Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An almost forgotten love

(photos taken off

Was driving back towards singapore on the highway, or rather sitting @ the back of a luxurious sedan when i chanced myself awake from my doze. Let's say, the rest might not consider that to be a doze, granted the fact that i was only awake for 3 things.

1. Pass my passport
2. Toilet break
3. Food

So, it was indeed one rare ocassion to catch me awake and strangely staring out of the window up into the sky 133.7 km away from home at 12.46 am.Nope, I did not make up the part about the numbers. As i looked up, i was marvelled, by the majestic galore or stars hanging right above me. It's a rare sight. For the night was really dark. Street lamps which ceased their purpose in turn, gave me a wonderful opportunity to see the night curtains. Of cos, the clouds did their job and laid low, exposing the wonderful natural sky scape if i may call it.

As i focused on the stars alone, i realize how seemingly afloat they are. Stagnant in their position while we were travelling @ 215km/h ( Nope, not making up that number again, but yes, i made up about the part when we travelled that. We did 215 @ dawn).

A surreal feeling just washed over my tired soul as i recall how i was once so fascinated by the creatures above. This fascination of mine started when i was a wee 15? Back then, i had this silly thinkng ( please dont interrupt by saying i'm silly still ), the brightest star was me (yes LAUGH all u like) and that whenever i feel down, i could turn to it and feel BRIGHT all over again. HAHAHAHA... silly thinking come to think of it.

Then the thinking changed, after movies and books, it evolved to how, stars are people who passed on to another world, watching over their loved ones. Whatever the theory, the stars above never fail to give me a silence form of encouragement, a strength uncomprehensible. Especially when i feel low-spirited, alone and sometimes.. lost.

I was always on the look out for meteor showers (no, not that show) and always one to be looking up in the sky, wishing for that falling star to appear.

Of cos, we know Singapore aint the best place to go star gazing, meteor showering, but still that naive soul persist. Haha, on the fateful day of 1998 where my friends were mugging for their history O's the next day, i was waiting for the leonid showers. Knowing that i'll be missing half ( alright more than half) the action, i went online to check the live video taken over at the states. AND.. yes at the same time, running out of the house periodically to check .. just in case, a shooting star decide to glide over our little island.

This crazy stint din just end there.. disappointed that i failed to catch any, along with the fact that the video was a lousy capture of blurry fuzz rather than starry nights, i asked my dad to take me to Punggol park. (6 am. and i'm not zzz) My last hope of catching any shooting star before the day breaks. Guess the outcome?

Nothing happened, as it often does in real boring monotonous life, but i guess it was worth a shot. My dad was more than willing to ferry me and my sister to the park where we just sat down and stared above. Enjoying and anticpating the moment.

Tonight, that moment came back.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Newly appointed

Murphy's law has just appointed me as their new spokeperson. Without a doubt.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Happy endings and sappy romances

It's been sometime since i post something. Not that i've been particulary busy, somewhat just din get started on writing, and when i feel like popping something, i'm often not @ my lappie.

I've kinda settled down on these shuttling to and fro. Yes, oxymoron settling on shuttling but u get what i mean. It's not easy, but it's not that impossible to do it. And it's always welcoming when i hit back home. Take the airport for example, or even the second link. It's always a welcoming sight, more so, when u see ur mobile network switches to that of the local operator, with a welcoming msg. "welcome back to singapore".

Was just chatting to a friend online bout how i'm a sucker for happy endings and sappy romances. Perhaps even more convinced so, after i catch not one but two chinese movies on the coach. (note executive coach, saying own personal console that's top-notch quality and not 26 people sharing one TV screen which often is not strategically positioned)

Two movies. First movie's setting in rendang. ( u know which)
Second movie's evolved about a fountain, some smudged numbers and a ridiculous earthquake ( u know which)

Perhaps its the work, or perhaps i'm just trying to come up with excuses. It's nice to catch these kinda shows after a long long while. When i mean long while, i mean when u can forget the plot that kinda long.

As i journeyed from one country to another, on the long roads and cold air-con blasting down my face, with the blanket keeping me warm, with nice fuzzy feeling as i see two strangers falling in love, i'm a passenger with no complaints.=)

Hiccups have to happen along the way even when it comes to movies of little plot. For some strange or no reasons, something has to happen to to force the couple apart. But yet, again for the seemingly strange or no reason, they will get back together. And when they do, it's always happy ending, everlasting.

Enough of day-dreaming. Anyway, we started discussing about some movies which fall into the category. And top on our list, we had "you've got mail".

I love that show. It will always be one of my favourite romantic comedy. Then came the surprising shock when i actually recall when i watched the movie. It was first screened on 14 feb 1999 islandwide. Amazing 6 years have passed and till today, i cant believe i actually carried the movie cd with me to brunei! yes, i did that. cos i wanted to have a 'feel -good' remedy with me when i am overseas. It's always good to be prepared and for me, that remedy takes the form of "you've got mail".

Three magic words. technically 4, fine 3 syllabus.

We also listed how sometimes we love sad endings too, cos ah duh everyone knows a sad ending is a pre-requisite for sappy movies. We chose "city of angels" and "message in a bottle". I was reminded of the city of angles' soundtrack. googoo dolls-iris. Watched that movie with my Mummy!!Darn nice feeling cos both of us loved the show. I like watching shows with my mum.... it's macham most movies that i watched with my mum are nice. The last was "something gotta give".

Message in a bottle. the saddest show i have watched.I dont quite recall who i watched the show with tho.. think i was living in my own sad world in the movie as i cried like nobody's business. Anyone who rem watching it with me?? I read the book 3 times i think.. back to back and i cried everytime without fail. The sappy indicator in me. yes. i saw the book again in Kino @ KL and i was tempted to buy the book. yes so that i can cry a forth time and many times to come.

i simply love things that evoke such emotions in me. "accidentally in love " too. love the lyrics.. makes me want to spend a summer just relishing in the sun with ice-cream!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

These are the times...

moonlight with street lamps

moon glazing in another perspective

Something about this lone beacon

with family like this,

Life's comes to me in simple pleasures and moments.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Quote of the night

" Appreciate those who iron your clothes "

Monday, October 10, 2005

taking flight

To add a note,

today marks a special day for me and ruffy. Happy special day ruffy! *winks*
we both spent this day flying. So romantic right? but hiaks, with each of us taking different flights, from 2 different countries, to 2 different destinations, setting off 2 hours apart.

We spent this special day for a few minutes or so, in the clear blue skies, travelling in different directions, but nevertheless... together.=)


Must be e pace of place

"Today marks the first day i reach a new country.
Flying high up in the sky, i am amazed by how clouds keep me entertained
i took lotsa pictures, but alas, i left my cable behind, so i couldn quite express how i really felt

Now, i 'm in the hotel room, with CAble tv and aircon and big bed waiting,
It's jsut so tempting, to log off and go straight to sleeping
I know i'm probably not making much sense.
I'm tired when it's not even half past ten

Gosh, i'm must be exhausted from the new sights !! the people i meeet
shall post pictures up soon.. for all to see

meanwhile, adios to those who pop in..
i hope you had a lovely day
and that you've an even better tomorrow
as i sat down and pray

Read the news about the earthquake
Mixed feelings array
Take a moment to feel
in times so surreal
Fighting the forces of nature,
in the midst of all these,
you and i have lots to be thankful
for enjoying the peace

I wish u happiness,
i wish u love,
i wish u a calmful mind
i wish u a fruitful find

and most imptly,
i wish ur able to live life
in the best way u deem possible
cherishing your loved ones
in ways more than one."

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Tibits for thought

Several questions came to mind when i was shuttling to places. Rather, its only this time when you're on public commute that you have the luxury of observing people as that instant, we are all nothing but merely passengers of the train, bus that leads to each of our destinations.

Thought i should pop these trivial questions down along with their answers ( did a google on them) =) sharing little things which, on gaining the knowledge will not make you feel much like a einstein anyway, but at least it's something you can ponder and increase your quench to learn even more.=)

1. Why call them zebra crossings? why not other animals?

2. Why is browsing the different web pages called surfing? Why not dancing? Why not "wakeboarding the net"?

( A moment to think, and perhaps at the same time laugh at how i could seemingly come up with such boliao questions on the train) and i present the answers with their relevant sources. You cant anyhow claim credit ya noe.. even online.=)


1. Zebra crossings are simply called that, because of the white strips on the road. (DUH!!!)

- hooey is not satisfied with the answers, cos apparently, she has seen strips that are yellow! So what does that make them? a Bright Tiger crossing?

- also, for the record, when hooey was pondering about the zebra crossings, she HAD HAD i repeat, for a split second, wondered "DID the zebra come first before the strips? or the strips before the zebra?" and another point...

IS THE ZEBRA a white animal with black strips? or black animal with white strips?

2. The 1980s saw the use of surf regarding channel changing on television. The exact origin is not known, but it is clear why the word was generalised in this way - the passive nature of television allowed watchers to be carried along with the images much as a wave carries a surferWith the advent of the World Wide Web function of the internet in the early 1990s, vast amounts of data became available through hypertext web pages, and accessing information for pleasure became increasingly common. Use of surf to mean browsing web pages has become extremely popular, and is practically the standard definition of the word.d along with the images much as a wave carries a surfer.

(Source taken from

Just tibits for thoughts!Adios.. going to meet ruffy! for a few thankful hours which we both happen to be in singapore and free. That measly but precious few hours.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Memories Block in point form 123

eventful 2 weeks for me as i spend my first working month.. too much to elaborate in details. but i felt several objects will remind me of these days as i look back @ them years down the road.=)

1.NICE coach.
2.Sate sandwich.
3. Nice state
4. Big house with nice bed where i jus so look forward to everynight and linger every morning
5. Racing to catch the half-hourly trains
6. Catching and failing to secure a seat for the next half an hour
7. Actual Realization of the chairs color of this particular LRT line which we had to squeeze with 10000people. okie that's just a quote. imagine, my "breathing being perimenter"* is restricted to less than half a size 6 shoe space.

*Breathing Being perimeter(BBP)" : A self-conjured term from hooey herself. Defined as the amount of Action space (breathing space) around you. If you have a BBP of two arm lengths, this mean the nearest person's only way of any body contact is when both of u hold up ur arms and touch only each other fingers' from where your standing. so by perimeter-- meaning radius.

illustrated below with complements from "hooeygallerarts"

(now read back the above statement i made in memory #6 and say.. "AHH...." with understanding)

7. Trying Spicy food. Everything seem spicy hot.
8. Driving... exploring NICE BRIDGES
10. skin like snake. (YUCKS)
11. 3 visits to pharmacy in 3 consecutive days to buy body care products.=)
12.going up 69storey with stuck ears.
13. fav hangout @ the pantry chatting to NICE aunty who makes delicious coffee plus snacks
14. Hate to be the slow student, asking questions @ almost every tasks. NEVER been more inqusitive my whole studentlife. By far, the most noisy student. == dont include those zzzing.
15. BBall
16. Blading
17. Bailey's honour!=)
18. Grocery hunt! aka our regular shopping regime.
19. Pancakes. yes i finally "ah CHA" NONA my senior.
20. Learning new languages phrases.
21... sitting on bed wanting to zz but still on line.. like NOW.
22. Darn the alarm clock.
23. Friends!!!!
25.. PHOTOS!!

good night my friends=)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Making a new friend

I made a new friend.

A friend somewhat special. A friend who's so transient if i should say.
I've only seen her her this week, tho she has been around for 23 years.
She may have surfaced much earlier,
but i'm surprised her tolerance took her fear

She hangs around the corporate world, only a passer-by
As she hustles and mingles, she immersed herself in sights so fine
She pops in and out of her little thoughts,
she glances to and fro the towers sought
She understands she's no longer in her garden,
and learning as she might,
her memories holding tight.

She speaks words of a child to people whose words are so profound
She finds herself alienated and yet strangely attracted to the sights and sounds
She makes me see another side of myself, she saw the bounds in me
The devil sprang about when my nerve was so challenged by a particular soul
Whose voice, actions, or slightest twitch could turn me foul
My friend took over the episode, and suddenly,
i stand ugly viewing myself in a different light.
Moods were flipped just as words were exchanged

A voice reminds to tone down
and let things by
Life's aint always cool and no use making it fry
A gentle breeze veiled across, my friend subsides
Retreating to a spot where I might find
Sometimes, all it takes is a little smile