Friday, April 14, 2006

The P, M and G to happiness

I chanced upon an article measuring happiness in a female's magazine while highlighting my hair at the salon. One of the enjoyable moment - to pick up some light reading while being pampered.

The article was interesting. It attempts to explain, why some people never seem to be satisfied or happy. Attempt to explore the KEY to happiness. Few females shared their insights and experiences as to measuring happiness.

Many will feel that wealth brings about a certain level of happiness. Prior to this, i read off somewhere or was enlightened by a friend that happiness is somewhat divided into 2 categories- momentary (in the moment) and transistional(over time) not sure of the exact words.. i think yc was the one who shared this with me.

When one struck lottery, the esctastic feeling one gets is Momentary, for the thrill dies off the moment the shock, the news is accepted. Happiness that derives from good luck/randomic occurence is short-lived and intensified.

Well, continuing the lottery example, the article i read elaborates how this americanlottery teenage winner found herself RICH and famous overnight. To ALSO find herself being robbed, house broken into Twice, with failed relationships over the months that follow. How the level of acute happiness gave way to insecurities and loneliness in time to come.

I can picture that, tho i doubt i will truely experience what waas going in her mind. For I'm one person who dont mind striking it rich. I day dream of owning a million bucks. I had a dream revolving a painting, a ring, 2 million bucks and england. but then again, that's another story.

Anyway i haven got to the topic of the post yet. The P, M and G. The articles goes on to define how true happiness to life is a composite product of 3 components of life.

1. The Pleasurable (P) life
2. The Good (G) life
3. The Meaningful (M) life

Without any of this three, one may feel unsatisfied or fail to attain true happiness and contentment. To feel at ease with oneself and others, one must fufil all three. So what does these 3 ingredients entail?

Pleasurable life: this is happiness u attain, when u eat/ devour that lovely and yet sinful chocolate. When u splurge on that GUCCI handbag, when u go sky-diving, or plunge straight into the ocean, scuba diving or coral reef watching.
This is the level of joy, when u go clubbing with friends, hang out at that latest chilling hangout, fine dining. When u go for salsa lessons, wakeboarding, movies. Yes u get my drift.

Good life: this is set upon the basis which we all hope to have. A warm and happy family. Close knitted friendship, wonderful companionship with a beloved. Enjoy a good working relationship with colleagues. Satisfaction and sense of achievement from our job. A steady income. The articles continue to elaborate how the priorities differ for different age group. For the 20s, the good life's satisfaction and highest level of focus prob derives from our career and job.For the 30's it's setting up a family, and the 40's it's the child'/ children's development.

Meaningful life: This is by far most intangible when it comes to measuring the happiness, there isnt much material goods u can use as a bench mark. Rather, it's something that comes from beneath as you do a deed for someone. As you attempt to do something Not for yourself but for others, and yet, the happiness that wells up in you is truely yours to own. I'm sure most of you intelligent folks already know what i'm talking about. When we talk about the 5 C's, many neglect one important C in life which sadly, wasn even included in that much talked about list-- Charity. Doing that extra bit, going out of ur way is something so easily said but difficult to pick up. The inertia stage just sets in, the couch at home looks much more inviting and easy than heading out to look for something/someone to care.

How many times have you asked urself : the meaning to life? I did. And i confess, doing charity work has hardly comes to mind... as i always tot the meaning to life is something which i ought to do for myself. How wrong i was. To fufil that component in meaningful life, your existance is measured by the amount/portion you have to offer to others, the surroundings, the society. You happiness is derived from the smiles u see upon others by what you've done. Your joy is multiplied upon the improvements/ well being that others gained from something you set out to do for them.

There's no need for grand gestures as long as you aim to do something for someone other than you. To think beyond the self-benefits you might forfeit and putting oneself in the shoes of others.

Geez, hooey's starting to preach. Haha, it's some thoughts that comes to mind as the rain pours. Hunnywenny feels singapore's flooding.

Thought i share this article with people who chance upon this. Perhaps it's time you take a step back to look at your P's M's and G's. Is it all that balanced?
For every complaints, discontentment, grudges you may have, just check back on these 3 letters.


(image taken off the web :

1 comment:

Ruffy aka CCL said...

I am more of a M G P person. What are you?