Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hand in my pocket

Only the title of a song by Alanis Morissette off Softrock class 95Fm. I was moping the kitchen floor, having the whole house to myself, as i listened to what's playing off the radio.
"Hand In My Pocket"

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five
I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
And what it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign
I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm hard but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chickenshit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
And what it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxi cab

Nothing beats some routine housework to just keep oneself occupied. For a split sec, i imagined this scene to be part of some MTV shots. A song in the background with the cast doing mundane stuff.

Only...the background wasn some snow resort with cascading slopes. Nor was the background full of autumn leave as the character walked down the lonely path. Neither was it some hip happening chill out place with smiles all over.. It was just a pail, a mop and floor.

Scheduled to go for an interview in a while. And i'm just wondering if i want to go. I cant quite remember the scope and i went back online to check my application to find that i cant access it.

Been trying to find an opportunity to go to the beach. When time is on my side, the weather sadly isnt. Looking out of my bedroom window, it just sadden one to see the dull clouds. No longer is it eye-piercing to look out and up. It's just sad. Like you know, the sky is just advicing u to stay home and not waste ur time travelling to the beach to be greeting by huge,cold raindrops.

Was clearing some of my stuffs off my table which's starting to look a temporary dumpsite when i found a square, brown box full of little notes. Took out the box, and was reading off these notes when i rem i wanted to do something about these notes and my blog.

Here goes.First query of the box.

" If you had to be a lifeless object for a day, what would you be?"

Theoretically, i dont think this question make sense. Assume i chose a lifeless object, irregardless of what reason, if the fact that i'm lifeless, doesn that mean that i wont breathe, i wont be able to feel, or be concious of my being for that one day? AND granted that that's what lifeless being is all about, then it doesnt matter what i am or choose to be aint i right?

But then again, i believe one's not supposed to over analyze the question and just provide the first thing that come to mind.

And so, in my current state of mentality, two things came to mind.
1. Bed
2. Plane

I'll be a bed cos i think that's a comfortable place. When one's a bed, u dont worry about moving places. You hardly move. You just sit and relax, u work only half the day when some mortal/ or in the case of my family, the cat sleeps on u. You bring that being into some unconscious world where he/she relaxes, dreams, or even nightmares. You bring comfort and cuddles when ur surrounded by pillows and comforter. You're the last thing your owner spends time with in his/her conscious state and the first thing, he/she lingers in the morning.

yup a bed will be good for a day.

(P/s: granted that i'm a luxury bed and not a hospital bed)

I'll be a plane. Cos, i love looking at clouds when i board the plane. I find myself staring at the window more often, observing the landscape and formation of clouds. Being a plane, i will be in direct contact with these wonderful vapours. I'll see places, without feeling emotional tied down (cos i'm a plane). I ferry people to destinations (be it work or leisure), i soar above moutains and oceans. And if i travel at night, the stars will be closer to me than i ever will be (P/s: granted that i wont be an astronaut or a space shuttle). I'll face turbulances and i'll knock through those clouds as if i'm playing bumper cars. Yes, no doubt, i'll be dangerous if i crash. (but like i said, a lifeless being, i dont fear dying)

Yes, a plane will be good for a day.
(p/s: granted that i'm luxury aeroplane and not a military air craft, it sure doesn feel good to have bullets, missles hitting)

Perhaps, that's what my answer will be. What's yours? Do share.

1 comment:

Ruffy aka CCL said...

Lifeless obj: Jet plane, luxury cruise boat.

Have u tot of being an handphone?