Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wishing, and hoping, and praying, and Thinking

Wow, came in and realized it's been about 4 months since i last blog. Or could it be more than a year?

Nope, just check and yup, it's been a mere 4 months but alot has happened. At least to me.

I'm pleased to note there are people who comment on my blog. Thanks! It's nice to read them and i think part of it just inspires one to continue making one's thoughts visible, readable.

Not sure what sparks me to start blogging again, but I've always enjoyed reading my old posts. So i guess, the main motivation is that i'll never lose sight of myself. Oh so cliche... one might say, but hey, these are mine to own.

Have only started proper wedding preparation since the last few weeks, I've always envisioned taking some snapshots during the preparation. Thought it will give me a warm feeling when i look back on the preparation work, the hassle, the fun, the liaising, the frustration even. Good to note them down, however, it's just so much harder when you're the first person. So weird to be taking pictures for e.g while discussing stuffs with the banquet manager? Haha, or trying the bands?

Allan has been great for the past few weeks. He's the one liaising with all the necessary, doing the follow-up as i've been really tied up at work, coupled with the possible prospects of getting a new job. (which I turned down the final interview). I turned down because i didnt want think this job would be something i want to pursue. It got me thinking if i'm starting to settle into comfort zone and hence was hesitant with the many changes that might be coming my way.

However, once i made my mind about the job, I was able to focus on the Project - our wedding.

There's always a little princess, in every girl. Well, i guess I didnt fall out of that. it's fun, but tiring.

Although i have never dreamt about my wedding when i was 10 or 16, like all girls, I thought of a beautiful event when it's time to plan.

Beautiful, not in the sense glamourous,

Beautiful, not in the sense Colourful,

Beautiful, not in the sense of Luxurious,

Beautiful, not in the sense of everything pretty

Beautiful, not in the sense of all things rich.

Beautiful, in the sense of smiles and grins so wide

Beautiful, in the sense of flower girls running down the red carpet

Beautiful, in the sense of sweetness of invites, favours and flowers

Beautiful, in the sense of excitment of close friends and family

Beautiful, in the sense bringing my bridal mag to share with the girls and we having a good time just jotting new ideas, dresses.

Beautiful, in the sense of trying out my very first gown (with my mum), and sharing that thought with closed ones

Beautiful, in the sense of couple deciding on things both big and small

Beautiful, in the sense of checking the wedding band, and having the customer service laughing at him because of his weird sense of humour

(the same happened with the lady at the hotel, what to say.. i have a funny fiance)

Beautiful, in the sense of sharing ideas and themes ( if any) with the photographer ( him, being surprisingly quiet but smiling as we browsed through the portfolio)

Beautiful, in the sense how wedding tend to bring out others' sharing their experiences ( the manager, the photographer)

Beautiful, in the sense how inspirations, thoughts coming your way as you share (sharing them over phone conversations, through photographers, planner)

Beautiful, in the tears that may flow as emotions are bared

Beautiful, in the sense music's in the air ( especially when we spend an hour or two just listening to tracks, and reminscing on songs that meant something)

Ultimately Beautfiul, in the sense of bringing my closest one together leading to our eventful day.

Every little thing now leading to the event is beautiful. Yup, not necessary smooth-going, but there's a sweet rustic charm. Knowing, this will be the first and only time you will planning something so meaningful and sharing it with those who matters.

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