankful: Both of us stuck it out together despite the rain, despite me being the meanie, despite skipping parts of our intended itinery.

Okay, think it's necessary to pose this, cos altho this wasn real, there were many times i had this kinda of expression, me ignoring him.. for some silly reason which i cant remember now. See how forgetful girls can get when it's their fault, and how they can drag up centuries worth of history when it's the guy's fault? And this seriously truthfully depict how he feels about me always taking pictures.... And how he secretly feel he can do, but knows he cant when i in my peeved mood. Us coping with the hunger, with the stress of rushing to one place from another to catch up with their transport system. We smoke prawn crackers!! HAHAHHA. Us on a boat to travel to other parts of Hakone towns. Exploring the roads....
Before embarking on the boat along Aishi Lake

14. Most cooperative: Running for food away from the cold at Disneyland!

It's cold but pictures still a must. Arigato. Of cos, no pictures taken when we two were running to get food. My hands were numbed. Seriously!
15. Most uncomfortable: Gotta be sitting upstraight for 6 hours plus on flight in the middle of the night
16. Most scary? if any: Walking along the red-light districts, being watched, touted by pimps, gangsters wannabe, dark lanes layed with love hotels on both sides, watching a fight
Self potrait of us with Tokyo's Night life setting behind... Add Image The red-light district. Of course, one doesn fool with one's safety.. We merely observed. Din really dare to take pictures. Tho allan did take one of me outside a Lady's Club. Strictly for ladies.. As you can see, i'm barely in the pic, it's a chop chop and go. Check out all the jap guys on the billboard.
I was amazed by the line of cabs, that were waiting for passengers. Nope, you're not getting my fare. You guys are far too ex. Or at least that's what i 've read to perceive.
17. Most interesting food: raw beef for me I had 2 servings, since allan doesn take beef.
No relevance to beef, but just trying out Allan's headgear. I have so much lines on my forehead.. sighz.
19. Most interaction with the japs: When i asked to find hard gay toy for my bro, trying to explain how the toy looks like and where i can get it.

20. Most accomplished: Been on almost all transports except the cabs. Took a whole round of Yamanote Central JR Line. Navigating in Central Tokyo. And getting around Hakone on the Hakone PAss.

This is like the map of Hakone. See the coloured lines... That's pretty much the transportation system we took to navigate about the place. Every single colour code represent a mode of transport and has each precise timing.
21. Most expensive buy: My Burberry Blue Label Bag
22. Most irritating: Getting cold rash in tokyo, scratching endlessly

23. Most revealing: The Adult shops in tokyo.. gosh.

24. Most disturbed: that we missed Odaiba (wanted to take rainbow bridge) as well as Snow boarding in Yuzawara.

25. Most beautiful: I would say the nature at Hakone National Park, allan might opt for the ladies.=p

The famous red shrine in the water... Hakone shrine entrance on the right.
26. Most essential: My Gloves
27. Most used: My sister's boots, i think i need to buy her one more pair kinda ruined hers.
28. Most aromatic.... Owakudani's bowl sulphur valley....It really smells, but the sights are great.
Some shots while waiting for the train to take us to Hakone. Not in chronological order.
Self-timer shot. Guess who took the picture for me??? Hello Kitty! She was standing opposite Dorameon and Allan went to the gents, so i decided to seek Hello Kitty's help by placing the camera on her. Haha, cant do the same for Dorameon cos no flat surface.. HAHAHAHHAH!!!
That's how high we are. from 165m at tonozawa, we went up to 1044m!
i like to think the greatest adventure is getting around free & easy with practically no knowledge of the language. Going up to strangers, be it to ask for directions, to ask to help take a picture. We did get to speak to acouple of english-speaking japanese, and even had a short conversation with them. There was this gentleman, who worked in an American company who helped us take this picture.

Picture taken by nice gentleman whom we chatted while going uphill.....

He was going to join his friends up in Gora for a drink, and when we were shocked the train we took start reversing direction, thinking we missed our stop, he explained to us how the system worked when travelling up in the mountain. Then there was this old man who stood beside us on the last morning in tokyo when we headed to Tsukiji Fish Market, the wholesale market that supplies all fresh seafood supplies to whole of Tokyo. Allan gave up his seat, and the old man was seated beside me when he saw me going through the Metro Map (Sure-giveaway that you're atourist). Anyway, he started chatting with me (in english of course) to where we were going and where we came from. I was surprised when he told me he hasnt been to Tsukiji Market. And yet, he has gone Singapore several times over the past few years. Oh, speaking which, so has mr nice gentleman in the first story. He too has been to Singapore a couple of times on business trip (his favourite food is Laksa), anyway back to the old man, he commented on Singapore weather (he likes it warm) and... hooey cant rem liao. Gosh, but it struck me that the aging population in Japan is very much refined and healthy. They head out to walk, even in the peak hours, and they all dress smart. I recalled seeing this old man carrying his (some sort like a drip) but it contains milk along with his walking stick at Shinjuku Station. I was really surprised cos he was alone. But well, that's probably another story.

We had our fashionista moments. Two of us. Haha, more of trying hard really. Here are some shots.

There's allan with his newly bought cap in Tokyo. Looking all Shanghai tan... u would think people would stare at him with such a gear.. But no leh! it's perfectly normal.
That;s me entering the Isetan IT GIrl contest'09!. HAha, no lah, i just found this cute wall poster and posed by it! in case you noticed the shiny cuffs reflecting, that's reflective so in the event you travelled/ walk at night, dimly lit places, it can save your life. Both of us dolling up for Disneyland! haha, hat borrowed from my colleagues. In fact, i need to emphasize, most of the winter clothes were borrowed!!! Thanks to angie and my colleagues who were most excited about my trip. People chinese new year wishes all laid out with a picture of a bull on the other side. I think it's nice. It's a corner of well-wishes, prayers, faith for some. I din know where to get, or i could leave a piece of my well-wishes documented in Tokyo.
Making friends with the staff at Hakone. I won some post cards!
Lockers are a common sight in Japan Subway stations for people to leave their things while they settle their errands as they do walk about quite a lot. It's a great idea, and i cant agree more how convenient it is, if say u done tons of shopping of groceries and you need to travel somewhere else. You can place your stuffs here first while u settle ur errand without lugging the load.

However, in troubled terror times like this, my question here is.. Is it safe?Hmm, will there be people who abuse this? If you know what i mean.
Tokyo rising in the early morning.
My morning coffee when it's still relatively empty in Tokyo street. Tokyo starting to set with the winter evening sun....
After going up the tokyo tower and taking the subway to a few stations away, we can STILL see tokyo tower. Impressed.
Tokyo Sight from Tokyo tower itself. Apologies for the blur pic.
Me in busy shinjuku station. Dont u think it looks like an airport from this picture?
Me with a huge White dog the moment we reached Shinjuku station from the Airport. I know it doesn seem huge from here.. The photographer doesn know to take. Tsktsk.
Okay, i haven covered the Harajuku weekend where we saw cross play and also the hard-gay toy and Shibuya.. but i'm really quite drained just arranging.. So i'm going to stop for now. This more or less highlight my extremely packed 6 day Tokyo (effectively 5 day trip).

1 comment:

ruhigeSeele said...

i'm green with envy... haha