Monday, September 19, 2005

Jumble rumble what a fumble

okay, the titles goes to show this is a mixed up blog. Photos seen are outdated but somewhat not neglected becos of their signifcance in my life. yes, very significant life we are discussing here.hiaks

First, it's going to sound bimbotic, very much ringing to the tune of yellow-polka dot bikini, but dont worry, hooey's not attempting to freak the world with her bikini. More of,


haha, what's the big deal? it is to me! cos hooey hasn visit a manicurist for 23 years of her life. And hey, manicure is akin to monthly visit to the hair-dressers for some girls eh, to be fair mostly the affluent and well-maintained taitai which hooey is not. Yes, i was actually alit frightened going to hollywood secret for my ever first manicure cum pedicure. I called gambai for company but alas she's busy with her project. well, a girl gotta be brave even when it's her virgin manicure+pedicure tour. So, off i went!

I must admit, i was brought to a scene in "sex and the city" when the girls were actually doing their pedicure and discussing about their manicurists. Thankfully, and maybe not, because i was alone, i ended up talking to my manicurist-- a sweet young thing of 17. 17!!!!It sounded so recent but then, her smooth hands and child-like responses jolted me back to my world of 23. How dratful. I felt a tinge of guilt as i let her massage my feet, scrapped off the dead skins, scrubbed my soles. Wasn used to it, tickled at times actually. She was really friendly and provided extensive service despite knowing that she was handling a manicure idiot who will prob not question her if she just paint my nails from the start!

So the point of the blog is? i reckon i will not be visiting her in the near future. Knowing full well that my lifestyle is so hooeyphooey, falling every now and then, breaking my nails here and there. Manicure+ Pedicure is too much of an extravagant and hooey aint used to the pampering. I was never good with all the beauty care products and the manicurist could deduce for herself from hooey's feet and hands appearance. Tsk tsk. I'm ashamed.

So, i tot before the glory's all faded into nothingness, i should publish my manicurist' achievements!


yeah, this is a really bimbotic blog entry. Do understand hooey only do this once in 23 years! hiaks, and it's noeasy feat as i dare to bare my feet to the world.

To the professionally trained eyes of those who go for their manicures-- I have a chipped nail. On the right, yes. The right first toe. Even ruffy can point that out, so embarrassing. That chipped nail was a result of my fall as i stood for 3 seconds*refer to hospital entry*. My toe hit the wheel chair and the rest is history. My feet bears the testimony of hooey wearing heels too. Check out the extreme right. See some dead skin? That came from a few weeks ago as i fit into a pair of pointed heels. SO much for lady-like.* sheepish look*

After my normal manicure+french pedicure, i attended my IA boss' wedding! At Raffles Plaza-swissotel.

gotta go meet the gang at marina square liao. gotta update another time!=)

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