Friday, November 18, 2005

Drunk in BN

yes, u saw it right? Drunk for the first time. I dont even get high when i'm in singapore, Fine, for those of u who club with me (i'm not much of a frequent clubber or seasoned drinker for that matter), but u dont see me getting high or drunk... and then the impossible happened. I drank too fast, and actually puked.. in THE land of no Alcohol. Embarrasing.... and ridiculously ironic.

it's the fact that i'm drunk in a place where i'm not supposed to even be near alcohol that makes the whole thing so... nonsensical, so Hooey. Like feeling so full and bloated in a place where famine strikes. Like Pigs flying, and fish drowning kinda situation.

right, still feeling red, hot and groggy.. gosh.
Had to update this! Drunk in bn... Geez...

drunk hooey.

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