Monday, July 03, 2006

The cure to monday purples

Right, i finally got down to blogging a post. For the past few days or so, i found myself mentally making notes about what to jot down but the computer was never available. Yes, why not the laptop some might ask, let's say... i prefer newer, faster stuffs when it comes to IT.

Anyway, now that i have the comp and the room (rare sight), i'm actually feeling sleepy when it's barely 9pm. Been attending some training courses for the past week and i guess i'm feeling physically drained and mentally strained.

So, for the sake of my future reference, i'm going to just blabber whatever thoughts that come to mind before my eyelids start drooping, before my bed starts beckoning me to my deep slumber.

I had Monday purples today. Really bad kind. Today must have been one of those rare days u hardly hear hooey speak. No hype motions, no cheery face, just a weak smile when she spots a familiar face. More often than not, she chose to avoid having to make small talk. The moment there's a break, she shuttled off to her cubicle and drown her throat with water, so as to keep herself hydrated and at the same time, avoiding having to talk to others.

To add in the incentives to those monday purples, someone farted in the train on the way to work today. Of cos, the train was fantastically packed and the smell was chokingly painful coupled with the fact, one could not even bring up the papers to fan it away due to space constraint.

Endured she did, along with the many others around her who could only wish the smell is vacuumed away. Then of cos, she had to see the morning working crowd clobbering up the escalator (she's one of those as she din want to miss the shuttle). So yup, i was doubling my pace, zigzagging whenever the space allows, until the point i got on to the front of the escalator and saw the right side of the escalator being "CHOKED" by a lady in black who's much further up and simply oblivious to the entire queue behind her, who's also probably waiting in line to jump over her or something. I mean, the right's for those who's in a hurry, for those to overtake as we all know, and there she is standing right there in the middle of the escalator with ample space in front and yet she shows no sign of advancing while those at the back can only curse and swear as they rush to see that they have to end up waiting.

Yes, i knew i prob lost quite a few of u already, for those who dont take the subway to work, u prob dont face this kinda situation. And seriously, under normal circumstances, i'll prob just shrug and let dismiss it as "different people, different pace". But, not today, not when it's monday purple day.

And hey, what do ya know? All that complaining made me more awake as i recap what happened. So, did i catch the shuttle bus? Nope. Did the public bus come immediately? Nope. Did i arrive work late? Yes. Of cos. Did my boss see me walking in? Absolutely Yes. Life is fair, you dont get No's all the time. You wish.

Well, having released all the grumblings and stuffs. I' was glad my day took a better turn after work. Got the shuttle home? Yes. Had a nice relaxing talk with diane, this young lady who's becoming a close friend of mine @ my work place. When i reached my stop, all i wanted to do was to just listen to my music as i walked back home taking in those hustle and traffic scenes, people queueing up for their dinner. Kicked off my pumps, greeted daddy to find him cooked my favourite dishes. Ate my food in silence as i surfed the channels. Asked dad casually if there's hot water, cos i wanted to make tea. And before i finished my dinner, there's a cup of lipton tea made by my sweetest dad.

Awww.... my dad's the best. And a cup of lipton tea and home-cooked dinner the best cure to monday's purples.

Now, i've got a smile on my face as i prepare to go to bed.

1 comment:

Ruffy aka CCL said...

Just 1 of these lousy days... at least it ended well. I always tot you r more of a coffee girl than a lipton girl. Take care and have fun at work!