Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Keyboards that dont always say what they mean

Came across this line when i was reading some online articles. Interesting sentence that prompted me to read on. Keyboards, as all we know, have become an integral part, a necessary tool in our day to day communications. Many rely on it much more than the phone and i'm one good example where my fingers spent most of their waking hours on it than on devices such as the remote or good old pencil. So, it came as a surprise, when i read the sentence again as i was afraid i was missing out on something so impt. Why will there be keyboards that dont always say what they mean when keyboards themselves are void of emotions --which you and i both know, can be highly complicated and misleading.

Keyboards to me, is akin to mathematics. Yes, the engineer in question--to formulate life into equations and unknowns. Maths is straight forward. There is no two answers. There can be different ways in expressing your solution but there can be only one simplified expression, consisting of your numbers, "x,y and sometimes even z". You type what u think, and the keyboard simply obeys the movements of your fingers depending on where they go. So, how misleading can it get? As i read on, i was very amused cos what happened to the author happened to myself once before in fact, 3 years ago. Again, i was constantly reminded how hooeyphooey i have been. Let me not digress and share what happened. She killed her keyboard (i assumed its a she. *hooey went back to check*--yes it's a she!) when she spilled coffee over it. TWICE on two different keyboards. So, if we were to make a comparison, hooey phooey isnt really too clumsy. After all, once bitten, twice shy. I shy away from putting coffee and keyboard all together.

What really happened? I remembered it was the exam period. i was in year 2, and i was alone in my hostel room when i decided to take a break from studying aka, tearing my hair out and play yahoo pool. I was just about to make my KILLER MOVE with my mouse (potting in the black ball), when i realized the killer move was actually spilling the coffee over my keyboard. My Toshiba laptop KEYboard. i was....."!!!", i wanted to swear but nothing came out. I heard a fizzle, and i can smell the aroma of the coffee while peering into the letters "x,the space bar, some of the "O, Ps" and impt punctuation which denotes impt pauses in statements. I was momentarily stuck. I frantically called mr yc, he asked me to turn over the lappie. "Good idea i tot, why din i think of it straight away?!" i flipped my lappie over, i guess my mind flipped then too. The drops of coffee oozing out, me trying fanatically to fan any residue that might decide to holiday in my keyboard.

After what seems a long time, i realized my efforts have gone to nought as the residue seems to spread and i lost control of my alphabets. Words no longer mean what they say as i attempted keying my thoughts. With no "O, P, spacebar or punctuations", i vividly rem that i couldn key in "oops". Not only that, some letters seems to have emotions, playing "hide and seek" with me. Words no longer hold meaning as my letters formed strings of characters, making it hard for others to understand me. Gosh, i killed my keyboard and ironically, my keyboard came alive and have a mind of its own. I dont quite rem forming sentences which the lady in the article did. Tickled me straight cos the sentence that appreared on screen was so SO very distorted from she really mean.

An interesting find. An interesting peek into my past. Will have conveniently forgotten this little incident fo mine if not this article. Want to know the outcome of my keyboard? it underwent an operation, correction... an overhaul. A silly move on my part, cos me to Part with $180. The letters cant be saved so a whole new keyboard need to be replaced. Hmm.. i dont quite believe i told my mum the truth. I just remembered the expression on her face when she paid the sum. YAHOO POOL. COFFEE and KEYBOARD do not go together. Remember that my friends.

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