Saturday, January 14, 2006

Conviction to give up

well well, a lapse of 10 days since i last blogged a.ka. for the last 10 days i was so

1. too busy to blog
2. enjoying too much to stop what i'm doing to blog
3. nothing remotely interesting has popped to mind
4. brain has stop function and started stoning.

it's worth a guess. And seriously, at this current moment. it's 'All of the above except #2'

There's a conspiracy theory coming up. Wait, it's already in session. And the members involved cant wait to execute it out. and Hey, before the authorities are alerted or any of u start calling the police. No, i'm not talking about splunging a terrorist attack. No worries. Skycrapers are still safe to work in. it's my job. i'm resigning!

It's still not carried out yet. I've been lacking opportunities to do so, and with every passing day, the conviction to carry out this mission is brewing stronger. I have never felt so determined about quitting. HAHA, talk about oxymoron.

Sorries folks, hooey's life really hectic for the past days. when i meant hectic, i meant working at the cilent's office for 15 hours. with only about 1 hour to pee, to walk to ur car, to have ur LUNCH and DInner- kinda hectic. with about 5 hours of zzz. i'm about to crack.

missing loads at home.
boohoo. i'm jeering everyone.

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