Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eat, pray, love

I know people have told me how this show has gotten bad reviews and how it's not worth watching.

Despite so, I decided to still pursue and watch it with one of my fav gals in the world- Von teng. She too, is a Julia fan and was one of the enthusiastic few when I suggested watching it.

It too has dawned on me that I have not done a movie review for a long while and with my recent solemnization ceremony just two days ago, I have quite a few thoughts in my head.

First and fortmost, I'm married. Somehow, I find myself whispering that in my head these few days. As though I'm testing the words, figuring the words in my head, piecing them together and now writing it out together. Formalizing it.

Yup, married to Allan as mrs lim. It's strange, unfamiliar and yet, it feels secure. Weird sensation at times. We both feel a little pressure, a little nervy. I knew that's how Allan felt cos I chanced upon his message to his boys. Saying despite the pressure, there's more joy than stress, cos it helps knowing that I'm going to be one going along the path with him. ;) *smiling with my liver*

We like the ceremony. We love the music, the settings and how comfortable it made us and most of our friends feel. We love all our friends' wishes and gifts, gracing our ceremony with their presence was really special already.

I can't wait for gilbert's pictures to see the other sides of the day I've missed out which he's captured.

Oh, my first task as mrs Allan: learn to play dota. Using crystal maiden.:p

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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