Saturday, October 08, 2005

Tibits for thought

Several questions came to mind when i was shuttling to places. Rather, its only this time when you're on public commute that you have the luxury of observing people as that instant, we are all nothing but merely passengers of the train, bus that leads to each of our destinations.

Thought i should pop these trivial questions down along with their answers ( did a google on them) =) sharing little things which, on gaining the knowledge will not make you feel much like a einstein anyway, but at least it's something you can ponder and increase your quench to learn even more.=)

1. Why call them zebra crossings? why not other animals?

2. Why is browsing the different web pages called surfing? Why not dancing? Why not "wakeboarding the net"?

( A moment to think, and perhaps at the same time laugh at how i could seemingly come up with such boliao questions on the train) and i present the answers with their relevant sources. You cant anyhow claim credit ya noe.. even online.=)


1. Zebra crossings are simply called that, because of the white strips on the road. (DUH!!!)

- hooey is not satisfied with the answers, cos apparently, she has seen strips that are yellow! So what does that make them? a Bright Tiger crossing?

- also, for the record, when hooey was pondering about the zebra crossings, she HAD HAD i repeat, for a split second, wondered "DID the zebra come first before the strips? or the strips before the zebra?" and another point...

IS THE ZEBRA a white animal with black strips? or black animal with white strips?

2. The 1980s saw the use of surf regarding channel changing on television. The exact origin is not known, but it is clear why the word was generalised in this way - the passive nature of television allowed watchers to be carried along with the images much as a wave carries a surferWith the advent of the World Wide Web function of the internet in the early 1990s, vast amounts of data became available through hypertext web pages, and accessing information for pleasure became increasingly common. Use of surf to mean browsing web pages has become extremely popular, and is practically the standard definition of the word.d along with the images much as a wave carries a surfer.

(Source taken from

Just tibits for thoughts!Adios.. going to meet ruffy! for a few thankful hours which we both happen to be in singapore and free. That measly but precious few hours.

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