Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tokyo Trip cum Vday tots

hallo journal,

i know i'm supposed to post up my tokyo trip and pictures, but i just din seem to be able to get down to it. The moment i got back from the trip, i had lean sigma training, so it was another week before i was able to get down to work. All those emails to clear and meetings, issues to address.

Boy, i'm glad that's over as well and i got past the week plus. It's 14 feb today or rather 15 feb morning, and i just uploaded some highlights of the trip on facebook when i tot it,s time to blog about it. Nothing beats a documentary/ review of the trip. If it's just pictures, somehow the story is missing. And the story is part of the essential memories i'll want to keep.

however, i have a feeling i wont be posting any pictures up tonight, granted i just uploaded 28 of them on facebook.

So, i just want to talk about my vday. It's a simple vday this year, which i really enjoyed. People asked me where i'm going to go out to celebrate, and my answer is "home".

We met up at about 3ish at my place, looked through some recipes online and went to the supermarket to shop with my sister. You will be surprised the number of couples shopping for dinner at the supermarket. I brought along the small laptop along for references. Haha, so eventually we got our ingredients, all set to prepare:

Fast Pork Chops in Mustard Mushrooms sauce. My sister volunteered Scallops and Asparagus!

I would love to write down the recipe but i'm abit lazy to go search for it again. In anycase, it was our first attempt cooking together, and it was not as easy as it looks (well, to have 3 persons in a tiny kitchen, managing boiling, chopping, frying, saute) ... but hey in 2 hours, we had 3 dishes done up and red wine for company! How fantastic! i tried to do up the table so as to create a nice sweet atmosphere.

It was great! i loved the food, it was simply fantastic to experiment and cook something and to eat something which you've cooked.i think it got the 3 of us wanting to try new recipes next time. We toast to our first collaboration and after we finished,we cleared up, while sister went to bathe. Allan washed the dishes, while i mopped the floor.

Okay, i did take some pictures, but my camera low batt so i will prob post the pics up tomorrow.

To continue the story, after wash-up, (really tiring), we proceed to play mahjong! hahah, very not V-day like, but it felt comfortable, bro and his gf came back as well, so there were enough players. The kiddos went to brewerkz for dinner, quite a good choice!

So, after games, bro was tired cos he drank the red wine, and youngest bro polished down half a bottle!!! We had a game of Cluedo, after which we decided to stop. Al and me then decided to go down for a stroll.

As we walked, we realized it's been quite a while since we had a night stroll in Singapore, we walked alot in Tokyo of course, but in SG, surprisingly no. We recalled how we first met in Uni, how we jogged too, laughing at some of the earlier times we had.

After which, we passed by a young boy with a bouquet of flowers. Truth be told, even tho it's exhorbitant and insane to get flowers on vday, i think most girls will still want them.. especially when they dont get. HAHAH, i was in one of those mood earlier today, teasing him how he dont bring me flowers anymore, and yet, after seeing that young boy, i laughed and told him, i'm glad we are past that stage.

i really enjoyed this V day, much more than the typical fancy dinner. It was me, totally at self, at home, and at heart.


ruhigeSeele said...
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ruhigeSeele said...

yo! your v-day sounded wonderful! there are always better alternatives to overpriced dinners and flowers :)

a nice precedence set (cooking together for the first time) is definitely more memorable than one of many fanciful dinners out.

post up your tokyo pics soon k.

p/s: i didn't get my gf any flowers too... :P

hooeyphooey said...

So how was ur vday like?