Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bitching with celebrity status

okie.i'm abit pissed now, cos my post just vanished out of no where and i was so into the mood of just frantically typing and releasing my thoughts like flood gates. * deep breath *...(here goes)

Vic commented on how my previous entry was like a nutshell and i agreed, partly becos i was kinda tired and second, my thoughts were disrupted by future possible implications that i might get into.

Indeed invasion of freedom of speech has shifted to that of freedom of thoughts. Triggering thoughts are being interrupted halfway with the fear of what those free-flow thoughts might bring about. A law suit for a Christmas present? An article of yourself on the papers maybe? Shot at stardom??

Recent spates of bloggers being sued kinda left a deeper impression on me. It's becoming increasingly dangerous to leave ur thoughts dangled in the world wide web. A web indeed, we can be preys or predators, depending on ur level of expertise and precaution. Being the simple, obeying, normal 23 year old, i cant help but fall prey (by default haha) to the www.

In a domain where we view privacy above all, it's interesting to note how people can subject themselves to the possibility of being sued, injecting their words to the public eye. Why, with all the talks of freedom of speech, slander law suits, self-expression, privacy issues, censorship and individualism chunk, do people still blog?

There has to be a reason if not more. And I know i'm not alone still blogging despite the knowledge. With such consequences, one is definitely more safe with the primitive approach of pen and paper. If you need a higher level of security, buy a journal that comes equipped with its lock and key. To top it all, put it in your safe, remember the security code and then LOCK the safe in the cupboard.

You get my drift. If we can protect our thoughts and "insured" ourselves against commiting a possibly criminal ( or is it civil) crime, why no just write?

I came up with my own conclusion. People like to bitch. It boils down to one word. BITCHING.

Dont get me wrong. To save my ass, i shall put a disclaimer first, insisting that the above is purely from the author's point of perception and should not be used for any form documentation unless approved and authorized from the author.

Right, with my ass covered, i shall continue. I know there are people who are uncomfortable with the word. I for one, am not a fan of that word either. Hardly used it in my daily context. I once read this off somewhere that a bitch is defined as a woman with opinons and ever since, i' see the word in a different and more positive light.

People bitch, whether they deny anot. We all have to bitch.Admit it, if you do not, ur either just a fantastic liar or a fool living in delusion.

And we do in different ways.Bitching is required because it allows us a temporary release of our tension and accumulated stress as we tackle with life's unprecedented surprises and hiccups. Upon this release, it grants us a short sanctuary of relief and weariness. This is usually accompanied by a long sleep which often produces amazing results the next day as one goes ahead with the new day.

Most people bitch through others about others.
Then there's the group that bitch about their life to others.
Some through words, some expressed by throwing things, banging their heads to the nearest walls, tearing their hair, inflicting pain upon themselves or others.
Some choose a less painful approach-- blog

if we were to follow the definition from earlier on, u will see, it's not too bad to bitch. You're just merely forming opinions, saying what u think, writing you u feel. That's good isnt it? Yet, i cant think of another word that can best express this except "bitch" becos, in today's world, simply expressing your tots and feelings can land u straight to court. It become a dangerous game to play. A game of hide and display. What can i publish, what should i hide? How can that be bitching anymore when the time u take to think is longer than when u say it out?

And the reason why we all still blog but now with less bitching, is because, we all have this urge to let the public disuss our private life.

A go @ celebrity status even if it's nano-scaled. Comments or not, it's nice to know that people are interested in knowing who we are, who we can be, and most impt, who we want to be. Comments when negative, has lesser impact than having heard it from the horse's mouth. Less impact, more preserved on our dignity's part. However when one receives Positive comments, their function escalates to that of a multiplier effect.

your joy is tripled, you glow with the sun, play with the rain, roll in puddles and jump in the snow with no hesitation. (right, drama noted)

By blogging, the world is now made up of more temporary strangers-- who may very well consist of people half way round the globe, more updated in your life than your family does.*reminds me of truman-played by jim carrey*

Your anger is divided by the amount of people who feels unjust for u and your joy is multiplied as its shared with others. You are in all, appeased.

Amazing aint it?

There u have it.

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