Monday, January 03, 2011

Pray for patience

My first post of 2011 and the first word I use in my blog post: pray.

Since I'm not exactly the most religious person around, I'm somewhat starlted by this.

Praying to me, is very individual. You whisper a prayer, u keep it within you, sending the message up to some greater powers above, willing it to come true seeking strength from the knowledge that heaven is listening.

I like to think, it's a commitment. It's something personal but you're sharing it with someone you seek to be greater than you and in so, it add importance to hold on, to stay focused and ultimately believe it will fulfil.

I remember the story of evan almighty. When one prays for patience, does one actually receives patience? Or the opportunity, where patience is tested? I think I have been trial a few occassions this year, and yes, while I know it's only the 3rd morning of the brand new year, I can't help but think I've started on a slightly wrong note.

I need to be more understanding to the hub. He's trying despite not looking that way. He has displayed more patience towards me when my angry words lashed out, often without consequences. And when I feel he has the chance to lash back at the same thing i was angry about, nope, he did no such thing. Well, maybe he didn't realize that!

My point: I need to be patient, to understand, to be there and not just be "fair" .

Sorry hub, you're probably surprised reading this, knowing ur chilli padi spits fire and hardly there to cool things let alone, apologize when everything is now fine.

:) hugs :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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