Saturday, October 22, 2005

Happy endings and sappy romances

It's been sometime since i post something. Not that i've been particulary busy, somewhat just din get started on writing, and when i feel like popping something, i'm often not @ my lappie.

I've kinda settled down on these shuttling to and fro. Yes, oxymoron settling on shuttling but u get what i mean. It's not easy, but it's not that impossible to do it. And it's always welcoming when i hit back home. Take the airport for example, or even the second link. It's always a welcoming sight, more so, when u see ur mobile network switches to that of the local operator, with a welcoming msg. "welcome back to singapore".

Was just chatting to a friend online bout how i'm a sucker for happy endings and sappy romances. Perhaps even more convinced so, after i catch not one but two chinese movies on the coach. (note executive coach, saying own personal console that's top-notch quality and not 26 people sharing one TV screen which often is not strategically positioned)

Two movies. First movie's setting in rendang. ( u know which)
Second movie's evolved about a fountain, some smudged numbers and a ridiculous earthquake ( u know which)

Perhaps its the work, or perhaps i'm just trying to come up with excuses. It's nice to catch these kinda shows after a long long while. When i mean long while, i mean when u can forget the plot that kinda long.

As i journeyed from one country to another, on the long roads and cold air-con blasting down my face, with the blanket keeping me warm, with nice fuzzy feeling as i see two strangers falling in love, i'm a passenger with no complaints.=)

Hiccups have to happen along the way even when it comes to movies of little plot. For some strange or no reasons, something has to happen to to force the couple apart. But yet, again for the seemingly strange or no reason, they will get back together. And when they do, it's always happy ending, everlasting.

Enough of day-dreaming. Anyway, we started discussing about some movies which fall into the category. And top on our list, we had "you've got mail".

I love that show. It will always be one of my favourite romantic comedy. Then came the surprising shock when i actually recall when i watched the movie. It was first screened on 14 feb 1999 islandwide. Amazing 6 years have passed and till today, i cant believe i actually carried the movie cd with me to brunei! yes, i did that. cos i wanted to have a 'feel -good' remedy with me when i am overseas. It's always good to be prepared and for me, that remedy takes the form of "you've got mail".

Three magic words. technically 4, fine 3 syllabus.

We also listed how sometimes we love sad endings too, cos ah duh everyone knows a sad ending is a pre-requisite for sappy movies. We chose "city of angels" and "message in a bottle". I was reminded of the city of angles' soundtrack. googoo dolls-iris. Watched that movie with my Mummy!!Darn nice feeling cos both of us loved the show. I like watching shows with my mum.... it's macham most movies that i watched with my mum are nice. The last was "something gotta give".

Message in a bottle. the saddest show i have watched.I dont quite recall who i watched the show with tho.. think i was living in my own sad world in the movie as i cried like nobody's business. Anyone who rem watching it with me?? I read the book 3 times i think.. back to back and i cried everytime without fail. The sappy indicator in me. yes. i saw the book again in Kino @ KL and i was tempted to buy the book. yes so that i can cry a forth time and many times to come.

i simply love things that evoke such emotions in me. "accidentally in love " too. love the lyrics.. makes me want to spend a summer just relishing in the sun with ice-cream!

1 comment:

wen 涵温 said...

haha girl... i dun think it's 'rendang'. i didn't know u craving for rendang so much. go buy lah! it's 'Redang'! =p