Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gibberish! that's what i like--@ Home

The feeling of coming home is so gratifying that i tot i should pen it down. Yesh, it doesn seem quite fascinating to be blogging the moment i land in singapore. But HEY, i feel time is too precious and i'm really happy to be in the company of the most important people to me in my planet.--my Family.

Imagine my shock when they were all there to pick me up at the airport about 2 hours ago. I was so surprised and never more happier to see the lot!=)

Remembered tinkerling brought sand back??? Well, surprisingly, hooey aint that far from her.. geez, dont know if i should be embarrassed or proud of the fact, that our gang do share some common traits!hiaks.

Want to know what i brought back? Actually you dont have a choice cos i'm darn proud of my collection and im' going to to showcase it to the world. Especially ruffy. (doesn this remind u of a particular show?). Ruffy prob wont be able to see this, or even receive this since he's till in bangkok. sighz.. u have to settle for the photos then.

Yes, i handpicked these while combing the shore. Washed them and dryed them with a hair-dryer and then placing them on my floor towel. Hard work eh.

Very lovely lovely beach i went to. Nature's beauty knows no bounds. Takes place everywhere as long as you look around. Undisturbed and purely nature, this is one sight which i like to share.

Taken as it is untouched. Nature's beauty unfolds with the swish-swash of the sea....

A brook near the sea, logs spanned across the stream. Something, you dont really see at home.=) I love the sun streaming in .. down the Stream. hiaks. Times like this when i'm thankful for the oversea exposure.

Geez, the pics above taken with NOKICAM, so sad i din bring my digicam on this trip. Definitely bringing it on the next trip.!=) Took much more, but too lazy to load them right now!hehe

Anyway, i spent last night watching "you've got mail" vcd becos there was nothing fascinating on HBO and Discovery Channel. Murphy's law struck again, the night i'm free when there's no one online to chat, ( possible becos of the fact that it's weekend), and there's nothing good on TV. Bummer.
Well, pretty delighted to recall all the interesting conversations and topics they had via emails.

Hmm.. which brings me to the next point.

What is it with men and " The Godfather "? Yes, i have heard the answers from the movie and personally , i have to admit i have not watched the movie, but it din quite strike me as anything interesting. How can the lines from the movie be used to answer ANY questions in the world?How is it possible. Tell me, give me some quotes if you do know the answers. I'm assuming of cos, that i have friends, or people reading this who actually Watch and Worship "The GODFATHER".

Movie aside, the plane i was on this afternoon was surprisingly filled with little princesses and toddler princes. Little princess wobbling down the aisle, drooling with every few steps, decked in their OSHKOSH pitter patters and fashionable bibs. Of cos, there are the mischievous few out to make things difficult for their parents! Refusing to eat their greens, a parent teasingly pry open the little kid's mouth! Hiaks.

Geez, i know i'm just blabbering away. I 'm starting to feel alit strained from working by the lappie for hours for weeks without stopping. My body aches and i'm starting to feel OLD. I seriously need to unwind and work out. So i intend to either go blading or swiming this trip back. Actually, i'm even tempted to go windsurfing. Do something Extreme or something. Anyone interested in reverse bungee? That's the thing, with this little time i have, it's hard to accomplish so much, hence i might just end up saying and not doing. In anycase, i dont dare make definite plans with others becos of the little time i have. Hence, i'm often seem as somewhat distant and not taking the initiative to meet up. *fully aware*

OKIES.. i'm off to grab some stuffs to eat. HOME SWEET HOME!


Min 敏 said...

Hey lady,

Welcome home!!

Our sunny little island is currently a tad wet, and too cold for my favour - wonder what happened to the sun, and parts of it is brightly lighted up for Christmas, but otherwise, I'm sure we're still the same...

Lovely photos you have there.. Sighz.. I wanna go holiday..

Oh.. I don't mind the reverse bungee - if you don't mind my screaming..

Have fun back home gal...


wen 涵温 said...

I know this is hooey's blog but first let me address Char... maybe you can take out that black coat of yours to wear in this weather? Heh.

Alright hooey... I'm glad you do realise that you appear like you are not taking initiative to meet up! Heh... but anyways, it was great to hear from you the moment you arrived in Singapore.

Have fun relaxing and bumming with your family this time back!


hooeyphooey said...

i love the girls.. thanks for jotting down ur comments. =)

Min 敏 said...

Oh, the black coat.. Honestly, I'm contemplating dumping it in the frigging cold office when I head back there in 2 1/2 weeks time.. I swear the place is colder than Antartica..

But yeah.. Enjoy yourself this time at home - with the family..

We'll catch up some other time.. Perhaps blade or sth - which, as I said the other time, won't materialise since it's KJ who's supposed to organise it...

Ruffy aka CCL said...

Gosh.. i think u have like seen "You've got mail" for 20 times????

Black stones among white stones or White stones among black stones??? =)

hooeyphooey said...

that's my fav feel good movie of all time wat. Love the soundtrack. New York will be one place i'll love to explore!
Stoning business. you've got it!=)

Ruffy aka CCL said...

Rite... New York. Along with Paris, Osaka, Bintan, Phuket, maybe Bkk? n turkey, Italy... eh... cannot rem the place u mention. OOPS.