Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Wedding blues

It's been some time since and I came here & to think the blog would be something about wedding blues- one of the rare few bouts actually.

Many thoughts running through my mind- mostly negative, making me feel worse about the way I handled the situation this morning at breakfast.

Before I read back and forget what this post is about, no, it's not about Allan and me. It's about the wedding cakes. Rather, the wedding snacks/ treats which the bride's family would request from the groom's.

It's actually a really small matter if you asked me, hence I wondered how it got blown up of proportions and how it affected me more than anyone else. I believed, my parents would have sorted this after I head to work. They may be pissed with each other but not for long, as the two will head towards the kopi-tiam to meet their breakfast pals.

I guess what bothered me was: me assuming I am of no wrong, assuming the cakes were their duties when I chided my mum for trying to segregate her half from my dad's. Isn't it the same?aren't we a family and should take responsibility for each other?

Another thing, how relatively laid-back my family ( me includes) is compared to allan's. The stark comparison was revealed to my mum this morning and I can't help but feel she does feel the pressure with each day. And yet, while trying to be understanding about this, I too, have another school of thought- aren't people around me supposed to relieve me of whatever stress I have? Gosh, talk stressed because I'm not stressed. Stressed because of the apparent easy attitude and worried the looming hiccups that may happen because of my overlook.

I feel better writing this out, releasing some thoughts and negativity. At least i think I can wear a half hearted smile now and take in more as I prepare to reach work.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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