Thursday, November 17, 2005

16 nov 2005

Sigh, it hasn been a fantastic night with me trying to hook up onto the wireless network for the past 2 hour plus just to get 1 hour plus of on-off connections, so, while i'm trying to get it started up again for the 512th time (hey it's up!!), if one thing, this job of mine has taught me to persevereand not give up at the slightest hurdle or obstacle u face. TROUBLESHOOTING is the word.

it's so cold that gloves are necessary

I'm still new to it, but i guess i'm learning to adapt.=)
Anyway, today marks half the week i'm here. Time sure past fast.. in a relaxed kinda way.I was up this morning, when i realize how i'm getting the hang of being "outstationed".Right, perhaps staying in a hotel really makes things much more comfortable.It's kinda a mechanical motion tho i wont call it a routine one. I actually enjoy the privacy and comfort of doing things the way i like it, knowing where to locate things in my room.Having a clean room with fresh bed sheets and towels everyday when i head back.

Of cos it's not always a bed of roses, when i'm at work, there are times when its' frustrating when things dont work out the way u expect them to be...especially when it's hard cold computers we are talkng here. (no complex office politics, no playing games.)
it's freezing cold, u dont see the sunshine or sunset for that matter.And there will be times when i have to keep myself awake, wishing that we can complete as much as possible, so that we can finish our work and head back home.

There will be times when we have to learn how to keep ourselves entertained so to make things abit more bearable, abit easier to pass time. Silly Jokes were cracked,experiences were shared, views were explored and dosages of suaning continues. Haha, last night, we went to the supermarket to settle our dinner. Yup, we boughta chicken (bbq chicken), 4 bottles of "alcohol-look-alike" lemonade, 1 packet of Instant Mash potatoes,One FRENCH loaf for dinner along with some other groceries.I was reminded of hostel life. Remembered the days when ruffy and me will go to NTUC to buy our groceries.=)

Beer that's non-alcoholic.
Red little car we saw on the way to our car.. silver car on its right . CUTE!!!!
Then we head back to hotel and started preparing dinner (aka pouring hot water into the powdered mash potato.. which surprisingly, mine turned out looking very decent; can almost give KFC a run for their money)while eating our chicken and bread and watching CATWOMAN on HBO. Refreshing change from eating out.

Yes, u will realize by now, that i've been even more in tuned with HBO than i was in singapore. Possibly more updated than any of u reading this. People here lives by HBO. I was just joking with my partner today the extend we worship HBO prob freak others out.Note, not only us, i realize our partners who reached here on the same day as me, also share the same interest (rather lack of other interests) in CABLE TV.One of our other partners mentioned how we seemingly have ASTRO antenna stuck to our heads.hiaks!My partner himself,for eg. has a .pdf file of the HBO Schedule.

I call that our Clock out Schedule. Why? cos i call HBO our Boss.
HBO==HBOss. Hugo BOss if u prefer a name. We look forward to the end of the day with what's good on TV. We worked much later if there's nothing interesting. If there is, we wil plan our schedule and time around it.the BOSS calls the shot, we worked seamlessly with HBOss.
Let's see what else did i do today? Oh, i got my BN Sim card. And what a coincidence when i found out that ruffy also got his BK Sim card on the same day during lunch!=)Anyway, dont think people reading this will be interested to know my number. And i shant blantantly post it online. Not so stupid to reveal my identity should someone check it against my number! hahaI've got a nice number tho!easy to remember.

Ruffy's lady boss just reached BN this evening and she's staying at the same hotel, same floor as me, just rooms away. DARN, if only ruffy came along for the trip. THAT WILL BE SO COOL!!!
yes, still thinking how cool it will be if he's here.
Well, time to say nighty nights.
zzzzz(bleah, network not up .. gotta post this is the morning.=( )

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