Thursday, October 01, 2009

"women your age"

What is that magic age when one changes from being flattered to flattened hearing "women your age"?

Maybe Magic is not the best word for it, since it's heading for the negative reaction instead of wonderful concoctation.

Am I at that trigger age already? Or perhaps, still a few years to play with before i hit the big "3"0.

To me, it's really not a big deal, it's part of the fun, acting as tho it matter so much, that you wish time will just creep, or better still, for ever 2 years forward you move back 4 years backwards. This way, you gain the wisdom, and lose the wrinkles.

I'm down the garden flu. That's what my doc said. And pretty much bed-ridden. Psychologically, i feel i'm getting sick more easily than i did in previous years. Mum said i lost the fighting spirit.

Yesterday, when i was at the clinic, i saw this girl who was waiting outside the clinic along with the rest of us who formed a small queue. She was pacing up and down, dragging her slippers in her AJC PE-Tshirt and carrying a laptop with some notes. She gave out this negative vibe as though she's frustrated.

So when the clinic opened, we all walked in, and she actually cut my Queue. Without any shame. She took her card and placed at the counter when i have done so. The lady over the counter asked "Who's next?"

She actually said "me". Much to the first couple (who got queue #1)'s surprise. So that AJC girl got #2, and i got #3.

I cant be bothered to fight it out with her, although i was pissed myself. And then i found out she was from T$%% ( a wafer fab company). She's actually working!

When i told Allan this, he was like "what made you think she was younger?", and to my surprise, i told him " I guess, i started noticing more people younger than me now ".

That's the truth.

1 comment:

ruhigeSeele said...

What's her name??